Timings for binop_lemmas3.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-vst.dev/./veric/binop_lemmas3.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-vst.dev/./veric/binop_lemmas3.v.timing
Require Import VST.msl.msl_standard.
Require Import VST.veric.Clight_base.
Require Import VST.veric.compcert_rmaps.
Require Import VST.veric.Clight_lemmas.
Require Import VST.veric.mpred.
Require Import VST.veric.tycontext.
Require Import VST.veric.expr2.
Require Import VST.veric.Clight_Cop2.
Require Import VST.veric.juicy_mem.
Require Import VST.veric.binop_lemmas2.
Lemma denote_tc_nonzero_e: forall i m, app_pred (denote_tc_nonzero (Vint i)) m -> i <> Int.zero.
simpl; auto .
Lemma denote_tc_nodivover_e: forall i j m, app_pred (denote_tc_nodivover (Vint i) (Vint j)) m -> ~ (i =Int.repr Int.min_signed /\ j = Int.mone).
simpl; auto.
Lemma denote_tc_nonzero_e64: forall i m, app_pred (denote_tc_nonzero (Vlong i)) m -> i <> Int64.zero.
simpl; auto.
Lemma denote_tc_nodivover_e64_ll: forall i j m, app_pred (denote_tc_nodivover (Vlong i) (Vlong j)) m -> ~ (i =Int64.repr Int64.min_signed /\ j = Int64.mone).
simpl; auto.
Lemma denote_tc_nodivover_e64_il: (* This is a rather vacuous lemma, since the premise is simply True *) forall s i j m, app_pred (denote_tc_nodivover (Vint i) (Vlong j)) m -> ~ (cast_int_long s i = Int64.repr Int64.min_signed /\ j = Int64.mone).
simpl; intros.
intros [? ?].
destruct s; simpl in *.
pose proof (@f_equal _ _ Int64.signed _ _ H0).
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H1.
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H1.
pose proof (Int.signed_range i).
rewrite H1 in H2.
destruct H2.
compute in H2.
apply H2; auto.
compute; split; congruence.
pose proof (Int.signed_range i).
clear - H2.
forget (Int.signed i) as a.
destruct H2.
split; eapply Z.le_trans; try eassumption.
compute; congruence.
compute; congruence.
pose proof (@f_equal _ _ Int64.unsigned _ _ H0).
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr in H1.
replace (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) with (Int64.repr (Int64.modulus + Int64.min_signed)) in H1.
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr in H1.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range i).
rewrite H1 in H2.
destruct H2.
compute in H2.
apply H2; auto.
compute; split; congruence.
apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
rewrite <- Z.add_0_l.
apply Int64.eqm_add.
unfold Int64.eqm.
exists 1.
apply Int64.eqm_refl.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range i).
destruct H; split; auto.
assert (Int.modulus < Int64.max_unsigned).
compute; auto.
Lemma denote_tc_nodivover_e64_li: forall s i j m, app_pred (denote_tc_nodivover (Vlong i) (Vint j)) m -> ~ (i = Int64.repr Int64.min_signed /\ cast_int_long s j = Int64.mone).
simpl; intros.
contradict H.
destruct H; split; auto.
clear - H0.
destruct s; simpl in *.
unfold Int64.mone in H0.
pose proof (@f_equal _ _ Int64.signed _ _ H0).
clear H0.
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H.
change (Int.signed j = -1) in H.
rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed j).
rewrite H.
clear H.
pose proof (Int.signed_range j).
destruct H.
split; eapply Z.le_trans; try eassumption.
unfold Int64.mone in H0.
pose proof (@f_equal _ _ Int64.signed _ _ H0).
clear H0.
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H.
change (Int.unsigned j = -1) in H.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range j).
rewrite H in H0.
destruct H0.
compute in H0.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range j).
destruct H0.
eapply Z.le_trans; try eassumption.
assert (Int.modulus < Int64.max_signed).
Lemma Int64_eq_repr_signed32_nonzero: forall i, i <> Int.zero -> Int64.repr (Int.signed i) <> Int64.zero.
contradict H.
rename H into H0.
unfold Int64.zero in H0.
assert (Int64.signed (Int64.repr (Int.signed i)) = Int64.signed (Int64.repr 0)) by (f_equal; auto).
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H.
rewrite Int64.signed_repr in H.
rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed i).
rewrite H.
pose proof (Int64.signed_range Int64.zero).
rewrite Int64.signed_zero in H1.
pose proof (Int.signed_range i).
clear - H1.
destruct H1.
apply Z.le_trans with Int.min_signed; auto.
compute; congruence.
apply Z.le_trans with Int.max_signed; auto.
compute; congruence.
Lemma Int64_eq_repr_unsigned32_nonzero: forall i, i <> Int.zero -> Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i) <> Int64.zero.
rename H into H0.
contradict H0.
unfold Int64.zero in H0.
assert (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i)) = Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr 0)) by (f_equal; auto).
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr in H.
rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr in H.
rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned i).
rewrite H.
split; compute; congruence.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range i).
clear - H1.
destruct H1.
split; auto.
unfold Int64.max_unsigned.
apply Z.le_trans with Int.modulus.
compute; congruence.
Lemma Int64_eq_repr_int_nonzero: forall s i, i <> Int.zero -> cast_int_long s i <> Int64.zero.
destruct s.
apply Int64_eq_repr_signed32_nonzero; auto.
apply Int64_eq_repr_unsigned32_nonzero; auto.
Lemma denote_tc_igt_e: forall m i j, app_pred (denote_tc_igt j (Vint i)) m -> Int.unsigned i < Int.unsigned j.
Lemma denote_tc_lgt_e: forall m i j, app_pred (denote_tc_lgt j (Vlong i)) m -> Int64.unsigned i < Int64.unsigned j.
Lemma denote_tc_iszero_long_e: forall m i, app_pred (denote_tc_iszero (Vlong i)) m -> i = Int64.zero.
hnf in H.
pose proof (Int64.eq_spec i Int64.zero).
destruct (Int64.eq i Int64.zero); try contradiction.
Lemma int_type_tc_val_Vtrue: forall t, is_int_type t = true -> tc_val t Vtrue.
destruct t as [| [| | |] [|] | | | | | | |]; try discriminate; hnf; auto.
change (Int.signed Int.one) with 1.
change Byte.min_signed with (-128).
change Byte.max_signed with 127.
change (Int.signed Int.one) with 1.
Lemma int_type_tc_val_Vfalse: forall t, is_int_type t = true -> tc_val t Vfalse.
destruct t as [| [| | |] [|] | | | | | | |]; try discriminate; hnf; auto; change (Int.signed Int.zero) with 0.
change Byte.min_signed with (-128).
change Byte.max_signed with 127.
Lemma int_type_tc_val_of_bool: forall t b, is_int_type t = true -> tc_val t (bool2val b).
destruct t as [| [| | |] [|] | | | | | | |]; try discriminate; hnf; auto; clear H; destruct b; simpl; auto; change (Int.signed (Int.repr 1)) with 1; change (Int.signed (Int.repr 0)) with 0; change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 1)) with 1; change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 0)) with 0; change Byte.min_signed with (-128); change Byte.max_signed with 127; change Byte.max_unsigned with 255; try lia; intro Hx; inv Hx.
Lemma Ptrofs_to_of64_lemma: Archi.ptr64 = false -> forall i, Ptrofs.to_int (Ptrofs.of_int64 i) = Int.repr (Int64.unsigned i).
unfold Ptrofs.of_int64, Ptrofs.to_int.
pose proof (Ptrofs.agree32_repr H (Int64.unsigned i)).
red in H0.
rewrite H0.
apply Int.repr_unsigned.
Lemma Int64repr_Intsigned_zero: forall i, Int64.repr (Int.signed i) = Int64.zero -> i=Int.zero.
pose proof (Int.eq_spec i Int.zero).
destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero) eqn:?; auto.
apply Int64_eq_repr_signed32_nonzero in H0.
Lemma Int64repr_Intunsigned_zero: forall i, Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i) = Int64.zero -> i=Int.zero.
pose proof (Int.eq_spec i Int.zero).
destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero) eqn:?; auto.
apply Int64_eq_repr_unsigned32_nonzero in H0.
Lemma eq_block_true: forall b1 b2 i1 i2 A (a b: A), is_true (sameblock (Vptr b1 i1) (Vptr b2 i2)) -> (if eq_block b1 b2 then a else b) = a.
unfold sameblock, eq_block.
apply is_true_e in H.
destruct (peq b1 b2); auto.
inv H.
Lemma sizeof_range_true {CS: compspecs}: forall t A (a b: A) (max: Z), negb (Z.eqb (sizeof t) 0) = true -> Z.leb (sizeof t) max = true -> (if zlt 0 (sizeof t) && zle (sizeof t) max then a else b) = a.
rewrite negb_true_iff in H.
rewrite Z.eqb_neq in H.
pose proof sizeof_pos t.
rewrite <- Zle_is_le_bool in H0.
unfold sizeof in *; simpl in *.
destruct (zlt 0 (Ctypes.sizeof t)); [| lia].
destruct (zle (Ctypes.sizeof t) max); [| lia].
Inductive tc_val_PM: type -> val -> Prop := | tc_val_PM_Tint: forall sz sg a v, is_int sz sg v -> tc_val_PM (Tint sz sg a) v | tc_val_PM_Tlong: forall s a v, is_long v -> tc_val_PM (Tlong s a) v | tc_val_PM_Tfloat_single: forall a v, is_single v -> tc_val_PM (Tfloat F32 a) v | tc_val_PM_Tfloat_double: forall a v, is_float v -> tc_val_PM (Tfloat F64 a) v | tc_val_PM_Tpointer: forall t a v, (if eqb_type (Tpointer t a) int_or_ptr_type then is_pointer_or_integer else is_pointer_or_null) v -> tc_val_PM (Tpointer t a) v | tc_val_PM_Tarray: forall t n a v, is_pointer_or_null v -> tc_val_PM (Tarray t n a) v | tc_val_PM_Tfunction: forall ts t a v, is_pointer_or_null v -> tc_val_PM (Tfunction ts t a) v | tc_val_PM_Tstruct: forall i a v, isptr v -> tc_val_PM (Tstruct i a) v | tc_val_PM_Tunion: forall i a v, isptr v -> tc_val_PM (Tunion i a) v.
Lemma tc_val_tc_val_PM: forall t v, tc_val t v <-> tc_val_PM t v.
split; intros.
destruct t as [| | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try (inv H); constructor; auto.
inversion H; subst; auto.
Inductive tc_val_PM': type -> val -> Prop := | tc_val_PM'_Tint: forall t0 sz sg a v, t0 = Tint sz sg a -> is_int sz sg v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tlong: forall t0 s a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tlong s a -> is_long v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tfloat_single: forall t0 a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tfloat F32 a -> is_single v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tfloat_double: forall t0 a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tfloat F64 a -> is_float v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tpointer: forall t0 t a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tpointer t a -> (if eqb_type t0 int_or_ptr_type then is_pointer_or_integer else is_pointer_or_null) v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tstruct: forall t0 i a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tstruct i a -> isptr v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v | tc_val_PM'_Tunion: forall t0 i a v, stupid_typeconv t0 = Tunion i a -> isptr v -> tc_val_PM' t0 v.
Lemma tc_val_tc_val_PM': forall t v, tc_val t v <-> tc_val_PM' t v.
split; intros.
destruct t as [| | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try (inv H).
destruct s; eapply tc_val_PM'_Tint; eauto.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tlong; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tfloat_single; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tfloat_double; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tpointer; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tpointer; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tpointer; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tstruct; eauto; reflexivity.
eapply tc_val_PM'_Tunion; eauto; reflexivity.
inversion H; subst; auto; destruct t as [| | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try (inv H0); auto.
destruct i; inv H3.
destruct i; inv H3.
destruct i; inv H3.
destruct i; inv H3.
destruct i0; inv H3.
destruct i0; inv H3.
Ltac solve_tc_val H := rewrite tc_val_tc_val_PM in H; inv H.
Ltac solve_tc_val' H := rewrite tc_val_tc_val_PM' in H; inv H.
Lemma tc_val_sem_binarith': forall {CS: compspecs} sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single t1 t2 t v1 v2 deferr reterr rho m (TV2: tc_val t2 v2) (TV1: tc_val t1 v1), (denote_tc_assert (binarithType' t1 t2 t deferr reterr) rho) m -> tc_val t (force_val (Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith (fun s n1 n2 => Some (Vint (sem_int s n1 n2))) (fun s n1 n2 => Some (Vlong (sem_long s n1 n2))) (fun n1 n2 => Some (Vfloat (sem_float n1 n2))) (fun n1 n2 => Some (Vsingle (sem_single n1 n2))) t1 t2 v1 v2)).
unfold binarithType' in H.
unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith.
rewrite classify_binarith_eq.
destruct (classify_binarith' t1 t2) eqn:?H; try solve [inv H]; apply tc_bool_e in H; destruct t1 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try discriminate H0; destruct t2 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try inv H0; try contradiction; destruct v1; try solve [inv TV1]; destruct v2; try solve [inv TV2]; destruct t as [| [| | |] [|] ? | | [|] | | | | |]; inv H; simpl; auto; apply I.
Lemma tc_val_sem_cmp_binarith': forall sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single t1 t2 t v1 v2 (TV2: tc_val t2 v2) (TV1: tc_val t1 v1), is_numeric_type t1 = true -> is_numeric_type t2 = true -> is_int_type t = true -> tc_val t (force_val (Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith (fun s n1 n2 => Some (bool2val (sem_int s n1 n2))) (fun s n1 n2 => Some (bool2val (sem_long s n1 n2))) (fun n1 n2 => Some (bool2val (sem_float n1 n2))) (fun n1 n2 => Some (bool2val (sem_single n1 n2))) t1 t2 v1 v2)).
destruct t; inv H1.
unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith.
rewrite classify_binarith_eq.
destruct (classify_binarith' t1 t2) eqn:?H.
1,2,3,4: destruct t1 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try discriminate H0; destruct t2 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; try inv H0; try contradiction; destruct v1; try solve [inv TV1]; destruct v2; try solve [inv TV2]; inv H1; simpl; apply tc_bool2val; auto.
destruct t1 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; inv H; destruct t2 as [| [| | |] [|] | | [ | ] ? | | | | |]; inv H0; inv H1.
Lemma negb_true: forall a, negb a = true -> a = false.
intros; destruct a; auto; inv H.
Lemma typecheck_Oadd_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType Oadd e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)), tc_val t (eval_binop Oadd (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
rewrite den_isBinOpR in IBR.
unfold tc_int_or_ptr_type, eval_binop, sem_binary_operation', isBinOpResultType, Clight_Cop2.sem_add in IBR |- *.
rewrite classify_add_eq.
destruct (classify_add' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)) eqn:?H; unfold force_val2, force_val; rewrite tc_val_tc_val_PM in TV1,TV2|-*; unfold classify_add' in H; simpl in IBR; repeat match goal with | H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (tc_bool _ _) _) _ |- _ => apply tc_bool_e in H | H: negb (eqb_type ?A ?B) = true |- _ => let J := fresh "J" in destruct (eqb_type A B) eqn:J; [inv H | clear H] end; try (unfold sem_add_ptr_int, sem_add_ptr_long, sem_add_int_ptr, sem_add_long_ptr; simpl; rewrite H3).
all: try solve [ unfold is_pointer_type in H1; destruct (typeof e1) as [| [| | |] ? ? | | [|] | | | | |]; inv TV1; destruct (typeof e2) as [| [| | |] ? ? | | [|] | | | | |]; inv TV2; simpl in H; inv H; try rewrite J in *; clear J; destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); simpl in *; try contradiction; destruct t; try solve [inv H1]; try solve [constructor; try rewrite (negb_true _ H1); apply I] ].
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in IBR.
destruct IBR.
rewrite <- tc_val_tc_val_PM in TV1,TV2|-*.
eapply tc_val_sem_binarith'; eauto.
Lemma peq_eq_block: forall a b A (c d: A), is_true (peq a b) -> (if eq_block a b then c else d) = c.
rewrite if_true; auto.
destruct (peq a b); auto.
inv H.
Lemma typecheck_Osub_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType Osub e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)), tc_val t (eval_binop Osub (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
rewrite den_isBinOpR in IBR.
unfold tc_int_or_ptr_type, eval_binop, sem_binary_operation', isBinOpResultType, Clight_Cop2.sem_sub in IBR |- *.
rewrite classify_sub_eq.
destruct (classify_sub' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)) eqn:?H; unfold force_val2, force_val; rewrite tc_val_tc_val_PM in TV1,TV2|-*; unfold classify_sub' in H; simpl in IBR; repeat match goal with | H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H: app_pred (denote_tc_assert (tc_bool _ _) _) _ |- _ => apply tc_bool_e in H | H: negb (eqb_type ?A ?B) = true |- _ => let J := fresh "J" in destruct (eqb_type A B) eqn:J; [inv H | clear H] end.
all: try (unfold sem_sub_pi, sem_sub_pp, sem_sub_pl; simpl; match goal with H: complete_type _ _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H end).
1,3: solve [ unfold is_pointer_type in H1; destruct (typeof e1); inv TV1; destruct (typeof e2) as [| [| | |] [|] | | | | | | |]; inv TV2; simpl in H; inv H; try rewrite J in *; clear J; destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); simpl in *; try contradiction; destruct t; try solve [inv H1]; try solve [constructor; try rewrite (negb_true _ H1); apply I] ].
change (Ctypes.sizeof ty) with (sizeof ty).
destruct (typeof e1); inv TV1; destruct (typeof e2); inv TV2; simpl in H; inv H; rewrite ?J, ?J0 in *; clear J J0; destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); simpl in *; try contradiction; destruct t as [| [| | |] [|] | | | | | | |]; inv H4; simpl; constructor; try (rewrite peq_eq_block by auto; rewrite sizeof_range_true by auto); try discriminate; try apply I.
rewrite <- tc_val_tc_val_PM in TV1,TV2|-*.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in IBR.
destruct IBR.
eapply tc_val_sem_binarith'; eauto.
Lemma typecheck_Omul_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType Omul e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)), tc_val t (eval_binop Omul (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
rewrite den_isBinOpR in IBR.
unfold eval_binop, sem_binary_operation', isBinOpResultType, Clight_Cop2.sem_mul in IBR |- *.
rewrite denote_tc_assert_andp in IBR.
destruct IBR.
unfold force_val2, force_val.
eapply tc_val_sem_binarith'; eauto.
Lemma typecheck_Odiv_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType Odiv e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)), tc_val t (eval_binop Odiv (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
rewrite den_isBinOpR in IBR.
unfold eval_binop, sem_binary_operation', isBinOpResultType, Clight_Cop2.sem_mul in IBR |- *.
unfold force_val2, force_val.
eapply (tc_val_sem_binarith' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rho m); eauto.
unfold binarithType'.
destruct (classify_binarith' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)); eauto.
destruct s; destruct IBR; eauto.
destruct s; destruct IBR; eauto.
Lemma typecheck_Omod_sound: forall {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType Omod e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)), tc_val t (eval_binop Omod (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
rewrite den_isBinOpR in IBR.
unfold eval_binop, sem_binary_operation', isBinOpResultType, Clight_Cop2.sem_mod in IBR |- *.
unfold force_val2, force_val.
unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith.
rewrite classify_binarith_eq.
destruct (classify_binarith' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)) eqn:?H.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H2, <- H0 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; inv H].
destruct s; destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR, IBR1 |- *; unfold_lift in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR1.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3 | inv IBR].
unfold both_int; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
apply denote_tc_nodivover_e in IBR1; try rewrite IBR1.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_cast, Clight_Cop2.classify_cast.
unfold sem_cast_pointer.
destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR |- *; unfold_lift in IBR.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3 | inv IBR].
unfold both_int; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
unfold Clight_Cop2.sem_cast, Clight_Cop2.classify_cast.
unfold sem_cast_pointer.
destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H2, <- H0 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
(* int long *)
destruct s; destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR, IBR1 |- *; unfold_lift in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR1.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e64 in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
apply (denote_tc_nodivover_e64_il sg) in IBR1; try rewrite IBR1.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR |- *; unfold_lift in IBR.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3 | inv IBR].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e64 in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
(* long int *)
destruct s; destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR, IBR1 |- *; unfold_lift in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR1.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e, (Int64_eq_repr_int_nonzero sg) in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
apply (denote_tc_nodivover_e64_li sg) in IBR1; try rewrite IBR1.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR |- *; unfold_lift in IBR.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3 | inv IBR].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e, (Int64_eq_repr_int_nonzero sg) in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
(* long long *)
destruct s; destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR, IBR1 |- *; unfold_lift in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR1.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e64 in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
apply denote_tc_nodivover_e64_ll in IBR1; try rewrite IBR1.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR |- *; unfold_lift in IBR.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3 | inv IBR].
unfold both_long; simpl.
apply denote_tc_nonzero_e64 in IBR; try rewrite IBR.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
inv IBR.
inv IBR.
inv IBR.
Lemma typecheck_Oshift_sound: forall op {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType op e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)) (OP: op = Oshl \/ op = Oshr), tc_val t (eval_binop op (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
replace ((denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType op e1 e2 t) rho) m) with ((denote_tc_assert match classify_shift' (typeof e1) (typeof e2) with | shift_case_ii _ => tc_andp' (tc_ilt' e2 Int.iwordsize) (tc_bool (is_int32_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t))) | shift_case_il _ => tc_andp' (tc_llt' e2 (Int64.repr 32)) (tc_bool (is_int32_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t))) | shift_case_li _ => tc_andp' (tc_ilt' e2 Int64.iwordsize') (tc_bool (is_long_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t))) | shift_case_ll _ => tc_andp' (tc_llt' e2 Int64.iwordsize) (tc_bool (is_long_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t))) | _ => tc_FF (arg_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t)) end rho) m) in IBR by (rewrite den_isBinOpR; destruct OP; subst; auto).
destruct (classify_shift' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)) eqn:?H; try solve [inv IBR].
(* shift_ii *)
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_shift; rewrite classify_shift_eq, H; simpl.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
(* shift_ll *)
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP; subst; auto; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
(* shift_il *)
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_shift; rewrite classify_shift_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
(* shift_li *)
destruct IBR as [?IBR ?IBR].
apply tc_bool_e in IBR0.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_shift; rewrite classify_shift_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR0]; simpl; auto.
Lemma typecheck_Obin_sound: forall op {CS: compspecs} (rho : environ) m (e1 e2 : expr) (t : type) (IBR: denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType op e1 e2 t) rho m) (TV2: tc_val (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho)) (TV1: tc_val (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho)) (OP: op = Oand \/ op = Oor \/ op = Oxor), tc_val t (eval_binop op (typeof e1) (typeof e2) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
replace ((denote_tc_assert (isBinOpResultType op e1 e2 t) rho) m) with ((denote_tc_assert match classify_binarith' (typeof e1) (typeof e2) with | bin_case_i _ => tc_bool (is_int32_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t)) | bin_case_l _ => tc_bool (is_long_type t) (op_result_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t)) | _ => tc_FF (arg_type (Ebinop op e1 e2 t)) end rho) m) in IBR by (rewrite den_isBinOpR; destruct OP as [| [ | ]]; subst; auto).
destruct (classify_binarith' (typeof e1) (typeof e2)) eqn:?H; try solve [inv IBR].
(* bin_case_i *)
apply tc_bool_e in IBR.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
clear e1 e2 H0 H2.
destruct OP as [| [|]]; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_and, Clight_Cop2.sem_or, Clight_Cop2.sem_xor, Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith; rewrite classify_binarith_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR]; simpl; auto; unfold both_int, Clight_Cop2.sem_cast, Clight_Cop2.classify_cast, sem_cast_pointer; destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
(* bin_case_l *)
apply tc_bool_e in IBR.
simpl in IBR; unfold_lift in IBR.
solve_tc_val TV1; solve_tc_val TV2; rewrite <- H0, <- H2 in H; try solve [inv H]; try solve [destruct sz,sg; try destruct sz0,sg0; inv H].
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP as [| [|]]; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_and, Clight_Cop2.sem_or, Clight_Cop2.sem_xor, Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith; rewrite classify_binarith_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR]; simpl; auto.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP as [| [|]]; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_and, Clight_Cop2.sem_or, Clight_Cop2.sem_xor, Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith; rewrite classify_binarith_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR]; simpl; auto.
destruct (eval_expr e1 rho), (eval_expr e2 rho); try solve [inv H1 | inv H3].
destruct OP as [| [|]]; subst; auto; simpl; unfold force_val, Clight_Cop2.sem_and, Clight_Cop2.sem_or, Clight_Cop2.sem_xor, Clight_Cop2.sem_binarith; rewrite classify_binarith_eq, H; simpl; destruct t as [| [| | |] ? ? | | | | | | |]; try solve [inv IBR]; simpl; auto.