Timings for ConstructiveLUB.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdlib.dev/_build/default/theories//./Reals/Abstract/ConstructiveLUB.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdlib.dev/_build/default/theories//./Reals/Abstract/ConstructiveLUB.timing
(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (************************************************************************) (** Proof that LPO and the excluded middle for negations imply the existence of least upper bounds for all non-empty and bounded subsets of the real numbers. WARNING: this file is experimental and likely to change in future releases. *)
Require Import QArith_base Qabs.
Require Import ConstructiveReals.
Require Import ConstructiveAbs.
Require Import ConstructiveLimits.
Require Import Logic.ConstructiveEpsilon.
Local Open Scope ConstructiveReals.
Definition sig_forall_dec_T : Type := forall (P : nat -> Prop), (forall n, {P n} + {~P n}) -> {n | ~P n} + {forall n, P n}.
Definition sig_not_dec_T : Type := forall P : Prop, { ~~P } + { ~P }.
Definition is_upper_bound {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop) (m:CRcarrier R) := forall x:CRcarrier R, E x -> x <= m.
Definition is_lub {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop) (m:CRcarrier R) := is_upper_bound E m /\ (forall b:CRcarrier R, is_upper_bound E b -> m <= b).
Lemma CRlt_lpo_dec : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R), (forall (P : nat -> Prop), (forall n, {P n} + {~P n}) -> {n | ~P n} + {forall n, P n}) -> sum (x < y) (y <= x).
intros R x y lpo.
assert (forall (z:CRcarrier R) (n : nat), z < z + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))).
apply (CRle_lt_trans _ (z+0)).
rewrite CRplus_0_r.
apply CRle_refl.
apply CRplus_lt_compat_l.
apply CR_of_Q_pos.
pose (fun n:nat => let (q,_) := CR_Q_dense R x (x + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))) (H x n) in q) as xn.
pose (fun n:nat => let (q,_) := CR_Q_dense R y (y + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))) (H y n) in q) as yn.
destruct (lpo (fun n => Qle (yn n) (xn n + (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))))).
intro n.
destruct (Q_dec (yn n) (xn n + (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n)))).
destruct s.
apply Qlt_le_weak, q.
apply (Qlt_not_le _ _ q).
rewrite q.
apply Qle_refl.
destruct s as [n nmaj].
apply Qnot_le_lt in nmaj.
apply (CRlt_le_trans _ (CR_of_Q R (xn n))).
unfold xn.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R x (x + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))) (H x n)).
exact (fst p).
apply (CRle_trans _ (CR_of_Q R (yn n - (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))))).
apply CR_of_Q_le.
rewrite <- (Qplus_le_l _ _ (1# Pos.of_nat (S n))).
apply Qlt_le_weak, nmaj.
unfold yn.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R y (y + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n))) (H y n)).
unfold Qminus.
rewrite CR_of_Q_plus, CR_of_Q_opp.
apply (CRplus_le_reg_r (CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n)))).
rewrite CRplus_assoc, CRplus_opp_l, CRplus_0_r.
apply CRlt_asym, (snd p).
apply (CR_cv_le (fun n => CR_of_Q R (yn n)) (fun n => CR_of_Q R (xn n) + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S n)))).
intro n.
rewrite <- CR_of_Q_plus.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
exact (q n).
intro p.
exists (Pos.to_nat p).
unfold yn.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R y (y + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i))) (H y i)).
rewrite CRabs_right.
apply (CRplus_le_reg_r y).
unfold CRminus.
rewrite CRplus_assoc, CRplus_opp_l, CRplus_0_r.
rewrite CRplus_comm.
apply (CRle_trans _ (y + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))).
apply CRlt_asym, (snd p0).
apply CRplus_le_compat_l.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
unfold Qle, Qnum, Qden.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l, Z.mul_1_l.
apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos.
apply Pos2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id.
apply le_S, H0.
rewrite <- (CRplus_opp_r y).
apply CRplus_le_compat_r, CRlt_asym, p0.
apply (CR_cv_proper _ (x+0)).
2: rewrite CRplus_0_r; reflexivity.
apply CR_cv_plus.
intro p.
exists (Pos.to_nat p).
unfold xn.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R x (x + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i))) (H x i)).
rewrite CRabs_right.
apply (CRplus_le_reg_r x).
unfold CRminus.
rewrite CRplus_assoc, CRplus_opp_l, CRplus_0_r.
rewrite CRplus_comm.
apply (CRle_trans _ (x + CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))).
apply CRlt_asym, (snd p0).
apply CRplus_le_compat_l.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
unfold Qle, Qnum, Qden.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l, Z.mul_1_l.
apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos.
apply Pos2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id.
apply le_S, H0.
rewrite <- (CRplus_opp_r x).
apply CRplus_le_compat_r, CRlt_asym, p0.
intro p.
exists (Pos.to_nat p).
unfold CRminus.
rewrite CRopp_0, CRplus_0_r, CRabs_right.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
unfold Qle, Qnum, Qden.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l, Z.mul_1_l.
apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos.
apply Pos2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id.
apply le_S, H0.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
Lemma is_upper_bound_dec : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop) (x:CRcarrier R), sig_forall_dec_T -> sig_not_dec_T -> { is_upper_bound E x } + { ~is_upper_bound E x }.
intros R E x lpo sig_not_dec.
destruct (sig_not_dec (~exists y:CRcarrier R, E y /\ CRltProp R x y)).
intros y H.
destruct (CRlt_lpo_dec x y lpo).
2: exact c.
apply n.
intro abs.
apply abs.
clear abs.
exists y.
exact H.
apply CRltForget.
exact c.
intro abs.
apply n.
intros [y [H H0]].
specialize (abs y H).
apply CRltEpsilon in H0.
Lemma is_upper_bound_epsilon : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop), sig_forall_dec_T -> sig_not_dec_T -> (exists x:CRcarrier R, is_upper_bound E x) -> { n:nat | is_upper_bound E (CR_of_Q R (Z.of_nat n # 1)) }.
intros R E lpo sig_not_dec Ebound.
apply constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat.
intro n.
apply is_upper_bound_dec.
exact lpo.
exact sig_not_dec.
destruct Ebound as [x H].
destruct (CRup_nat x) as [n nmaj].
exists n.
intros y ey.
specialize (H y ey).
apply (CRle_trans _ x _ H).
apply CRlt_asym, nmaj.
Lemma is_upper_bound_not_epsilon : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop), sig_forall_dec_T -> sig_not_dec_T -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, E x) -> { m:nat | ~is_upper_bound E (-CR_of_Q R (Z.of_nat m # 1)) }.
intros R E lpo sig_not_dec H.
apply constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat.
intro n.
destruct (is_upper_bound_dec E (-CR_of_Q R (Z.of_nat n # 1)) lpo sig_not_dec).
intro abs.
exact n0.
destruct H as [x H].
destruct (CRup_nat (-x)) as [n H0].
exists n.
intro abs.
specialize (abs x H).
apply abs.
rewrite <- (CRopp_involutive x).
apply CRopp_gt_lt_contravar.
exact H0.
(* Decidable Dedekind cuts are Cauchy reals. *)
Record DedekindDecCut : Type := { DDupcut : Q -> Prop; DDproper : forall q r : Q, (q == r -> DDupcut q -> DDupcut r)%Q; DDlow : Q; DDhigh : Q; DDdec : forall q:Q, { DDupcut q } + { ~DDupcut q }; DDinterval : forall q r : Q, Qle q r -> DDupcut q -> DDupcut r; DDhighProp : DDupcut DDhigh; DDlowProp : ~DDupcut DDlow; }.
Lemma DDlow_below_up : forall (upcut : DedekindDecCut) (a b : Q), DDupcut upcut a -> ~DDupcut upcut b -> Qlt b a.
destruct (Qlt_le_dec b a).
exact q.
apply H0.
apply (DDinterval upcut a).
exact q.
exact H.
Fixpoint DDcut_limit_fix (upcut : DedekindDecCut) (r : Q) (n : nat) : Qlt 0 r -> (DDupcut upcut (DDlow upcut + (Z.of_nat n#1) * r)) -> { q : Q | DDupcut upcut q /\ ~DDupcut upcut (q - r) }.
destruct n.
simpl in H0.
apply (DDproper upcut _ (DDlow upcut)) in H0.
2: ring.
exact (DDlowProp upcut H0).
destruct (DDdec upcut (DDlow upcut + (Z.of_nat n # 1) * r)).
exact (DDcut_limit_fix upcut r n H d).
exists (DDlow upcut + (Z.of_nat (S n) # 1) * r)%Q.
exact H0.
intro abs.
apply (DDproper upcut _ (DDlow upcut + (Z.of_nat n # 1) * r)) in abs.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ.
unfold Z.succ.
rewrite <- Qinv_plus_distr.
Lemma DDcut_limit : forall (upcut : DedekindDecCut) (r : Q), Qlt 0 r -> { q : Q | DDupcut upcut q /\ ~DDupcut upcut (q - r) }.
destruct (Qarchimedean ((DDhigh upcut - DDlow upcut)/r)) as [n nmaj].
apply (DDcut_limit_fix upcut r (Pos.to_nat n) H).
apply (Qmult_lt_r _ _ r) in nmaj.
2: exact H.
unfold Qdiv in nmaj.
rewrite <- Qmult_assoc, (Qmult_comm (/r)), Qmult_inv_r, Qmult_1_r in nmaj.
apply (DDinterval upcut (DDhigh upcut)).
2: exact (DDhighProp upcut).
apply Qlt_le_weak.
apply (Qplus_lt_r _ _ (-DDlow upcut)).
rewrite Qplus_assoc, <- (Qplus_comm (DDlow upcut)), Qplus_opp_r, Qplus_0_l, Qplus_comm.
rewrite positive_nat_Z.
exact nmaj.
intros abs.
rewrite abs in H.
exact (Qlt_irrefl 0 H).
Lemma glb_dec_Q : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (upcut : DedekindDecCut), { x : CRcarrier R | forall r:Q, (x < CR_of_Q R r -> DDupcut upcut r) /\ (CR_of_Q R r < x -> ~DDupcut upcut r) }.
assert (forall a b : Q, Qle a b -> Qle (-b) (-a)).
apply (Qplus_le_l _ _ (a+b)).
exact H.
assert (CR_cauchy R (fun n:nat => CR_of_Q R (proj1_sig (DDcut_limit upcut (1#Pos.of_nat n) (eq_refl _))))).
intros p.
exists (Pos.to_nat p).
intros i j pi pj.
destruct (DDcut_limit upcut (1 # Pos.of_nat i) eq_refl), (DDcut_limit upcut (1 # Pos.of_nat j) eq_refl); unfold proj1_sig.
apply (CRabs_le).
unfold CRminus.
rewrite <- CR_of_Q_opp, <- CR_of_Q_opp, <- CR_of_Q_plus.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
apply (Qplus_le_l _ _ x0).
setoid_replace (-1 * (1 # p) + x0)%Q with (x0 - (1 # p))%Q.
2: ring.
apply (Qle_trans _ (x0- (1#Pos.of_nat j))).
apply Qplus_le_r.
apply H.
apply Z2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id.
exact pj.
intro abs.
subst j.
inversion pj.
pose proof (Pos2Nat.is_pos p).
rewrite H1 in H0.
inversion H0.
apply Qlt_le_weak, (DDlow_below_up upcut).
apply a.
apply a0.
unfold CRminus.
rewrite <- CR_of_Q_opp, <- CR_of_Q_plus.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
apply (Qplus_le_l _ _ (x0-(1#p))).
setoid_replace (x -1 * (1 # p))%Q with (x - (1 # p))%Q.
2: ring.
apply (Qle_trans _ (x- (1#Pos.of_nat i))).
apply Qplus_le_r.
apply H.
apply Z2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id.
exact pi.
intro abs.
subst i.
inversion pi.
pose proof (Pos2Nat.is_pos p).
rewrite H1 in H0.
inversion H0.
apply Qlt_le_weak, (DDlow_below_up upcut).
apply a0.
apply a.
apply CR_complete in H0.
destruct H0 as [l lcv].
exists l.
(* find an upper point between the limit and r *)
destruct (CR_cv_open_above _ (CR_of_Q R r) l lcv H0) as [p pmaj].
specialize (pmaj p (Nat.le_refl p)).
unfold proj1_sig in pmaj.
destruct (DDcut_limit upcut (1 # Pos.of_nat p) eq_refl) as [q qmaj].
apply (DDinterval upcut q).
2: apply qmaj.
destruct (Q_dec q r).
destruct s.
apply Qlt_le_weak, q0.
apply (CR_of_Q_lt R) in q0.
exact (CRlt_asym _ _ pmaj q0).
rewrite q0.
apply Qle_refl.
intros H0 abs.
assert ((CR_of_Q R r+l) * CR_of_Q R (1#2) < l).
apply (CRmult_lt_reg_r (CR_of_Q R 2)).
apply CR_of_Q_pos.
rewrite CRmult_assoc, <- CR_of_Q_mult, (CR_of_Q_plus R 1 1).
setoid_replace ((1 # 2) * 2)%Q with 1%Q.
2: reflexivity.
rewrite CRmult_plus_distr_l, CRmult_1_r, CRmult_1_r.
apply CRplus_lt_compat_r.
exact H0.
destruct (CR_cv_open_below _ _ l lcv H1) as [p pmaj].
assert (0 < (l-CR_of_Q R r) * CR_of_Q R (1#2)).
apply CRmult_lt_0_compat.
rewrite <- (CRplus_opp_r (CR_of_Q R r)).
apply CRplus_lt_compat_r.
exact H0.
apply CR_of_Q_pos.
destruct (CRup_nat (CRinv R _ (inr H2))) as [i imaj].
destruct i.
simpl in imaj.
exact (CRlt_asym _ _ imaj (CRinv_0_lt_compat R _ (inr H2) H2)).
specialize (pmaj (max (S i) (S p)) (Nat.le_trans p (S p) _ (le_S p p (Nat.le_refl p)) (Nat.le_max_r (S i) (S p)))).
unfold proj1_sig in pmaj.
destruct (DDcut_limit upcut (1 # Pos.of_nat (max (S i) (S p))) eq_refl) as [q qmaj].
destruct qmaj.
apply H4.
clear H4.
apply (DDinterval upcut r).
2: exact abs.
apply (Qplus_le_l _ _ (1 # Pos.of_nat (Init.Nat.max (S i) (S p)))).
apply (Qle_trans _ (r + (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))).
rewrite Qplus_le_r.
unfold Qle,Qnum,Qden.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l, Z.mul_1_l.
apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos.
apply Pos2Nat.inj_le.
rewrite Nat2Pos.id, Nat2Pos.id.
apply Nat.le_max_l.
apply (CRmult_lt_compat_l ((l - CR_of_Q R r) * CR_of_Q R (1 # 2))) in imaj.
2: exact H2.
rewrite CRinv_r in imaj.
destruct (Q_dec (r+(1#Pos.of_nat (S i))) q);[|rewrite q0; apply Qle_refl].
destruct s.
apply Qlt_le_weak, q0.
apply (CR_of_Q_lt R) in q0.
apply (CRlt_asym _ _ pmaj).
apply (CRlt_le_trans _ _ _ q0).
apply (CRplus_le_reg_l (-CR_of_Q R r)).
rewrite CR_of_Q_plus, <- CRplus_assoc, CRplus_opp_l, CRplus_0_l.
apply (CRmult_lt_compat_r (CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))) in imaj.
rewrite CRmult_1_l in imaj.
apply (CRle_trans _ ( (l - CR_of_Q R r) * CR_of_Q R (1 # 2) * CR_of_Q R (Z.of_nat (S i) # 1) * CR_of_Q R (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))).
apply CRlt_asym, imaj.
rewrite CRmult_assoc, <- CR_of_Q_mult.
setoid_replace ((Z.of_nat (S i) # 1) * (1 # Pos.of_nat (S i)))%Q with 1%Q.
rewrite CRmult_1_r.
unfold CRminus.
rewrite CRmult_plus_distr_r, (CRplus_comm (-CR_of_Q R r)).
rewrite (CRplus_comm (CR_of_Q R r)), CRmult_plus_distr_r.
rewrite CRplus_assoc.
apply CRplus_le_compat_l.
rewrite <- CR_of_Q_mult, <- CR_of_Q_opp, <- CR_of_Q_mult, <- CR_of_Q_plus.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
apply Qle_refl.
unfold Qeq, Qmult, Qnum, Qden.
rewrite Z.mul_1_r, Z.mul_1_r.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l, Pos.mul_1_l.
unfold Z.of_nat.
apply f_equal.
apply Pos.of_nat_succ.
apply CR_of_Q_pos.
Lemma is_upper_bound_glb : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop), sig_not_dec_T -> sig_forall_dec_T -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, E x) -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, is_upper_bound E x) -> { x : CRcarrier R | forall r:Q, (x < CR_of_Q R r -> is_upper_bound E (CR_of_Q R r)) /\ (CR_of_Q R r < x -> ~is_upper_bound E (CR_of_Q R r)) }.
intros R E sig_not_dec lpo Einhab Ebound.
destruct (is_upper_bound_epsilon E lpo sig_not_dec Ebound) as [a luba].
destruct (is_upper_bound_not_epsilon E lpo sig_not_dec Einhab) as [b glbb].
pose (fun q => is_upper_bound E (CR_of_Q R q)) as upcut.
assert (forall q:Q, { upcut q } + { ~upcut q } ).
intro q.
apply is_upper_bound_dec.
exact lpo.
exact sig_not_dec.
assert (forall q r : Q, (q <= r)%Q -> upcut q -> upcut r).
intros x Ex.
specialize (H1 x Ex).
intro abs.
apply H1.
apply (CRle_lt_trans _ (CR_of_Q R r)).
2: exact abs.
apply CR_of_Q_le.
exact H0.
assert (upcut (Z.of_nat a # 1)%Q).
intros x Ex.
exact (luba x Ex).
assert (~upcut (- Z.of_nat b # 1)%Q).
intros abs.
apply glbb.
intros x Ex.
specialize (abs x Ex).
rewrite <- CR_of_Q_opp.
exact abs.
assert (forall q r : Q, (q == r)%Q -> upcut q -> upcut r).
intros x Ex.
specialize (H4 x Ex).
rewrite <- H3.
exact H4.
destruct (@glb_dec_Q R (Build_DedekindDecCut upcut H3 (-Z.of_nat b # 1)%Q (Z.of_nat a # 1) H H0 H1 H2)).
simpl in a0.
exists x.
intro r.
apply a0.
exact H4.
intros H6 abs.
specialize (a0 r) as [_ a0].
apply a0.
exact H6.
exact abs.
Lemma is_upper_bound_closed : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop) (sig_forall_dec : sig_forall_dec_T) (sig_not_dec : sig_not_dec_T) (Einhab : exists x : CRcarrier R, E x) (Ebound : exists x : CRcarrier R, is_upper_bound E x), is_lub E (proj1_sig (is_upper_bound_glb E sig_not_dec sig_forall_dec Einhab Ebound)).
intros x Ex.
destruct (is_upper_bound_glb E sig_not_dec sig_forall_dec Einhab Ebound); simpl.
intro abs.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R x0 x abs) as [q [qmaj H]].
specialize (a q) as [a _].
specialize (a qmaj x Ex).
destruct (is_upper_bound_glb E sig_not_dec sig_forall_dec Einhab Ebound); simpl.
intro abs.
destruct (CR_Q_dense R b x abs) as [q [qmaj H0]].
specialize (a q) as [_ a].
apply a.
exact H0.
intros y Ey.
specialize (H y Ey).
intro abs2.
apply H.
exact (CRlt_trans _ (CR_of_Q R q) _ qmaj abs2).
Lemma sig_lub : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop), sig_forall_dec_T -> sig_not_dec_T -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, E x) -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, is_upper_bound E x) -> { u : CRcarrier R | is_lub E u }.
intros R E sig_forall_dec sig_not_dec Einhab Ebound.
pose proof (is_upper_bound_closed E sig_forall_dec sig_not_dec Einhab Ebound).
destruct (is_upper_bound_glb E sig_not_dec sig_forall_dec Einhab Ebound); simpl in H.
exists x.
exact H.
Definition CRis_upper_bound {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop) (m:CRcarrier R) := forall x:CRcarrier R, E x -> CRlt R m x -> False.
Lemma CR_sig_lub : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (E:CRcarrier R -> Prop), (forall x y : CRcarrier R, CReq R x y -> (E x <-> E y)) -> sig_forall_dec_T -> sig_not_dec_T -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, E x) -> (exists x : CRcarrier R, CRis_upper_bound E x) -> { u : CRcarrier R | CRis_upper_bound E u /\ forall y:CRcarrier R, CRis_upper_bound E y -> CRlt R y u -> False }.
exact (sig_lub E X X0 H0 H1).