Timings for one_step_reduction.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-engine-bench-lite.dev//./coq/PerformanceDemos/one_step_reduction.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-engine-bench-lite.dev//./coq/PerformanceDemos/one_step_reduction.v.timing
(** * One-Step Reduction *) (** We have the following criteria: - Performance Criterion: 1-step delta on k constants should Õ(output term size) - Performance Criterion: 1-step iota should be Õ(output term size) - Performance Criterion: 1-step beta on k arguments of the same application node where each argument is mentioned multiple times should be Õ(input term size + output term size) *) (** These are quite hard to benchmark. Ultimately this is because Coq doesn't expose a satisfactory one-step reduction. (But maybe you claim the thing to do is to just bench the version that we can hack up in Coq, even when we know most of the time isn't spent in the single step of reduction?) I think it's hard to construct them in a way where you're actually benching the single step. If we do it via Ltac match + constr hacks, I expect we incur overhead in retypechecking and Ltac matching (I suppose I might be wrong, but we'd have to be dealing with truly enormous terms before we expect one-step reduction to take more than 0.0004 seconds (Coq can only measure down to 0.001). Alternatively, we could do a non-one-step reduction when there's only one step to do, but it's not clear to me to what extent this is benching what we want to bench. Alternatively we could try to bench a conversion problem where there's just one step of reduction to do, but again I think we'll end up just measuring the conversation overhead. *)
Notation "'subst!' v 'for' x 'in' f" := (match v with x => f end) (only parsing, at level 200).
Ltac uconstr_beta1 term := lazymatch term with | ((fun x => ?f) ?v) => uconstr:(subst! v for x in f) end.
Ltac uconstr_zeta1 term := lazymatch term with | (let x := ?v in ?f) => uconstr:(subst! v for x in f) end.
Ltac beta1 term := lazymatch term with | ((fun x => ?f) ?v) => constr:(subst! v for x in f) end.
Ltac zeta1 term := lazymatch term with | (let x := ?v in ?f) => constr:(subst! v for x in f) end.
(** The easiest thing to do is to check conversion problems, and check full β/ι/ζ/δ in cases where there's only one step to do. *) (** We can construct a term that is expensive to typecheck, and use it in places where we want to see whether or not we're incuring retypechecking. *)
Fixpoint fact (n : nat) := match n with 0 => 1 | S n' => n * fact n' end.
Fixpoint walk (n : nat) : unit := match n with 0 => tt | S n => walk n end.
Definition skip (n : nat) : unit := tt.
Inductive value := the (A : Type) (_ : A).
Arguments the : clear implicits.
Notation slown n := (the (walk (fact n) = tt) (eq_refl tt)) (only parsing).
Time Definition slow := slown 9.
(* Finished transaction in 1.069 secs (1.052u,0.016s) (successful) *)
Notation fastn n := (the (skip (fact n) = tt) (eq_refl tt)) (only parsing).
Definition fast := fastn 9.
Axiom Ax_fst : forall {A B}, A * B -> A.
Axiom Ax_snd : forall {A B}, A * B -> B.
Fixpoint big_tree {A} (v : A) (n : nat) : A := match n with | 0 => Ax_fst (v, v) | S n => big_tree (Ax_fst (v, v)) n end.
Definition big_slow (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree] in big_tree slow n.
Definition big_fast (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree] in big_tree fast n.
(** Tell conversion to unfold [slow] and [fast] early, so that we don't run the risk of trying to unfold [fact] during conversion when we don't want to. *)
Strategy -10 [slow fast].
Ltac test_slow with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_slow] in (big_slow n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv delta [slow] in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call δ-1-slow"); time "unify-slow" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_fast] in (big_fast n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv delta [fast] in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call δ-1-fast"); time "unify-fast" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Goal True.
idtac 1; test_slow true 1; test_fast true 1; idtac 2; test_slow true 2; test_fast true 2; idtac 14; test_slow false 14; test_fast false 14; idtac 15; test_slow false 15; test_fast false 15.
(* 1 Tactic call δ-1-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 2.003 secs (2.003u,0.s) (success) Tactic call δ-1-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) 2 Tactic call δ-1-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 4.125 secs (4.125u,0.s) (success) Tactic call δ-1-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) 14 Tactic call δ-1-slow ran for 0.051 secs (0.051u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0.579 secs (0.579u,0.s) (success) Tactic call δ-1-fast ran for 0.051 secs (0.051u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0.594 secs (0.594u,0.s) (success) 15 Tactic call δ-1-slow ran for 0.106 secs (0.106u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 1.326 secs (1.302u,0.023s) (success) Tactic call δ-1-fast ran for 0.106 secs (0.107u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 1.364 secs (1.356u,0.007s) (success) *) (** Now we set up a similar test for β reduction, using variants with 1 and 2 arguments. *)
Fixpoint big_tree2 (n : nat) {A} (v1 v2 : A) : A := match n with | 0 => Ax_fst (v1, v2) | S n => big_tree2 n (Ax_fst (v1, v2)) (Ax_snd (v1, v2)) end.
Definition big_slow_beta1 (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree2 slow] in id (fun v => big_tree2 n v v) slow.
Definition big_fast_beta1 (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree2 fast] in id (fun v => big_tree2 n v v) fast.
Definition big_slow_beta2 (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree2 slow] in id (big_tree2 n) slow slow.
Definition big_fast_beta2 (n : nat) := Eval cbv [big_tree2 fast] in id (big_tree2 n) fast fast.
Ltac beta_id v := lazymatch v with | id ?f ?x => constr:(f x) | id ?f ?x ?y => constr:(f x y) end.
Ltac test_slow1 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_slow_beta1] in (big_slow_beta1 n)) in let v := beta_id v in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call β-1-slow1"); time "unify-slow1" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow1" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_slow2 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_slow_beta2] in (big_slow_beta2 n)) in let v := beta_id v in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call β-1-slow2"); time "unify-slow2" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow2" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast1 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_fast_beta1] in (big_fast_beta1 n)) in let v := beta_id v in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call β-1-fast1"); time "unify-fast1" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast1" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast2 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv [big_fast_beta2] in (big_fast_beta2 n)) in let v := beta_id v in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call β-1-fast2"); time "unify-fast2" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast2" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Goal True.
idtac 1; test_slow1 true 1; test_fast1 true 1; test_slow2 true 1; test_fast2 true 1; idtac 2; test_slow1 true 2; test_fast1 true 2; test_slow2 true 2; test_fast2 true 2; idtac 14; test_slow1 false 14; test_fast1 false 14; test_slow2 false 14; test_fast2 false 14; idtac 15; test_slow1 false 15; test_fast1 false 15; test_slow2 false 15; test_fast2 false 15.
(* 1 Tactic call β-1-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow1 ran for 3.062 secs (3.062u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow2 ran for 4.096 secs (4.096u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) 2 Tactic call β-1-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow1 ran for 5.15 secs (5.15u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow2 ran for 6.177 secs (6.173u,0.003s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast2 ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success) 14 Tactic call β-1-slow1 ran for 0.046 secs (0.046u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0.576 secs (0.576u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast1 ran for 0.046 secs (0.046u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0.592 secs (0.592u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-slow2 ran for 0.047 secs (0.047u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0.589 secs (0.589u,0.s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast2 ran for 0.049 secs (0.049u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0.624 secs (0.624u,0.s) (success) 15 Tactic call β-1-slow1 ran for 0.097 secs (0.097u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 1.319 secs (1.303u,0.015s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast1 ran for 0.098 secs (0.098u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 1.322 secs (1.306u,0.016s) (success) Tactic call β-1-slow2 ran for 0.098 secs (0.098u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 1.331 secs (1.327u,0.003s) (success) Tactic call β-1-fast2 ran for 0.098 secs (0.098u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 1.348 secs (1.348u,0.s) (success) *) (** Now we set up a similar test for ζ reduction, using variants with 1 and 2 arguments. *)
Definition big_slow_zeta1 (n : nat) := Eval cbv beta iota delta [big_tree2 slow] in let v := slow in big_tree2 n v v.
Definition big_fast_zeta1 (n : nat) := Eval cbv beta iota delta [big_tree2 fast] in let v := fast in big_tree2 n v v.
Definition big_slow_zeta2 (n : nat) := Eval cbv beta iota delta [big_tree2 slow] in let v1 := slow in let v2 := slow in big_tree2 n v1 v2.
Definition big_fast_zeta2 (n : nat) := Eval cbv beta iota delta [big_tree2 fast] in let v1 := fast in let v2 := fast in big_tree2 n v1 v2.
Ltac test_slow_zeta1 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv beta iota delta [big_slow_zeta1] in (big_slow_zeta1 n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv zeta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call ζ-1-slow1"); time "unify-slow1" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow1" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_slow_zeta2 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv beta iota delta [big_slow_zeta2] in (big_slow_zeta2 n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv zeta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call ζ-2-slow2"); time "unify-slow2" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow2" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast_zeta1 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv beta iota delta [big_fast_zeta1] in (big_fast_zeta1 n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv zeta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call ζ-1-fast1"); time "unify-fast1" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast1" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast_zeta2 with_abstract n := optimize_heap; let v := (eval cbv beta iota delta [big_fast_zeta2] in (big_fast_zeta2 n)) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv zeta in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call ζ-2-fast2"); time "unify-fast2" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast2" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Goal True.
idtac 1; test_slow_zeta1 true 1; test_fast_zeta1 true 1; test_slow_zeta2 true 1; test_fast_zeta2 true 1; idtac 2; test_slow_zeta1 true 2; test_fast_zeta1 true 2; test_slow_zeta2 true 2; test_fast_zeta2 true 2; idtac 14; test_slow_zeta1 false 14; test_fast_zeta1 false 14; test_slow_zeta2 false 14; test_fast_zeta2 false 14; idtac 15; test_slow_zeta1 false 15; test_fast_zeta1 false 15; test_slow_zeta2 false 15; test_fast_zeta2 false 15.
(* 1 Tactic call ζ-1-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow1 ran for 3.052 secs (3.052u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-1-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow2 ran for 4.07 secs (4.07u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) 2 Tactic call ζ-1-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow1 ran for 5.056 secs (5.056u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-1-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast1 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow2 ran for 6.051 secs (6.051u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast2 ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) 14 Tactic call ζ-1-slow1 ran for 0.047 secs (0.047u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 0.575 secs (0.575u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-1-fast1 ran for 0.046 secs (0.046u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 0.589 secs (0.589u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-slow2 ran for 0.046 secs (0.046u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 0.586 secs (0.586u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-fast2 ran for 0.046 secs (0.046u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 0.622 secs (0.618u,0.003s) (success) 15 Tactic call ζ-1-slow1 ran for 0.097 secs (0.097u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow1 ran for 1.318 secs (1.282u,0.035s) (success) Tactic call ζ-1-fast1 ran for 0.097 secs (0.097u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast1 ran for 1.322 secs (1.31u,0.011s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-slow2 ran for 0.098 secs (0.098u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow2 ran for 1.332 secs (1.332u,0.s) (success) Tactic call ζ-2-fast2 ran for 0.097 secs (0.097u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast2 ran for 1.345 secs (1.345u,0.s) (success) *) (** Now we run βι tests *)
Notation iota_the v := match v return value with | the A a => the A a end.
Ltac make_iota_the n v := lazymatch n with | O => v | S ?n => make_iota_the n uconstr:(iota_the v) | ?v => fail 0 "Invalid non-nat:" v end.
Ltac test_slow_iota with_abstract n factn := optimize_heap; let n := (eval cbv in n) in let v := make_iota_the n constr:(slown factn) in let v := constr:(v) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta iota in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call βι-slow"); time "unify-slow" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-slow" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Ltac test_fast_iota with_abstract n factn := optimize_heap; let n := (eval cbv in n) in let v := make_iota_the n constr:(fastn factn) in let v := constr:(v) in restart_timer; let v2 := (eval cbv beta iota in v) in finish_timing ("Tactic call βι-fast"); time "unify-fast" unify v v2; lazymatch with_abstract with | true => let __ := constr:(ltac:(time "abstract-unify-fast" abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl v)) : v = v2) in idtac | false => idtac end.
Local Set Warnings Append "-abstract-large-number".
Goal True.
idtac 100 8; test_slow_iota true 100 8; test_fast_iota true 100 8; idtac 1000 8; test_slow_iota true 1000 8; test_fast_iota true 1000 8; idtac 10000 8; test_slow_iota true 10000 8; test_fast_iota true 10000 8; idtac 100 9; test_slow_iota true 100 9; test_fast_iota true 100 9; idtac 1000 9; test_slow_iota true 1000 9; test_fast_iota true 1000 9; idtac 10000 9; test_slow_iota true 10000 9; test_fast_iota true 10000 9.
(* 100 8 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 0.148 secs (0.148u,0.s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.003 secs (0.003u,0.s) (success) 1000 8 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 0.188 secs (0.188u,0.s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.036 secs (0.036u,0.s) (success) 10000 8 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0.01 secs (0.01u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0.017 secs (0.017u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 0.491 secs (0.491u,0.s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0.012 secs (0.012u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0.013 secs (0.013u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.345 secs (0.341u,0.004s) (success) 100 9 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 1.64 secs (1.606u,0.031s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.05 secs (0.05u,0.s) (success) 1000 9 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 1.624 secs (1.623u,0.s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.095 secs (0.095u,0.s) (success) 10000 9 Tactic call βι-slow ran for 0.019 secs (0.019u,0.s) Tactic call unify-slow ran for 0.012 secs (0.012u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-slow ran for 1.976 secs (1.962u,0.011s) (success) Tactic call βι-fast ran for 0.012 secs (0.012u,0.s) Tactic call unify-fast ran for 0.014 secs (0.014u,0.s) (success) Tactic call abstract-unify-fast ran for 0.429 secs (0.425u,0.003s) (success) *)