Timings for Monoid.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-category-theory.dev/./Structure/Monoid.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-category-theory.dev/./Structure/Monoid.v.timing
Require Import Category.Lib.
Require Import Category.Theory.Category.
Require Import Category.Theory.Isomorphism.
Require Import Category.Theory.Functor.
Require Import Category.Functor.Bifunctor.
Require Import Category.Structure.Terminal.
Require Import Category.Structure.Cartesian.
Require Import Category.Structure.Monoidal.
Require Import Category.Structure.Monoidal.Internal.Product.
Require Import Category.Structure.Cartesian.Closed.
Require Import Category.Instance.Sets.
Generalizable All Variables.
Section MonoidObject.
Context {C : Category}.
Context `{M : @Monoidal C}.
Class MonoidObject (mon : C) := { mempty : I ~> mon; mappend : mon ⨂ mon ~> mon; (* I ⨂ mon ≈ mon, mon ⨂ I ≈ mon *) mempty_left : mappend ∘ bimap mempty id ≈ to (@unit_left C _ mon); mempty_right : mappend ∘ bimap id mempty ≈ to (@unit_right C _ mon); (* (mon ⨂ mon) ⨂ mon ≈ mon ⨂ (mon ⨂ mon) *) mappend_assoc : mappend ∘ bimap mappend id ≈ mappend ∘ bimap id mappend ∘ to tensor_assoc }.
Context (mon : C).
Context `{@MonoidObject mon}.
Lemma mappend_assoc_sym : mappend ∘ bimap id mappend ≈ mappend ∘ bimap mappend id ∘ (tensor_assoc ⁻¹).
rewrite mappend_assoc.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite iso_to_from.
End MonoidObject.
Notation "mempty[ M ]" := (@mempty _ _ _ M) (at level 9, format "mempty[ M ]") : category_scope.
Notation "mappend[ M ]" := (@mappend _ _ _ M) (at level 9, format "mappend[ M ]") : category_scope.
Section Monoid.
Context {C : Category}.
Context `{@Cartesian C}.
Context `{@Terminal C}.
(* A Monoid object in C defined in terms of the internal product is a monoid in the usual sense (i.e., mappend reducing two objects to one). ncatlab: "Classical monoids are of course just monoids in Set with the cartesian product." *)
Definition Monoid := @MonoidObject C CC_Monoidal.
#[export] Program Instance Product_Monoid `(X : Monoid x) `(Y : Monoid y) : @MonoidObject C CC_Monoidal (x × y) := {| mempty := @mempty _ _ _ X △ @mempty _ _ _ Y; mappend := split (@mappend _ _ _ X) (@mappend _ _ _ Y) ∘ toggle |}.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mempty_left _ _ _ X) as HX.
spose (@mempty_left _ _ _ Y) as HY.
assert ((mempty[X] △ mempty[Y] ∘ exl) △ (id[x × y] ∘ exr) ≈ split (mempty[X] △ mempty[Y]) id[x × y]) by (unfork; cat).
rewrite X0; clear X0.
unfold toggle.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- fork_comp.
rewrite !split_comp.
rewrite exl_fork, exr_fork.
rewrite !id_right.
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[X]).
rewrite <- (id_left exl).
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[Y]).
rewrite <- (id_left exr).
rewrite <- !split_comp.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite HX, HY.
unfold split; cat.
now rewrite fork_comp; cat.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mempty_right _ _ _ X) as HX.
spose (@mempty_right _ _ _ Y) as HY.
assert ((id[x × y] ∘ exl) △ (mempty[X] △ mempty[Y] ∘ exr) ≈ split id[x × y] (mempty[X] △ mempty[Y])) by (unfork; cat).
rewrite X0; clear X0.
unfold toggle.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- fork_comp.
rewrite !split_comp.
rewrite exl_fork, exr_fork.
rewrite !id_right.
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[X]).
rewrite <- (id_left exl).
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[Y]).
rewrite <- (id_left exr).
rewrite <- !split_comp.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite HX, HY.
unfold split; cat.
now rewrite fork_comp; cat.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mappend_assoc _ _ _ X) as HX.
spose (@mappend_assoc _ _ _ Y) as HY.
assert ((split mappend[X] mappend[Y] ∘ toggle ∘ exl) △ (id[x × y] ∘ exr) ≈ split (split mappend[X] mappend[Y] ∘ toggle) id[x × y]) by (unfork; cat).
rewrite X0; clear X0.
assert ((id[x × y] ∘ exl) △ (split mappend[X] mappend[Y] ∘ toggle ∘ exr) ≈ split id[x × y] (split mappend[X] mappend[Y] ∘ toggle)) by (unfork; cat).
rewrite X0; clear X0.
unfold toggle.
rewrite !split_fork.
rewrite <- !fork_comp.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !split_fork.
rewrite !id_left.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite !exl_fork.
rewrite !exr_fork.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !split_comp.
rewrite !exl_fork.
rewrite !exr_fork.
rewrite !id_right.
rewrite <- (id_left (exl (x:=x) (y:=y))) at 1.
rewrite <- (id_left (exr (x:=x) (y:=y))) at 1.
rewrite <- !split_comp.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite HX, HY.
rewrite !id_left.
apply fork_respects; clear; now unfold split; unfork; cat.
Context `{@Closed C _}.
Definition doppel {x y z : C} : (x × y) × z ~> (x × z) × (y × z) := first exl △ first exr.
Lemma uncurry_exl_fork_exr {x y : C} : uncurry exl △ uncurry exr ≈ split eval eval ∘ @doppel (y ^ x) (y ^ x) x.
unfold doppel.
rewrite split_fork.
now rewrite !eval_first.
#[export] Program Instance Hom_Monoid {x} `(Y : Monoid y) : @MonoidObject C CC_Monoidal (y ^ x) := { mempty := curry (@mempty _ _ _ Y ∘ exl); mappend := curry (@mappend _ _ _ Y ∘ uncurry exl △ uncurry exr) }.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mempty_left _ _ _ Y) as HY.
remember ((curry _ ∘ exl) △ (id[y ^ x] ∘ exr)) as h.
assert (h ≈ split (curry (mempty[Y] ∘ exl)) id[y ^ x]) by (rewrite Heqh; unfork; cat).
rewrite X; clear X Heqh h.
rewrite uncurry_exl_fork_exr.
unfold doppel.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite curry_comp_l.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite <- fork_comp.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- !first_comp.
rewrite exl_split.
rewrite exr_split.
rewrite !eval_first.
rewrite !uncurry_comp.
rewrite !uncurry_curry.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !exl_first.
rewrite <- split_fork.
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[Y]) at 1.
rewrite <- (id_left (uncurry id[y ^ x])).
rewrite <- split_comp.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite HY; clear HY.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite exr_fork.
rewrite eval_first.
now rewrite curry_uncurry.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mempty_right _ _ _ Y) as HY.
remember ((id[y ^ x] ∘ exl) △ (curry _ ∘ exr)) as h.
assert (h ≈ split id[y ^ x] (curry (mempty[Y] ∘ exl))) by (rewrite Heqh; unfork; cat).
rewrite X; clear X Heqh h.
rewrite uncurry_exl_fork_exr.
unfold doppel.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite curry_comp_l.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite <- fork_comp.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- !first_comp.
rewrite exl_split.
rewrite exr_split.
rewrite !eval_first.
rewrite !uncurry_comp.
rewrite !uncurry_curry.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !exl_first.
rewrite <- split_fork.
rewrite <- (id_right mempty[Y]) at 1.
rewrite <- (id_left (uncurry id[y ^ x])).
rewrite <- split_comp.
rewrite !comp_assoc.
rewrite HY; clear HY.
rewrite <- comp_assoc.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite exl_fork.
rewrite eval_first.
now rewrite curry_uncurry.
Next Obligation.
spose (@mappend_assoc _ _ _ Y) as HY.
rewrite uncurry_exl_fork_exr.
remember ((curry _ ∘ exl) △ (id[y ^ x] ∘ exr)) as h.
assert (h ≈ split (curry (mappend[Y] ∘ split eval eval ∘ doppel)) id[y ^ x]) by (rewrite Heqh; unfork; cat).
rewrite X; clear X Heqh h.
remember ((id[y ^ x] ∘ exl) △ (curry _ ∘ exr)) as h.
assert (h ≈ split id[y ^ x] (curry (mappend[Y] ∘ split eval eval ∘ doppel))) by (rewrite Heqh; unfork; cat).
rewrite X; clear X Heqh h.
unfold doppel.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !split_fork.
rewrite !eval_first.
rewrite split_fork.
rewrite !eval_first.
unfold split.
rewrite !id_left.
rewrite !curry_comp_l.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- !fork_comp.
rewrite <- !uncurry_comp.
rewrite exl_fork.
rewrite exr_fork.
rewrite !uncurry_curry.
rewrite <- (id_left (uncurry exr)).
rewrite <- split_fork.
rewrite comp_assoc.
rewrite HY; clear HY.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite <- !fork_comp.
rewrite <- !comp_assoc.
rewrite !exl_fork.
rewrite !exr_fork.
now rewrite uncurry_curry.
End Monoid.