Timings for MontgomeryLadder.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v.timing
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Api.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Alloc.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.SepLocals.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.ControlFlow.DownTo.
Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.LadderStep.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.CSwap.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Specs.Field.
Require Import Crypto.Util.NumTheoryUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Interface.Compilation2.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.AdditionChains.
Require bedrock2.NotationsCustomEntry.
Import bedrock2.Syntax.Coercions.
Require Import bedrock2.ZnWords.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Import NoExprReflectionCompiler.
Import DownToCompiler.
(* TODO: migrate these to rupicola. Currently break when put in Notations.v *)
Notation "'let/n' ( w , x , y , z ) := val 'in' body" := (nlet [IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string w; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string x; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string y; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string z] val (fun '\<w, x, y, z\> => body)) (at level 200, w name, x name, y name, z name, body at level 200, only parsing).
Notation "'let/n' ( v , w , x , y , z ) := val 'in' body" := (nlet [IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string v; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string w; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string x; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string y; IdentParsing.TC.ident_to_string z] val (fun vwxyz => let '\< v, w, x, y, z \> := vwxyz in body)) (at level 200, v name, w name, x name, y name, z name, body at level 200, only parsing).
Section Gallina.
Local Open Scope F_scope.
Definition montladder_gallina (m : positive) (a24 : F m) (count : nat) (k : Z) (u : F m) : F m := let/n X1 := stack 1 in let/n Z1 := stack 0 in let/n X2 := stack u in let/n Z2 := stack 1 in let/n swap := false in let/n (X1, Z1, X2, Z2, swap) := downto \<X1, Z1, X2, Z2, swap\> (* initial state *) count (fun state i => let '\<X1, Z1, X2, Z2, swap\> := state in let/n s_i := Z.testbit k (Z.of_nat i) in let/n swap := xorb swap s_i in let/n (X1, X2) := cswap swap X1 X2 in let/n (Z1, Z2) := cswap swap Z1 Z2 in let/n (X1, Z1, X2, Z2) := ladderstep_gallina m a24 u X1 Z1 X2 Z2 in let/n swap := s_i in \<X1, Z1, X2, Z2, swap\> ) in let/n (X1, X2) := cswap swap X1 X2 in let/n (Z1, Z2) := cswap swap Z1 Z2 in let/n OUT := (F.inv Z1) in let/n OUT := (X1 * OUT) in OUT.
End Gallina.
Section __.
Context {width: Z} {BW: Bitwidth width} {word: word.word width} {mem: map.map word Byte.byte}.
Context {locals: map.map String.string word}.
Context {ext_spec: bedrock2.Semantics.ExtSpec}.
Context {word_ok : word.ok word} {mem_ok : map.ok mem}.
Context {locals_ok : map.ok locals}.
Context {ext_spec_ok : Semantics.ext_spec.ok ext_spec}.
Context {field_parameters : FieldParameters}.
Context {field_representaton : FieldRepresentation}.
Context {field_representation_ok : FieldRepresentation_ok}.
Hint Resolve @relax_bounds : compiler.
Section MontLadder.
Context scalarbits (scalarbits_small : word.wrap (Z.of_nat scalarbits) = Z.of_nat scalarbits).
Local Notation "bs $@ a" := (array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a bs) (at level 20).
Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" := fnspec! "montladder" (pOUT pK pU : word) / Kbytes (K : Z) (U : F M_pos) (* inputs *) out_bound OUT R, { requires tr mem := LittleEndianList.le_combine Kbytes = K /\ Z.of_nat scalarbits <= 8*Z.of_nat (length Kbytes) /\ (FElem out_bound pOUT OUT * Kbytes$@pK * FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U * R)%sep mem; ensures tr' mem' := tr' = tr /\ (let OUT := montladder_gallina M_pos a24 scalarbits K U in (FElem (Some tight_bounds) pOUT OUT * Kbytes$@pK * FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U * R)%sep mem') }.
(* Adding word.unsigned_of_Z_1 and word.unsigned_of_Z_0 as hints to compiler doesn't work, presumably because of the typeclass preconditions. This is a hacky workaround. *) (* TODO: figure out a cleaner way to do this *)
Lemma unsigned_of_Z_1 : word.unsigned (@word.of_Z _ word 1) = 1.
Proof using word_ok.
exact word.unsigned_of_Z_1.
Lemma unsigned_of_Z_0 : word.unsigned (@word.of_Z _ word 0) = 0.
Proof using word_ok.
exact word.unsigned_of_Z_0.
Hint Resolve unsigned_of_Z_0 unsigned_of_Z_1 : compiler.
Import bedrock2.NotationsCustomEntry.
Lemma compile_sctestbit : forall {tr mem locals functions} bs x i, let v := Z.testbit x (Z.of_nat i) in forall P (pred: P v -> predicate) (k: nlet_eq_k P v) k_impl R x_ptr x_var wi i_var out_var, (bs$@x_ptr * R)%sep mem -> map.get locals x_var = Some x_ptr -> LittleEndianList.le_combine bs = x -> wi = word.of_Z (Z.of_nat i) -> 0 <= Z.of_nat i < 2 ^ width -> Z.of_nat i < 8 * Z.of_nat (length bs) -> map.get locals i_var = Some wi -> (let v := v in (<{ Trace := tr; Memory := mem; Locals := map.put locals out_var (word.b2w v); Functions := functions }> k_impl <{ pred (k v eq_refl) }>)) -> <{ Trace := tr; Memory := mem; Locals := locals; Functions := functions }> bedrock_cmd:($out_var = (load1($x_var+$i_var>>coq:(3))>>($i_var&coq:(7)))&coq:(1); coq:(k_impl)) <{ pred (nlet_eq [out_var] v k) }>.
Proof using mem_ok scalarbits word_ok.
repeat straightline.
repeat (eexists; split; repeat straightline'; eauto); cbn [Semantics.interp_binop].
eapply load_one_of_sep.
(* (* Note: could instead add the following two lines to seprewrite0_in but kinda wanna avoid reduction/conversion there... *) let t := type of Hrw in let t := eval cbv zeta in t in *)
unshelve ( let Hrw := open_constr:(@bytearray_index_inbounds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Lift1Prop.iff1 _ _) in seprewrite0_in Hrw H; ecancel_assumption).
all : cycle 1.
all: try eapply word.unsigned_inj.
all: unfold word.b2w.
all: subst_lets_in_goal; subst.
all : repeat rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_b2z, ?word.unsigned_of_Z, ?word.unsigned_and_nowrap, ?word.unsigned_sru_nowrap.
all : cbv [word.wrap]; rewrite ?Z.mod_small.
all : change 7 with (Z.ones 3); change 1 with (Z.ones 1); rewrite ?Z.land_ones.
all : rewrite ?Z.shiftr_div_pow2; change (2^3) with 8; change (2^1) with 2.
all : rewrite <-?hd_skipn_nth_default.
1: rewrite <-Z.testbit_spec'; f_equal.
1: setoid_rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div.
all : try match goal with |- 0 <= byte.unsigned ?x < _ => epose proof byte.unsigned_range x end.
all : try (destruct Bitwidth.width_cases as [E|E]; rewrite ?E in *; Lia.lia).
all : try (destruct Bitwidth.width_cases as [E|E]; rewrite ?E in *; cbn in *; Lia.lia).
(* Z.testbit (LittleEndianList.le_combine bs) (Z.of_nat i) = Z.testbit (byte.unsigned (nth_default (byte.of_Z 0) bs (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat i) / Z.to_nat 8))) (Z.of_nat i mod 8) *)
rewrite <-(LittleEndianList.split_le_combine bs) at 2.
rewrite LittleEndianList.nth_default_le_split, byte.unsigned_of_Z, Nat2Z.id by (eapply Nat.div_lt_upper_bound; Lia.nia).
cbv [byte.wrap]; rewrite <-Z.land_ones, Z.land_spec, Z.ones_spec_low by Lia.lia.
rewrite Z.shiftr_spec, Bool.andb_true_r by Lia.lia; f_equal.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_div.
Hint Extern 8 (WeakestPrecondition.cmd _ _ _ _ _ (_ (nlet_eq _ (Z.testbit _ _) _))) => simple eapply compile_sctestbit; shelve : compiler.
Existing Instance felem_alloc.
Lemma cswap_same {A} b (a : A): cswap b a a = \<a,a\>.
Proof using Type.
destruct b; reflexivity.
Local Ltac ecancel_assumption ::= ecancel_assumption_impl.
Lemma scalarbits_bound : Z.of_nat scalarbits < 2 ^ width.
Proof using scalarbits_small.
rewrite <- scalarbits_small.
unfold word.wrap.
apply Z_mod_lt.
pose proof word.width_pos.
pose proof (Z.pow_pos_nonneg 2 width ltac:(lia)).
(* TODO: why doesn't `Existing Instance` work? Existing Instance spec_of_sctestbit.*)
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "ladderstep") => (simple refine (@spec_of_ladderstep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "cswap") => (simple refine (spec_of_cswap)) : typeclass_instances.
(* TODO: this seems a bit delicate*)
Ltac compile_cswap := eapply compile_felem_cswap; [solve[repeat compile_step] .. | repeat compile_step; rewrite cswap_same; compile_step; match goal with | [|- (WeakestPrecondition.cmd _ _ _ _ _ (_ (let (_,_) := ?v in _)))] => destruct v end].
Hint Extern 8 (WeakestPrecondition.cmd _ _ _ _ _ (_ (nlet_eq _ (cswap _ _ _) _))) => compile_cswap; shelve : compiler.
Lemma word_unsigned_of_Z_eq z : 0 <= z < 2 ^ width -> word.unsigned (word.of_Z z : word) = z.
Proof using word_ok.
rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z.
rewrite word.wrap_small; auto.
Hint Extern 8 (word.unsigned (word.of_Z _) = _) => simple eapply word_unsigned_of_Z_eq; [ ZnWords |] : compiler.
(*TODO: should this go in core rupicola?*)
Lemma compile_copy_bool {tr m l functions} (x: bool) : let v := x in forall P (pred: P v -> predicate) (k: nlet_eq_k P v) k_impl x_expr var, WeakestPrecondition.dexpr m l x_expr (word.of_Z (Z.b2z v)) -> (let v := v in <{ Trace := tr; Memory := m; Locals := map.put l var (word.of_Z (Z.b2z v)); Functions := functions }> k_impl <{ pred (k v eq_refl) }>) -> <{ Trace := tr; Memory := m; Locals := l; Functions := functions }> cmd.seq (cmd.set var x_expr) k_impl <{ pred (nlet_eq [var] v k) }>.
Proof using Type.
repeat straightline.
Hint Extern 10 (WeakestPrecondition.cmd _ _ _ _ _ (_ (nlet_eq _ ?v _))) => is_var v; simple eapply compile_copy_bool; shelve : compiler.
Hint Resolve unsigned_of_Z_0 : compiler_side_conditions.
Hint Resolve unsigned_of_Z_1 : compiler_side_conditions.
Hint Unfold F.one F.zero : compiler_cleanup.
Hint Extern 10 (_ < _) => lia : compiler_side_conditions.
(* TODO: update the original definition in bedrock2 *)
Ltac find_implication xs y ::= multimatch xs with | cons ?x _ => (* Only proceed if we can find an implication between x and y *) let _ := constr:(ltac:(solve [auto 1 with nocore ecancel_impl]) : Lift1Prop.impl1 x y) in constr:(O) | cons _ ?xs => let i := find_implication xs y in constr:(S i) end.
Context { F_M_pos : Z.pos M_pos = 2^255-19 }.
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "fe25519_inv") => (simple refine (spec_of_exp_large)) : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "felem_cswap") => (simple refine (spec_of_cswap)) : typeclass_instances.
Derive montladder_body SuchThat (defn! "montladder" ("OUT", "K", "U") { montladder_body }, implements montladder_gallina using ["felem_cswap"; felem_copy; from_word; "ladderstep"; "fe25519_inv"; mul]) As montladder_correct.
pose proof scalarbits_bound.
repeat compile_step.
eapply compile_nlet_as_nlet_eq.
eapply compile_felem_cswap; repeat compile_step.
eapply compile_nlet_as_nlet_eq.
eapply compile_felem_cswap; repeat compile_step.
End MontLadder.
End __.
Global Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "montladder") => (simple refine (@spec_of_montladder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) : typeclass_instances.
Import bedrock2.Syntax.Coercions.
Local Unset Printing Coercions.
(* Set the printing width so that arguments are printed on 1 line. Otherwise the build breaks. *)
Local Set Printing Width 160.
(* Import NotationsCustomEntry. *)
Redirect "Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.montladder_body" Eval cbv [montladder_body cmd_downto_fresh cmd_downto gs fold_right] in ("montladder", montladder_body 253).