Timings for repeated_conj.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-engine-bench-lite.dev//./coq/PerformanceDemos/repeated_conj.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-engine-bench-lite.dev//./coq/PerformanceDemos/repeated_conj.v.timing
(** * performance of proving large conjunctions without structural types *)
Fixpoint nconj (n : nat) := match n with 0 => True | S n => and True (nconj n) end.
Goal nconj 100.
Time repeat constructor.
(* Finished transaction in 0.034 secs (0.034u,0.s) (successful) *)
Goal nconj 1000.
Time repeat constructor.
(* Finished transaction in 1.216 secs (1.18u,0.035s) (successful) *)
Goal nconj 2000.
Time repeat constructor.
(* Finished transaction in 4.793 secs (4.717u,0.075s) (successful) *)
Ltac preshare_pf G cont := lazymatch G with | True => cont True I | ?L /\ ?R => preshare_pf L ltac:( fun L l => preshare_pf R ltac:( fun R r => let H := fresh in pose (and L R) as H; cont H uconstr:(@conj L R l r))) | _ => fail 0 "invalid:" G end.
Ltac fast_conj := cbv [nconj]; time "pose build and refine" (let G := match goal with |- ?G => G end in refine (_ : G); preshare_pf G ltac:(fun G pf => time "refine" refine pf)).
Goal nconj 1000.
Time fast_conj.
Time Optimize Proof.
Time Qed.
(* Tactic call refine ran for 0.009 secs (0.009u,0.s) (success) Tactic call pose build and refine ran for 0.434 secs (0.422u,0.011s) (success) Finished transaction in 0.435 secs (0.423u,0.011s) (successful) Evars: 1006 -> 0 Finished transaction in 0.955 secs (0.951u,0.003s) (successful) Finished transaction in 0.091 secs (0.087u,0.003s) (successful) *)
Goal nconj 2000.
Time fast_conj.
Time Optimize Proof.
Time Qed.
(* Tactic call refine ran for 0.02 secs (0.02u,0.s) (success) Tactic call pose build and refine ran for 1.454 secs (1.438u,0.015s) (success) Finished transaction in 1.456 secs (1.44u,0.016s) (successful) Evars: 2006 -> 0 Finished transaction in 11.191 secs (11.167u,0.023s) (successful) Finished transaction in 0.279 secs (0.279u,0.s) (successful) *)