Timings for expr_lemmas4.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-vst.dev/./veric/expr_lemmas4.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-vst.dev/./veric/expr_lemmas4.v.timing
Require Import VST.veric.Clight_base.
Require Import VST.msl.msl_standard.
Require Import VST.veric.compcert_rmaps.
Require Import VST.veric.Clight_lemmas.
Require Import VST.veric.mpred.
Require Import VST.veric.tycontext.
Require Import VST.veric.expr2.
Require Export VST.veric.environ_lemmas.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas2.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas4.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas5.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas6.
Require Import VST.veric.expr_lemmas2.
Require Export VST.veric.expr_lemmas3.
Require Import VST.veric.juicy_mem.
Require Import VST.veric.seplog.
(*For definition of typecheck_environ*)
Import Cop.
Import Cop2.
Import Clight_Cop2.
Import compcert.lib.Maps.
Import Ctypes.
(** Main soundness result for the typechecker **)
Lemma typecheck_both_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta rho m e , typecheck_environ Delta rho -> (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e) rho m -> tc_val (typeof e) (eval_expr e rho)) /\ (forall pt, denote_tc_assert (typecheck_lvalue Delta e) rho m -> is_pointer_type pt = true -> tc_val pt (eval_lvalue e rho)).
induction e; split; intros; try solve[subst; auto]; try contradiction.
(*Const int*)
simpl in *.
destruct t; try contradiction.
destruct i0; try contradiction.
(*Const float*)
destruct f; simpl in *; subst; destruct t; try destruct f; tauto.
(* Const single *)
destruct f; simpl in *; subst; destruct t; try destruct f; tauto.
(* Const long *)
simpl in *.
destruct t; try contradiction.
eapply typecheck_expr_sound_Evar; eauto.
eapply typecheck_lvalue_Evar; eauto.
eapply typecheck_temp_sound; eauto.
simpl in H0 |- *.
unfold deref_noload.
destruct (access_mode t) eqn:?H; try inversion H0.
unfold Datatypes.id.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
simpl in H0.
destruct H0.
unfold_lift in H2.
destruct (eval_expr e rho); inversion H2.
destruct t; try reflexivity; try inversion H1.
destruct i0, s; inversion H4.
destruct f; inversion H4.
simpl in H0 |- *.
unfold tc_val.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
simpl in H0.
destruct H0 as [[? ?] ?].
unfold tc_bool in H2; simpl in H2.
destruct (is_pointer_type (typeof e)) eqn:?H; [|inversion H2].
unfold_lift in H3.
destruct (eval_expr e rho); inversion H3.
unfold is_pointer_type in H1.
destruct pt; try reflexivity; try solve [inversion H1].
destruct (eqb_type (Tpointer pt a) int_or_ptr_type); inv H1.
apply I.
simpl in *.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
destruct H0.
destruct t; auto.
unfold tc_val, is_pointer_type in H3|-*.
destruct (eqb_type (Tpointer t a) int_or_ptr_type) eqn:J.
apply eqb_type_true in J.
rewrite J in H3.
contradiction H3.
specialize (H2 (Tpointer t a) H0).
unfold tc_val in H2.
rewrite J in H2.
unfold is_pointer_type in H2.
rewrite J in H2.
apply H2; auto.
eapply typecheck_unop_sound; eauto.
repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in *; intuition.
clear H4.
clear H2.
clear H.
simpl in H0.
repeat rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
destruct H0 as [[H0 E1] E2].
apply (typecheck_binop_sound b rho m e1 e2 t H0 (H3 E2) (H1 E1)).
(* cast *)
destruct IHe.
eapply typecheck_cast_sound; eauto.
eapply typecheck_expr_sound_Efield; eauto.
eapply typecheck_lvalue_sound_Efield; eauto.
(* Esizeof *)
simpl in H0.
repeat rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
destruct H0.
apply tc_bool_e in H0.
apply tc_bool_e in H1.
rewrite eqb_type_spec in H1.
rewrite H0; reflexivity.
(* Ealignof *)
simpl in H0.
repeat rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H0.
destruct H0.
apply tc_bool_e in H0.
apply tc_bool_e in H1.
rewrite eqb_type_spec in H1.
rewrite H0; reflexivity.
Lemma typecheck_expr_sound : forall {CS: compspecs} Delta rho m e, typecheck_environ Delta rho -> denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e) rho m -> tc_val (typeof e) (eval_expr e rho).
assert (TC := typecheck_both_sound Delta rho m e).
Lemma typecheck_lvalue_sound : forall {CS: compspecs} Delta rho m e, typecheck_environ Delta rho -> denote_tc_assert (typecheck_lvalue Delta e) rho m -> is_pointer_or_null (eval_lvalue e rho).
edestruct (typecheck_both_sound _ _ m e H).
specialize (H2 (Tpointer Tvoid noattr) H0 (eq_refl _)).
apply H2.
Ltac unfold_cop2_sem_cmp := unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_cmp, Clight_Cop2.sem_cmp_pl, Clight_Cop2.sem_cmp_lp, Clight_Cop2.sem_cmp_pp.
Lemma eval_binop_relate: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta (ge: genv) te ve rho b e1 e2 t m (Hcenv: cenv_sub (@cenv_cs CS) (genv_cenv ge)), rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te -> typecheck_environ Delta rho -> ((denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e1) rho) (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e1 (eval_expr e1 rho)) -> ((denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e2) rho) (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e2 (eval_expr e2 rho)) -> (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta (Ebinop b e1 e2 t)) rho) (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) (Ebinop b e1 e2 t) (eval_expr (Ebinop b e1 e2 t) rho).
intros until 1.
intros H H0 H1 H2 H3.
simpl in *.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3 as [[H3 TC1] TC2].
specialize (H1 TC1).
specialize (H2 TC2).
apply typecheck_expr_sound in TC1; [| auto].
apply typecheck_expr_sound in TC2; [| auto].
clear H0 H.
clear Delta.
apply eval_binop_relate'; assumption.
Lemma valid_pointer_dry0: forall b ofs m, app_pred (valid_pointer (Vptr b ofs)) (m_phi m) -> Mem.valid_pointer (m_dry m) b (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) = true.
rewrite <- (Z.add_0_r (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs)).
apply valid_pointer_dry; auto.
Definition some_pt_type := Tpointer Tvoid noattr.
Lemma tc_force_Some : forall ov t, tc_val t (force_val ov) -> exists v, ov = Some v.
unfold tc_val in H.
destruct (eqb_type t int_or_ptr_type); destruct ov; destruct t; eauto; simpl in *; try tauto; destruct f; tauto.
Lemma typecheck_binop_sound2: forall {CS: compspecs} (Delta : tycontext) (rho : environ) m (b : binary_operation) (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type), denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e2) rho m -> denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType b e1 e2 t) rho m -> denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e1) rho m -> tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho) -> tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho) -> tc_val t (eval_binop b (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
pose proof (typecheck_binop_sound).
simpl in H4.
unfold_lift in H4.
eapply H4; eauto.
Lemma eval_binop_relate_fail : forall {CS: compspecs} (Delta : tycontext) (rho : environ) (b : binary_operation) (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) m, typecheck_environ Delta rho -> forall (ge : genv) te ve, rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te -> denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e2) rho (m_phi m) -> denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType b e1 e2 t) rho (m_phi m) -> denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e1) rho (m_phi m) -> None = sem_binary_operation' b (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e2 (eval_expr e2 rho) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e1 (eval_expr e1 rho) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) (Ebinop b e1 e2 t) Vundef.
assert (TC1 := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ _ H H1).
assert (TC2 := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ _ H H3).
copy H2.
rewrite den_isBinOpR in H7; simpl in H7.
eapply typecheck_binop_sound2 in H2; eauto.
remember (eval_expr e1 rho); remember (eval_expr e2 rho); destruct v; destruct v0; try solve [exfalso; eapply tc_val_Vundef; eauto]; apply tc_force_Some in H2; destruct H2; try congruence.
Opaque tc_andp.
(** Equivalence of CompCert eval_expr and our function eval_expr on programs that typecheck **)
Lemma tc_test_eq0: forall b i m, (denote_tc_test_eq (Vptr b i) (Vint Int.zero)) (m_phi m) -> Mem.weak_valid_pointer (m_dry m) b (Ptrofs.unsigned i) = true.
destruct H; apply weak_valid_pointer_dry in H0; apply H0.
Lemma cop2_sem_cast : forall t1 t2 v m, (classify_cast t1 t2 = classify_cast size_t tbool -> denote_tc_test_eq v (Vint Int.zero) (m_phi m) )-> t1 <> int_or_ptr_type -> t2 <> int_or_ptr_type -> tc_val t1 v -> Cop.sem_cast v t1 t2 (m_dry m) = sem_cast t1 t2 v.
unfold Cop.sem_cast, sem_cast.
assert (Cop.classify_cast t1 t2 = classify_cast t1 t2).
clear - H0 H1.
apply eqb_type_false in H0.
apply eqb_type_false in H1.
destruct t1; auto; destruct t2; auto; unfold Cop.classify_cast, classify_cast; auto; rewrite ?H0,?H1; auto.
rewrite <- H3 in *.
rewrite H3.
destruct (classify_cast t1 t2); destruct v; try reflexivity.
destruct t1 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |], t2 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |]; inv H3; simpl in H2; try inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
destruct t1 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |], t2 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |]; inv H3; simpl in H2; try inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
destruct t1 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |], t2 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |]; inv H3; simpl in H2; try inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
destruct t1 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |], t2 as [| [| | |] | | [|] | | | | |]; inv H3; simpl in H2; try inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
revert H2; simple_if_tac; intros H2; inv H2.
unfold sem_cast_i2bool.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; auto; simpl.
specialize (H H3).
do 3 red in H; rewrite Hp in H; try contradiction; (red in H; destruct H as [_ H]; apply weak_valid_pointer_dry in H; unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer; rewrite H; reflexivity).
Ltac destruct_eqb_type := match goal with H: context [eqb_type ?t1 ?t2] |- _ => let J := fresh "J" in destruct (eqb_type t1 t2) eqn:?J; [apply eqb_type_true in J | apply eqb_type_false in J] end.
Lemma classify_cast_eq: forall t1 t2, t1 <> int_or_ptr_type -> t2 <> int_or_ptr_type -> classify_cast t1 t2 = Cop.classify_cast t1 t2.
destruct t1,t2; try reflexivity; unfold classify_cast; try rewrite (proj2 (eqb_type_false _ _) H0); try rewrite (proj2 (eqb_type_false _ _) H); reflexivity.
Definition cast_pointer_to_bool t1 t2 := match t1 with (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _) => match t2 with Tint IBool _ _ => true | _ => false end | _ => false end.
Lemma sem_cast_e1: forall t t1 v1 v m, sem_cast t t1 v = Some v1 -> cast_pointer_to_bool t t1 = false -> tc_val t v -> Cop.sem_cast v t t1 m = Some v1.
destruct (eqb_type t int_or_ptr_type) eqn:J; [apply eqb_type_true in J; subst t | apply eqb_type_false in J]; (destruct (eqb_type t1 int_or_ptr_type) eqn:J0; [apply eqb_type_true in J0; subst t1 | apply eqb_type_false in J0]).
unfold sem_cast, sem_cast_pointer in H; simpl in *.
rewrite N.eqb_refl in *.
simpl in H.
inv H.
destruct v1; auto; inv H1.
unfold sem_cast, classify_cast in H.
destruct t1; [auto | | | auto ..].
destruct i,s; auto; try solve [destruct v; inv H]; try solve [inv H0]; simpl in H; simpl; destruct Archi.ptr64; auto; destruct v; inv H1; inv H; auto.
rewrite <- H; clear H.
unfold tc_val in H1.
rewrite eqb_type_refl in H1.
simpl in H1.
simpl in *.
solve [auto | destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:?Hp; auto; destruct v; inv H1; auto].
destruct f; inv H.
clear H0.
unfold int_or_ptr_type at 1 in H.
inv H.
destruct v1; inv H1; auto.
unfold sem_cast in H.
destruct t; try solve [inv H].
simpl in H.
rewrite N.eqb_refl in H.
simpl in H1.
destruct v; try inv H1.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; auto; inv Hp.
unfold classify_cast in H.
unfold int_or_ptr_type at 1 in H.
inv H.
unfold tc_val in H1.
rewrite <- eqb_type_spec in J.
destruct (eqb_type (Tpointer t a) int_or_ptr_type); [congruence |].
hnf in H1.
destruct v1; tauto.
unfold classify_cast in H.
unfold int_or_ptr_type at 1 in H.
inv H.
unfold tc_val in H1.
hnf in H1.
destruct v1; tauto.
unfold classify_cast in H.
unfold int_or_ptr_type at 1 in H.
inv H.
unfold tc_val in H1.
hnf in H1.
destruct v1; tauto.
revert H.
clear - J J0 H0 H1.
unfold Cop.sem_cast, sem_cast.
unfold Cop.classify_cast, classify_cast, sem_cast_pointer, sem_cast_l2bool, sem_cast_i2bool.
rewrite ?(proj2 (eqb_type_false _ _) J); rewrite ?(proj2 (eqb_type_false _ _) J0).
destruct t1 as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | | [ | ] | | | | | ]; auto; destruct t as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | | [ | ] | | | | | ]; auto; try discriminate H0; auto; destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; auto; destruct v; auto; try contradiction; try solve [simpl in H1; rewrite Hp in H1; inv H1]; try solve [simpl in H1; revert H1; simple_if_tac; intros []].
simpl in H1; revert H1; simple_if_tac; simpl; rewrite Hp; intros [].
Lemma cop2_sem_cast' : forall {CS: compspecs} t2 e rho m, (denote_tc_assert (isCastResultType (typeof e) t2 e) rho) (m_phi m) -> tc_val (typeof e) (eval_expr e rho) -> Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e rho) (typeof e) t2 (m_dry m) = sem_cast (typeof e) t2 (eval_expr e rho).
rewrite isCastR in H.
destruct (typeof e) as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | | [ | ] | | | | | ]; auto; destruct t2 as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | | [ | ] | | | | | ]; auto; try contradiction.
all: try solve [ destruct (eval_expr e rho); try contradiction; reflexivity].
all: (*try solve [*) unfold classify_cast, is_pointer_type in H; unfold sem_cast, classify_cast; unfold tc_val, is_pointer_or_null, is_pointer_or_integer in H0; repeat match type of H with context [eqb_type ?A int_or_ptr_type] => let J := fresh "J" in destruct (eqb_type A int_or_ptr_type) eqn:J; try solve [inv J] end; simpl; destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; simpl in H; destruct (eval_expr e rho) eqn:?; try contradiction; subst; try reflexivity.
all: simpl.
all: try solve [ rewrite denote_tc_assert_test_eq' in H; simpl in H; unfold_lift in H; unfold denote_tc_test_eq in H; rewrite Heqv, Hp in H; destruct H; apply weak_valid_pointer_dry in H1; unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer; rewrite H1, Hp; reflexivity].
Lemma isBinOpResultType_binop_stable: forall {CS: compspecs} b e1 e2 t rho phi, denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType b e1 e2 t) rho phi -> binop_stable cenv_cs b e1 e2 = true.
destruct b; auto; unfold isBinOpResultType in H; unfold binop_stable.
destruct (classify_add (typeof e1) (typeof e2)); rewrite ?denote_tc_assert_andp in H; repeat match goal with | H: app_pred (_ && _)%pred _ |- _ => destruct H end; [try solve [eapply tc_bool_e; eauto]..|].
destruct (classify_sub (typeof e1) (typeof e2)); rewrite ?denote_tc_assert_andp in H; repeat match goal with | H: app_pred (_ && _)%pred _ |- _ => destruct H end; [try solve [eapply tc_bool_e; eauto]..|].
Lemma cenv_sub_sizeof {ge ge'} (Hcenv : cenv_sub ge' ge): forall t, complete_type ge' t = true -> @sizeof ge t = @sizeof ge' t.
induction t; simpl; intros; trivial.
rewrite IHt; trivial.
specialize (Hcenv i).
destruct (ge' ! i); try congruence.
rewrite Hcenv; trivial.
specialize (Hcenv i).
destruct (ge' ! i); try congruence.
rewrite Hcenv; trivial.
Lemma cenv_sub_alignof {ge ge'} (Hcenv : cenv_sub ge' ge): forall t, complete_type ge' t = true -> @alignof ge t = @alignof ge' t.
induction t; simpl; intros; trivial.
rewrite IHt; trivial.
specialize (Hcenv i).
destruct (ge' ! i); try congruence.
rewrite Hcenv; trivial.
specialize (Hcenv i).
destruct (ge' ! i); try congruence.
rewrite Hcenv; trivial.
Lemma eval_unop_relate: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta (ge: genv) te ve rho u e t m (Hcenv: cenv_sub (@cenv_cs CS) (genv_cenv ge)) (H : rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te) (H0 : typecheck_environ Delta rho) (H1 : (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e) rho) (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e (eval_expr e rho)) (H2 : (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_lvalue Delta e) rho) (m_phi m) -> exists (b : block) (ofs : ptrofs), Clight.eval_lvalue ge ve te (m_dry m) e b ofs Full /\ eval_lvalue e rho = Vptr b ofs) (H3 : (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta (Eunop u e t)) rho) (m_phi m)), Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) (Eunop u e t) (eval_expr (Eunop u e t) rho).
simpl in *.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H3; destruct H3.
clear H2.
unfold eval_unop in *.
unfold force_val1, force_val.
remember (sem_unary_operation u (typeof e) (eval_expr e rho)).
eapply Clight.eval_Eunop.
eapply H5.
rewrite Heqo.
unfold sem_unary_operation.
unfold Cop.sem_unary_operation.
apply typecheck_expr_sound in H4; auto.
destruct u; simpl in H3; destruct (typeof e) as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | [ | ] | [ | ] | | | | | ]; simpl; hnf in H4; try contradiction; repeat match goal with | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (tc_andp _ _) _) _ |- _ => rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H; destruct H | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (if ?A then _ else _) _) _ |- _ => first [change A with false in H | change A with true in H]; cbv iota in H | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (tc_iszero _) _) _ |- _ => rewrite denote_tc_assert_iszero in H | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (tc_bool _ _) _) _ |- _ => apply tc_bool_e in H end; destruct (eval_expr e rho) eqn:?; try match type of H4 with context [if ?A then _ else _] => destruct A end; try contradiction; try reflexivity; unfold Cop.sem_notbool; simpl; unfold Cop.bool_val, bool_val; rewrite bool2val_eq; try reflexivity; apply tc_bool_e in H1; apply negb_true_iff in H1; rewrite H1; try reflexivity; unfold classify_bool, typeconv, remove_attributes, change_attributes; rewrite denote_tc_assert_test_eq' in H3; simpl in H3; unfold denote_tc_test_eq in H3; unfold_lift in H3; rewrite Heqv in H3.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; simpl eval_expr in H3; unfold_lift in H3; destruct H3; apply weak_valid_pointer_dry in H6; simpl; unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer; rewrite H6; reflexivity.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; simpl eval_expr in H3; unfold_lift in H3; destruct H3; apply weak_valid_pointer_dry in H6; simpl; unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer; rewrite H6; reflexivity.
Lemma eqb_type_sym: forall a b, eqb_type a b = eqb_type b a.
destruct (eqb_type a b) eqn:?.
rewrite -> eqb_type_spec in Heqb0.
subst; symmetry; apply eqb_type_refl.
apply eqb_type_false in Heqb0.
assert (b<>a) by congruence.
rewrite <- eqb_type_spec in H.
destruct (eqb_type b a); auto.
Lemma Ptrofs_to_int_repr: Archi.ptr64=false -> forall i, Ptrofs.to_int (Ptrofs.repr i) = Int.repr i.
try solve [inversion H]; unfold Ptrofs.to_int; apply Int.eqm_samerepr; change Int.eqm with Ptrofs.eqm; apply Ptrofs.eqm_sym; apply Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr.
Lemma eval_both_relate: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta ge te ve rho e m, cenv_sub (@cenv_cs CS) (genv_cenv ge) -> rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te -> typecheck_environ Delta rho -> (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e) rho (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e (eval_expr e rho)) /\ (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_lvalue Delta e) rho (m_phi m) -> exists b, exists ofs, Clight.eval_lvalue ge ve te (m_dry m) e b ofs Full /\ eval_lvalue e rho = Vptr b ofs).
intros until m; intro Hcenv; intros.
induction e; intros; try solve[intuition (try solve [contradiction]); constructor; auto | subst; inv H1]; intuition (try solve [contradiction]).
(* eval_expr Evar*)
assert (TC_Sound:= typecheck_expr_sound).
specialize (TC_Sound Delta rho _ (Evar i t) H0 H1).
simpl in H1, TC_Sound |- *.
destruct (access_mode t) eqn:MODE; try solve [inv H1].
unfold get_var_type, eval_var in *.
remember (Map.get (ve_of rho) i); destruct o; try destruct p; try rewrite eqb_type_eq in *; simpl in *.
destruct (type_eq t t0); simpl in *; [| exfalso; eapply tc_val_Vundef; eauto].
subst t0.
apply Clight.eval_Elvalue with b Ptrofs.zero Full; [ | constructor; simpl; rewrite MODE; auto].
apply eval_Evar_local.
subst rho.
simpl in Heqo.
symmetry in Heqo; apply Heqo.
subst rho.
unfold typecheck_environ in *.
destruct H0 as [? [Hve Hge]].
hnf in Hve,Hge.
revert H1; case_eq ((var_types Delta) ! i); intros; try contradiction.
specialize (Hve i t0).
destruct Hve as [Hve _].
destruct (Hve H0).
simpl in *; congruence.
revert H1; case_eq ((glob_types Delta) ! i); intros; try contradiction.
destruct (Hge _ _ H1) as [b ?].
simpl in H3.
rewrite H3.
repeat( rewrite tc_andp_sound in *; simpl in *; super_unfold_lift).
unfold tc_bool in H2.
destruct (eqb_type t t0); try contradiction.
apply Clight.eval_Elvalue with b Ptrofs.zero Full; [ | econstructor 2; apply MODE].
apply Clight.eval_Evar_global; auto.
(* eval_lvalue Evar *)
simpl in H1.
unfold get_var_type in H1.
subst rho; simpl in *.
unfold eval_var.
destruct_var_types i eqn:HH1&HH2; rewrite ?HH1, ?HH2 in *; [| destruct_glob_types i eqn:HH3&HH4; rewrite ?HH3, ?HH4 in *; [| inv H1]].
destruct (eqb_type t t0) eqn:?; [| inv H1].
apply eqb_type_true in Heqb0; subst t0.
exists b; exists Ptrofs.zero; split; auto.
constructor; auto.
destruct (eqb_type t t0) eqn:?; [| inv H1].
apply eqb_type_true in Heqb0; subst t0.
exists b; exists Ptrofs.zero; split; auto.
constructor 2; auto.
assert (TC:= typecheck_expr_sound).
specialize (TC Delta rho (m_phi m) (Etempvar i t)).
simpl in *.
unfold eval_id in *.
remember (Map.get (te_of rho) i); destruct o; auto.
destruct rho; inv H; unfold make_tenv in *.
unfold Map.get in *.
simpl in *.
clear - H3.
destruct t as [ | [ | | | ] [ | ] | [ | ] | [ | ] | | | | | ]; try contradiction H3.
unfold tc_val in H3.
destruct (eqb_type _ _); contradiction H3.
assert (TC:= typecheck_expr_sound).
specialize (TC Delta rho (m_phi m) (Ederef e t)).
simpl in *.
destruct (access_mode t) eqn:?H; try inversion H3.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3 as [[? ?] ?].
simpl in H5.
unfold_lift in H5.
apply tc_bool_e in H6.
specialize (H1 H3).
hnf in H7.
destruct (eval_expr e rho) eqn:?H; try contradiction.
eapply eval_Elvalue.
assert (TC:= typecheck_lvalue_sound _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
simpl in *.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3 as [[? ?] ?].
specialize (H1 H3).
apply tc_bool_e in H4.
simpl in H4.
hnf in H5.
destruct (eval_expr e rho) eqn:?; try contradiction.
exists b, i.
simpl in *.
simpl in H3.
rewrite !denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3.
assert (ISPTR := eval_lvalue_ptr rho (m_phi m) e Delta (te_of rho) (ve_of rho) (ge_of rho)).
specialize (H2 H3).
apply tc_bool_e in H4.
assert (mkEnviron (ge_of rho) (ve_of rho) (te_of rho) = rho).
destruct rho; auto.
destruct rho.
unfold typecheck_environ in *.
destruct H2 as [b [? ?]].
destruct H9 as [base [ofs ?]].
simpl in *.
rewrite H10 in *.
inv H7.
eapply eval_unop_relate; eauto.
eapply eval_binop_relate; eauto.
assert (TC := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
simpl in *.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3.
assert (TC' := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
unfold force_val1, force_val in *; super_unfold_lift; intuition.
eapply Clight.eval_Ecast.
eapply H5; auto.
destruct (sem_cast (typeof e) t (eval_expr e rho)) eqn:?H; [ | contradiction (tc_val_Vundef t)].
pose proof cop2_sem_cast' t e rho m H4 TC'.
rewrite H6; auto.
assert (TC := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
clear H1; rename H3 into H1.
simpl in H1.
destruct (access_mode t) eqn:?; try solve [inv H1].
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H1.
destruct H1.
specialize (H2 H1).
destruct H2 as [b [ofs [? ?]]].
destruct (typeof e) eqn:?; try solve[inv H3]; destruct (cenv_cs ! i0) as [co |] eqn:Hco; try solve [inv H3].
destruct (field_offset cenv_cs i (co_members co)) as [[? [|]] |]eqn:?; try contradiction.
inv H3.
simpl in *.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue; eauto.
eapply Clight.eval_Efield_struct; eauto.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue; auto.
rewrite Heqt0.
apply Clight.deref_loc_copy.
specialize (Hcenv i0); rewrite Hco in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
instantiate (1:=Full).
instantiate (1:=z).
rewrite <- Heqr.
eapply field_offset_stable; try eassumption.
specialize (Hcenv id); rewrite H in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
apply co_consistent_complete.
apply (cenv_consistent i0); auto.
unfold Datatypes.id; simpl.
rewrite Heqt0.
rewrite H4.
rewrite Hco.
rewrite Heqr.
apply Clight.deref_loc_reference.
rewrite Heqt0.
rewrite Hco.
destruct (union_field_offset (@cenv_cs CS) i (co_members co) ) eqn:?H; try contradiction.
destruct p.
destruct z; try contradiction.
destruct b0; try contradiction.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue; eauto.
eapply Clight.eval_Efield_union.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue; eauto.
apply Clight.deref_loc_copy.
rewrite Heqt0.
specialize (Hcenv i0); rewrite Hco in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
instantiate (1:=Full).
instantiate (1:=0).
rewrite <- H5.
eapply union_field_offset_stable; try eassumption.
specialize (Hcenv id); rewrite H6 in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
apply co_consistent_complete.
apply (cenv_consistent i0); auto.
rewrite ptrofs_add_repr_0.
rewrite H4.
simpl offset_val.
rewrite ptrofs_add_repr_0.
apply Clight.deref_loc_reference; auto.
clear H1.
assert (TC:= typecheck_lvalue_sound _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
simpl in *.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H3.
destruct H3.
unfold eval_field,offset_val in *; super_unfold_lift.
specialize (H2 H1).
destruct H2 as [b [ofs H4]].
destruct H4.
rewrite H4 in TC|-*.
destruct (typeof e) eqn:?; try contradiction; destruct (cenv_cs ! i0) as [co |] eqn:Hco; try solve [inv H3].
destruct (field_offset cenv_cs i (co_members co)) eqn:?; try contradiction.
destruct p.
destruct b0; try contradiction.
exists b.
exists (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr z)).
eapply Clight.eval_Efield_struct; auto; try eassumption.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue in H2.
apply H2.
rewrite Heqt0.
apply Clight.deref_loc_copy.
simpl; auto.
specialize (Hcenv i0); rewrite Hco in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
rewrite <- Heqr.
eapply field_offset_stable; eauto.
specialize (Hcenv id); rewrite H5 in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
apply co_consistent_complete.
apply (cenv_consistent i0); auto.
destruct (union_field_offset cenv_cs i (co_members co)) eqn:?; try contradiction.
destruct p.
destruct z; try contradiction.
destruct b0; try contradiction.
exists b.
exists (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr 0)).
split; auto.
eapply Clight.eval_Efield_union; eauto; try eassumption.
eapply Clight.eval_Elvalue; eauto.
rewrite Heqt0.
apply Clight.deref_loc_copy.
specialize (Hcenv i0); rewrite Hco in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
rewrite <- Heqr.
apply union_field_offset_stable.
specialize (Hcenv id); rewrite H5 in Hcenv; apply Hcenv.
apply co_consistent_complete.
apply (cenv_consistent i0); auto.
simpl in H1.
repeat rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H1.
destruct H1.
apply tc_bool_e in H1.
apply tc_bool_e in H2.
rewrite eqb_type_spec in H2.
unfold eval_expr.
unfold_lift; simpl.
rewrite H1.
unfold expr.sizeof.
rewrite <- (cenv_sub_sizeof Hcenv _ H1).
apply Clight.eval_Esizeof.
simpl in H1.
repeat rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in H1.
destruct H1.
apply tc_bool_e in H1.
apply tc_bool_e in H2.
unfold eval_expr.
unfold_lift; simpl.
rewrite H1.
unfold expr.alignof.
rewrite <- (cenv_sub_alignof Hcenv _ H1).
Lemma eval_expr_relate: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta ge te ve rho e m, cenv_sub (@cenv_cs CS) (genv_cenv ge) -> rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te -> typecheck_environ Delta rho -> (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e) rho (m_phi m) -> Clight.eval_expr ge ve te (m_dry m) e (eval_expr e rho)).
edestruct eval_both_relate; eauto.
Lemma eval_lvalue_relate: forall {CS: compspecs} Delta ge te ve rho e m, cenv_sub (@cenv_cs CS) (genv_cenv ge) -> rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te-> typecheck_environ Delta rho -> (denote_tc_assert (typecheck_lvalue Delta e) rho (m_phi m) -> exists b, exists ofs, Clight.eval_lvalue ge ve te (m_dry m) e b ofs Full /\ eval_lvalue e rho = Vptr b ofs).
edestruct eval_both_relate; eauto.