Timings for Typing.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-metacoq-template.dev/./template-coq/theories/Typing.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-metacoq-template.dev/./template-coq/theories/Typing.v.timing
(* Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. *) (** This defines relation operators in Type *)
From Equations.Type Require Import Relation.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect Wellfounded Relation_Operators CRelationClasses.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Common Require Import config Environment Primitive EnvironmentTyping Reflect.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Ast AstUtils LiftSubst UnivSubst ReflectAst TermEquality WfAst.
Import MCMonadNotation.
(** * Typing derivations Inductive relations for reduction, conversion and typing of CIC terms. *)
Definition isSort T := match T with | tSort u => true | _ => false end.
Fixpoint isArity T := match T with | tSort u => true | tProd _ _ codom => isArity codom | tLetIn _ _ _ codom => isArity codom | _ => false end.
Definition type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (c : inductive * nat) (u : list Level.t) := let mind := inductive_mind (fst c) in subst0 (inds mind u mdecl.(ind_bodies)) (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_type)).
(** ** Reduction *) (** *** Helper functions for reduction *)
Definition fix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) := let fix aux n := match n with | 0 => [] | S n => tFix l n :: aux n end in aux (List.length l).
Definition unfold_fix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) := match List.nth_error mfix idx with | Some d => Some (d.(rarg), subst0 (fix_subst mfix) d.(dbody)) | None => None end.
Definition cofix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) := let fix aux n := match n with | 0 => [] | S n => tCoFix l n :: aux n end in aux (List.length l).
Definition unfold_cofix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) := match List.nth_error mfix idx with | Some d => Some (d.(rarg), subst0 (cofix_subst mfix) d.(dbody)) | None => None end.
Definition is_constructor n ts := match List.nth_error ts n with | Some a => isConstruct_app a | None => false end.
Lemma fix_subst_length mfix : #|fix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.
unfold fix_subst.
generalize (tFix mfix).
induction mfix; simpl; auto.
Lemma cofix_subst_length mfix : #|cofix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.
unfold cofix_subst.
generalize (tCoFix mfix).
induction mfix; simpl; auto.
Definition fix_context (m : mfixpoint term) : context := List.rev (mapi (fun i d => vass d.(dname) (lift0 i d.(dtype))) m).
Lemma fix_context_length mfix : #|fix_context mfix| = #|mfix|.
unfold fix_context.
now rewrite List.rev_length mapi_length.
Definition dummy_branch : branch term := mk_branch [] tDummy.
Definition iota_red npar args bctx br := subst (List.rev (List.skipn npar args)) 0 (expand_lets bctx br.(bbody)).
(** For cases typing *)
Inductive instantiate_params_subst_spec : context -> list term -> list term -> term -> list term -> term -> Prop := | instantiate_params_subst_nil s ty : instantiate_params_subst_spec [] [] s ty s ty | instantiate_params_subst_vass na ty params pari pars s na' ty' pty s' pty' : instantiate_params_subst_spec params pars (pari :: s) pty s' pty' -> instantiate_params_subst_spec (vass na ty :: params) (pari :: pars) s (tProd na' ty' pty) s' pty' | instantiate_params_subst_vdef na b ty params pars s na' b' ty' pty s' pty' : instantiate_params_subst_spec params pars (subst s 0 b :: s) pty s' pty' -> instantiate_params_subst_spec (vdef na b ty :: params) pars s (tLetIn na' b' ty' pty) s' pty'.
Derive Signature for instantiate_params_subst_spec.
(** Compute the type of a case from the predicate [p], actual parameters [pars] and an inductive declaration. *)
Fixpoint instantiate_params_subst (params : context) (pars s : list term) (ty : term) : option (list term × term) := match params with | [] => match pars with | [] => Some (s, ty) | _ :: _ => None (* Too many arguments to substitute *) end | d :: params => match d.(decl_body), ty with | None, tProd _ _ B => match pars with | hd :: tl => instantiate_params_subst params tl (hd :: s) B | [] => None (* Not enough arguments to substitute *) end | Some b, tLetIn _ _ _ b' => instantiate_params_subst params pars (subst0 s b :: s) b' | _, _ => None (* Not enough products in the type *) end end.
Lemma instantiate_params_substP params pars s ty s' ty' : instantiate_params_subst params pars s ty = Some (s', ty') <-> instantiate_params_subst_spec params pars s ty s' ty'.
induction params in pars, s, ty |- *.
destruct pars => /= // => [= -> ->].
depelim H.
destruct a as [na [b|] ?] => /=.
destruct ty => //.
now constructor.
destruct ty => //.
destruct pars => //.
now constructor.
intros H; depelim H; simpl.
now apply IHparams.
now apply IHparams.
(** *** One step strong beta-zeta-iota-fix-delta reduction Inspired by the reduction relation from Coq in Coq [Barras'99]. *)
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Arguments OnOne2 {A} P%type l l'.
(* NOTE: SPROP: we ignore relevance in the reduction for now *)
Inductive red1 (Σ : global_env) (Γ : context) : term -> term -> Type := (** Reductions *) (** Beta *) | red_beta na t b a l : red1 Σ Γ (tApp (tLambda na t b) (a :: l)) (mkApps (subst10 a b) l) (** Let *) | red_zeta na b t b' : red1 Σ Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (subst10 b b') | red_rel i body : option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body) -> red1 Σ Γ (tRel i) (lift0 (S i) body) (** Case *) | red_iota ci mdecl idecl cdecl c u args p brs br : nth_error brs c = Some br -> (* In the compact representation, reduction must fetch the global declaration of the constructor to gather the let-bindings in its argument context. Implementations can be more clever in the common case where no let-binding appears to avoid this. *) declared_constructor Σ (ci.(ci_ind), c) mdecl idecl cdecl -> let bctx := case_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl cdecl p br in #|args| = (ci.(ci_npar) + context_assumptions bctx)%nat -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ci p (mkApps (tConstruct ci.(ci_ind) c u) args) brs) (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) args bctx br) (** Fix unfolding, with guard *) | red_fix mfix idx args narg fn : unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> is_constructor narg args = true -> red1 Σ Γ (tApp (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps fn args) (** CoFix-case unfolding *) | red_cofix_case ip p mfix idx args narg fn brs : unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ip p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) brs) (tCase ip p (mkApps fn args) brs) (** CoFix-proj unfolding *) | red_cofix_proj p mfix idx args narg fn : unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> red1 Σ Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)) (tProj p (mkApps fn args)) (** Constant unfolding *) | red_delta c decl body (isdecl : declared_constant Σ c decl) u : decl.(cst_body) = Some body -> red1 Σ Γ (tConst c u) (subst_instance u body) (** Proj *) | red_proj p u args arg: nth_error args (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg -> red1 Σ Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args)) arg | abs_red_l na M M' N : red1 Σ Γ M M' -> red1 Σ Γ (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N) | abs_red_r na M M' N : red1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na N) M M' -> red1 Σ Γ (tLambda na N M) (tLambda na N M') | letin_red_def na b t b' r : red1 Σ Γ b r -> red1 Σ Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na r t b') | letin_red_ty na b t b' r : red1 Σ Γ t r -> red1 Σ Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b r b') | letin_red_body na b t b' r : red1 Σ (Γ ,, vdef na b t) b' r -> red1 Σ Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b t r) | case_red_pred_param ind params params' puinst pcontext preturn c brs : OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) params params' -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ind (mk_predicate puinst params pcontext preturn) c brs) (tCase ind (mk_predicate puinst params' pcontext preturn) c brs) | case_red_pred_return ind mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) params puinst pcontext preturn preturn' c brs : let p := {| pparams := params; puinst := puinst; pcontext := pcontext; preturn := preturn |} in let p' := {| pparams := params; puinst := puinst; pcontext := pcontext; preturn := preturn' |} in red1 Σ (Γ ,,, case_predicate_context ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p) preturn preturn' -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p' c brs) | case_red_discr ind p c c' brs : red1 Σ Γ c c' -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p c' brs) | case_red_brs ind mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) p c brs brs' : OnOne2All (fun brctx br br' => on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, brctx)) bbody bcontext br br') (case_branches_contexts ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p brs) brs brs' -> red1 Σ Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p c brs') | proj_red p c c' : red1 Σ Γ c c' -> red1 Σ Γ (tProj p c) (tProj p c') | app_red_l M1 N1 M2 : red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tApp M1 M2) (mkApps N1 M2) | app_red_r M2 N2 M1 : OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) M2 N2 -> red1 Σ Γ (tApp M1 M2) (tApp M1 N2) | prod_red_l na M1 M2 N1 : red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na N1 M2) | prod_red_r na M2 N2 M1 : red1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na M1) M2 N2 -> red1 Σ Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na M1 N2) | evar_red ev l l' : OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) l l' -> red1 Σ Γ (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l') | cast_red_l M1 k M2 N1 : red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tCast M1 k M2) (tCast N1 k M2) | cast_red_r M2 k N2 M1 : red1 Σ Γ M2 N2 -> red1 Σ Γ (tCast M1 k M2) (tCast M1 k N2) | cast_red M1 k M2 : red1 Σ Γ (tCast M1 k M2) M1 | fix_red_ty mfix0 mfix1 idx : OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ Γ) dtype (fun x => (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx) | fix_red_body mfix0 mfix1 idx : OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) dbody (fun x => (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx) | cofix_red_ty mfix0 mfix1 idx : OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ Γ) dtype (fun x => (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx) | cofix_red_body mfix0 mfix1 idx : OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) dbody (fun x => (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> red1 Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx).
Lemma red1_ind_all : forall (Σ : global_env) (P : context -> term -> term -> Type), (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (t b a : term) (l : list term), P Γ (tApp (tLambda na t b) (a :: l)) (mkApps (b {0 := a}) l)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' : term), P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (b' {0 := b})) -> (forall (Γ : context) (i : nat) (body : term), option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body) -> P Γ (tRel i) ((lift0 (S i)) body)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl (c : nat) (u : Instance.t) (args : list term) (p : predicate term) (brs : list (branch term)) br, nth_error brs c = Some br -> declared_constructor Σ (ci.(ci_ind), c) mdecl idecl cdecl -> let bctx := case_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl cdecl p br in #|args| = (ci.(ci_npar) + context_assumptions bctx)%nat -> P Γ (tCase ci p (mkApps (tConstruct ci.(ci_ind) c u) args) brs) (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) args bctx br)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term), unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> is_constructor narg args = true -> P Γ (tApp (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps fn args)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ip : case_info) (p : predicate term) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term) (brs : list (branch term)), unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> P Γ (tCase ip p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) brs) (tCase ip p (mkApps fn args) brs)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (p : projection) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term), unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) -> P Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)) (tProj p (mkApps fn args))) -> (forall (Γ : context) c (decl : constant_body) (body : term), declared_constant Σ c decl -> forall u : Instance.t, cst_body decl = Some body -> P Γ (tConst c u) (subst_instance u body)) -> (forall (Γ : context) p (args : list term) (u : Instance.t) (arg : term), nth_error args (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg -> P Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args)) arg) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M M' N : term), red1 Σ Γ M M' -> P Γ M M' -> P Γ (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M M' N : term), red1 Σ (Γ,, vass na N) M M' -> P (Γ,, vass na N) M M' -> P Γ (tLambda na N M) (tLambda na N M')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term), red1 Σ Γ b r -> P Γ b r -> P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na r t b')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term), red1 Σ Γ t r -> P Γ t r -> P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b r b')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term), red1 Σ (Γ,, vdef na b t) b' r -> P (Γ,, vdef na b t) b' r -> P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b t r)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ind : case_info) params params' puinst pcontext preturn c brs, OnOne2 (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) params params' -> P Γ (tCase ind (mk_predicate puinst params pcontext preturn) c brs) (tCase ind (mk_predicate puinst params' pcontext preturn) c brs)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ci : case_info) idecl mdecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) params puinst pcontext preturn preturn' c brs, let p := (mk_predicate puinst params pcontext preturn) in red1 Σ (Γ ,,, case_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p) preturn preturn' -> P (Γ ,,, case_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p) preturn preturn' -> P Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci (mk_predicate puinst params pcontext preturn') c brs)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ind : case_info) (p : predicate term) (c c' : term) (brs : list (branch term)), red1 Σ Γ c c' -> P Γ c c' -> P Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p c' brs)) -> (forall (Γ : context) ind mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) p c brs brs', OnOne2All (fun brctx br br' => on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, brctx)) (P (Γ ,,, brctx))) bbody bcontext br br') (case_branches_contexts ind.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p brs) brs brs' -> P Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p c brs')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (p : projection) (c c' : term), red1 Σ Γ c c' -> P Γ c c' -> P Γ (tProj p c) (tProj p c')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (M1 N1 : term) (M2 : list term), red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ (tApp M1 M2) (mkApps N1 M2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (M2 N2 : list term) (M1 : term), OnOne2 (fun x y => red1 Σ Γ x y * P Γ x y)%type M2 N2 -> P Γ (tApp M1 M2) (tApp M1 N2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M1 M2 N1 : term), red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na N1 M2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M2 N2 M1 : term), red1 Σ (Γ,, vass na M1) M2 N2 -> P (Γ,, vass na M1) M2 N2 -> P Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na M1 N2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (ev : nat) (l l' : list term), OnOne2 (fun x y => red1 Σ Γ x y * P Γ x y) l l' -> P Γ (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l')) -> (forall (Γ : context) (M1 : term) (k : cast_kind) (M2 N1 : term), red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ M1 N1 -> P Γ (tCast M1 k M2) (tCast N1 k M2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (M2 : term) (k : cast_kind) (N2 M1 : term), red1 Σ Γ M2 N2 -> P Γ M2 N2 -> P Γ (tCast M1 k M2) (tCast M1 k N2)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (M1 : term) (k : cast_kind) (M2 : term), P Γ (tCast M1 k M2) M1) -> (forall (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat), OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) dtype (fun x => (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> P Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat), OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) (P (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))) dbody (fun x => (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> P Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat), OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) dtype (fun x => (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> P Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx)) -> (forall (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat), OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0)) (P (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))) dbody (fun x => (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1 -> P Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx)) -> forall (Γ : context) (t t0 : term), red1 Σ Γ t t0 -> P Γ t t0.
rename X30 into Xlast.
revert Γ t t0 Xlast.
fix aux 4.
intros Γ t T.
move aux at top.
destruct 1; try solve [ match goal with | H : _ |- _ => eapply H; eauto; fail end].
apply X13.
revert params params' o.
fix auxl 3.
intros params params' [].
split; auto.
eapply X16; eauto.
revert brs brs' o.
intros brs.
generalize (case_branches_contexts (ci_ind ind) mdecl idecl p brs).
revert brs.
fix auxl 4.
intros i l l' Hl.
destruct Hl.
constructor; intros.
intuition auto.
eapply auxl.
apply Hl.
apply X19.
revert M2 N2 o.
fix auxl 3.
intros l l' Hl.
destruct Hl.
split; auto.
apply X22.
revert l l' o.
fix auxl 3.
intros l l' Hl.
destruct Hl.
split; auto.
apply X26.
revert mfix0 mfix1 o; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl; constructor; try split; auto; intuition.
apply X27.
revert o.
generalize (fix_context mfix0).
intros c H28.
revert mfix0 mfix1 H28; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl; constructor; try split; auto; intuition.
eapply X28.
revert mfix0 mfix1 o; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl; constructor; try split; auto; intuition.
eapply X29.
revert o.
generalize (fix_context mfix0).
intros c H28.
revert mfix0 mfix1 H28; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl; constructor; try split; auto; intuition.
(** *** Reduction The reflexive-transitive closure of 1-step reduction. *)
Inductive red Σ Γ M : term -> Type := | refl_red : red Σ Γ M M | trans_red : forall (P : term) N, red Σ Γ M P -> red1 Σ Γ P N -> red Σ Γ M N.
(** ** Term equality and cumulativity *) (* ** Syntactic equality up-to universes We shouldn't look at printing annotations nor casts. It is however not possible to write a structurally recursive definition for syntactic equality up-to casts due to the [tApp (tCast f _ _) args] case. We hence implement first an equality which considers casts and do a stripping phase of casts before checking equality. *)
Definition eq_term_nocast `{checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) (φ : ConstraintSet.t) (t u : term) := eq_term Σ φ (strip_casts t) (strip_casts u).
Definition leq_term_nocast `{checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) (φ : ConstraintSet.t) (t u : term) := leq_term Σ φ (strip_casts t) (strip_casts u).
Reserved Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T " (at level 50, Γ, t, T at next level).
Reserved Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[ pb ] u " (at level 50, Γ, t, u at next level).
(** ** Cumulativity: Reduction to terms in the cumulativity relation. In PCUIC we show that this is equivalent to the reflexive-transitive closure or reduction + leq_term on well-typed terms. *)
Inductive cumul_gen `{checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) (pb : conv_pb) : term -> term -> Type := | cumul_refl t u : compare_term pb Σ (global_ext_constraints Σ) t u -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[pb] u | cumul_red_l t u v : red1 Σ.1 Γ t v -> Σ ;;; Γ |- v <=[pb] u -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[pb] u | cumul_red_r t u v : Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[pb] v -> red1 Σ.1 Γ u v -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[pb] u where "Σ ;;; Γ |- t <=[ pb ] u " := (cumul_gen Σ Γ pb t u).
(** *** Conversion Reduction to terms in the eq_term relation *)
Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t = u " := (cumul_gen Σ Γ Conv t u) (at level 50, Γ, t, u at next level) : type_scope.
Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t <= u " := (cumul_gen Σ Γ Cumul t u) (at level 50, Γ, t, u at next level) : type_scope.
Lemma conv_refl' `{checker_flags} : forall Σ Γ t, Σ ;;; Γ |- t = t.
apply eq_term_refl.
Lemma cumul_refl' `{checker_flags} : forall Σ Γ t, Σ ;;; Γ |- t <= t.
apply leq_term_refl.
Definition eq_opt_term `{checker_flags} Σ φ (t u : option term) := match t, u with | Some t, Some u => eq_term Σ φ t u | None, None => True | _, _ => False end.
Definition eq_decl `{checker_flags} Σ φ (d d' : context_decl) := eq_opt_term Σ φ d.(decl_body) d'.(decl_body) * eq_term Σ φ d.(decl_type) d'.(decl_type).
Definition eq_context `{checker_flags} Σ φ (Γ Δ : context) := All2 (eq_decl Σ φ) Γ Δ.
(** ** Typing relation *)
Module TemplateEnvTyping := EnvTyping TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils.
Include TemplateEnvTyping.
Module TemplateConversion := Conversion TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils TemplateEnvTyping.
Include TemplateConversion.
Module TemplateGlobalMaps := GlobalMaps TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils TemplateEnvTyping TemplateConversion TemplateLookup.
Include TemplateGlobalMaps.
Module TemplateConversionPar <: ConversionParSig TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils TemplateEnvTyping.
Definition cumul_gen := @cumul_gen.
End TemplateConversionPar.
Class GuardChecker := { (* Structural recursion check *) fix_guard : global_env_ext -> context -> mfixpoint term -> bool ; (* Guarded by destructors check *) cofix_guard : global_env_ext -> context -> mfixpoint term -> bool ; fix_guard_red1 Σ Γ mfix mfix' idx : fix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> red1 Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx) -> fix_guard Σ Γ mfix' ; fix_guard_lift Σ Γ Γ' Γ'' mfix : let k' := (#|mfix| + #|Γ'|)%nat in let mfix' := map (map_def (lift #|Γ''| #|Γ'|) (lift #|Γ''| k')) mfix in fix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') mfix -> fix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ'' ,,, lift_context #|Γ''| 0 Γ') mfix' ; fix_guard_subst Σ Γ Γ' Δ mfix s k : let k' := (#|mfix| + k)%nat in let mfix' := map (map_def (subst s k) (subst s k')) mfix in fix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ' ,,, Δ) mfix -> fix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Δ) mfix' ; fix_guard_subst_instance {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ mfix u univs : consistent_instance_ext (Σ.1, univs) Σ.2 u -> fix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> fix_guard (Σ.1, univs) (subst_instance u Γ) (map (map_def (subst_instance u) (subst_instance u)) mfix) ; fix_guard_extends Σ Γ mfix (Σ' : global_env_ext) : fix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> extends Σ.1 Σ' -> fix_guard Σ' Γ mfix ; cofix_guard_red1 Σ Γ mfix mfix' idx : cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> red1 Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx) -> cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix' ; cofix_guard_lift Σ Γ Γ' Γ'' mfix : let k' := (#|mfix| + #|Γ'|)%nat in let mfix' := map (map_def (lift #|Γ''| #|Γ'|) (lift #|Γ''| k')) mfix in cofix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') mfix -> cofix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ'' ,,, lift_context #|Γ''| 0 Γ') mfix' ; cofix_guard_subst Σ Γ Γ' Δ mfix s k : let k' := (#|mfix| + k)%nat in let mfix' := map (map_def (subst s k) (subst s k')) mfix in cofix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, Γ' ,,, Δ) mfix -> cofix_guard Σ (Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Δ) mfix' ; cofix_guard_subst_instance {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ mfix u univs : consistent_instance_ext (Σ.1, univs) Σ.2 u -> cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> cofix_guard (Σ.1, univs) (subst_instance u Γ) (map (map_def (subst_instance u) (subst_instance u)) mfix) ; cofix_guard_extends Σ Γ mfix (Σ' : global_env_ext) : cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> extends Σ.1 Σ' -> cofix_guard Σ' Γ mfix }.
Axiom guard_checking : GuardChecker.
Global Existing Instance guard_checking.
(* Definition build_branch_context ind mdecl (cty: term) p : option context := let inds := inds ind.(inductive_mind) p.(puinst) mdecl.(ind_bodies) in let ty := subst0 inds (subst_instance p.(puinst) cty) in match instantiate_params (subst_instance p.(puinst) mdecl.(ind_params)) p.(pparams) ty with | Some ty => let '(sign, ccl) := decompose_prod_assum [] ty in Some sign | None => None end. (* [params], [p] and output are already instanciated by [u] *) Definition build_branches_type ind mdecl idecl params u p : list (option (nat * context * term)) := let inds := inds ind.(inductive_mind) u mdecl.(ind_bodies) in let branch_type i '(id, t, ar) := let ty := subst0 inds (subst_instance u t) in match instantiate_params (subst_instance u mdecl.(ind_params)) params ty with | Some ty => let '(sign, ccl) := decompose_prod_assum [] ty in let nargs := List.length sign in let allargs := snd (decompose_app ccl) in let '(paramrels, args) := chop mdecl.(ind_npars) allargs in let cstr := tConstruct ind i u in let args := (args ++ [mkApps cstr (paramrels ++ to_extended_list sign)]) in Some (ar, sign, mkApps (lift0 nargs p) args) | None => None end in mapi branch_type idecl.(ind_ctors). Lemma build_branches_type_ ind mdecl idecl params u p : build_branches_type ind mdecl idecl params u p = let inds := inds ind.(inductive_mind) u mdecl.(ind_bodies) in let branch_type i '(id, t, ar) := let ty := subst0 inds (subst_instance u t) in option_map (fun ty => let '(sign, ccl) := decompose_prod_assum [] ty in let nargs := List.length sign in let allargs := snd (decompose_app ccl) in let '(paramrels, args) := chop mdecl.(ind_npars) allargs in let cstr := tConstruct ind i u in let args := (args ++ [mkApps cstr (paramrels ++ to_extended_list sign)]) in (ar, sign, (mkApps (lift0 nargs p) args))) (instantiate_params (subst_instance u mdecl.(ind_params)) params ty) in mapi branch_type idecl.(ind_ctors). Proof. apply mapi_ext. intros ? [[? ?] ?]; cbnr. repeat (destruct ?; cbnr). Qed. *)
Definition destInd (t : term) := match t with | tInd ind u => Some (ind, u) | _ => None end.
Definition isFinite (r : recursivity_kind) := match r with | Finite => true | _ => false end.
Definition isCoFinite (r : recursivity_kind) := match r with | CoFinite => true | _ => false end.
Definition check_recursivity_kind (Σ : global_env) ind r := match lookup_env Σ ind with | Some (InductiveDecl mib) => eqb mib.(ind_finite) r | _ => false end.
Definition check_one_fix d := let '{| dname := na; dtype := ty; dbody := b; rarg := arg |} := d in let '(ctx, ty) := decompose_prod_assum [] ty in match nth_error (List.rev (smash_context [] ctx)) arg with | Some argd => let (hd, args) := decompose_app argd.(decl_type) in match destInd hd with | Some (mkInd mind _, u) => Some mind | None => None (* Not recursive on an inductive type *) end | None => None (* Recursive argument not found *) end.
Definition wf_fixpoint (Σ : global_env) mfix := forallb (isLambda ∘ dbody) mfix && let checks := map check_one_fix mfix in match map_option_out checks with | Some (ind :: inds) => (* Check that mutually recursive fixpoints are all on the same mututal inductive block *) forallb (eqb ind) inds && check_recursivity_kind Σ ind Finite | _ => false end.
Definition check_one_cofix d := let '{| dname := na; dtype := ty; dbody := b; rarg := arg |} := d in let '(ctx, ty) := decompose_prod_assum [] ty in let (hd, args) := decompose_app ty in match destInd hd with | Some (mkInd ind _, u) => Some ind | None => None (* Not recursive on an inductive type *) end.
Definition wf_cofixpoint (Σ : global_env) mfix := let checks := map check_one_cofix mfix in match map_option_out checks with | Some (ind :: inds) => (* Check that mutually recursive cofixpoints are all producing coinductives in the same mututal coinductive block *) forallb (eqb ind) inds && check_recursivity_kind Σ ind CoFinite | _ => false end.
Reserved Notation "'wf_local' Σ Γ " (at level 9, Σ, Γ at next level).
Inductive typing `{checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) : term -> term -> Type := | type_Rel n decl : wf_local Σ Γ -> nth_error Γ n = Some decl -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tRel n : lift0 (S n) decl.(decl_type) | type_Sort s : wf_local Σ Γ -> wf_universe Σ s -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tSort s : tSort (Universe.super s) | type_Cast c k t s : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s -> Σ ;;; Γ |- c : t -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tCast c k t : t | type_Prod n t b s1 s2 : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s1 -> Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass n t |- b : tSort s2 -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd n t b : tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2) | type_Lambda n t b s1 bty : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s1 -> Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass n t |- b : bty -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tLambda n t b : tProd n t bty | type_LetIn n b b_ty b' s1 b'_ty : Σ ;;; Γ |- b_ty : tSort s1 -> Σ ;;; Γ |- b : b_ty -> Σ ;;; Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty |- b' : b'_ty -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tLetIn n b b_ty b' : tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty | type_App t l t_ty t' : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : t_ty -> isApp t = false -> l <> [] -> (* Well-formed application *) typing_spine Σ Γ t_ty l t' -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tApp t l : t' | type_Const cst u : wf_local Σ Γ -> forall decl (isdecl : declared_constant Σ.1 cst decl), consistent_instance_ext Σ decl.(cst_universes) u -> Σ ;;; Γ |- (tConst cst u) : subst_instance u decl.(cst_type) | type_Ind ind u : wf_local Σ Γ -> forall mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl), consistent_instance_ext Σ mdecl.(ind_universes) u -> Σ ;;; Γ |- (tInd ind u) : subst_instance u idecl.(ind_type) | type_Construct ind i u : wf_local Σ Γ -> forall mdecl idecl cdecl (isdecl : declared_constructor Σ.1 (ind, i) mdecl idecl cdecl), consistent_instance_ext Σ mdecl.(ind_universes) u -> Σ ;;; Γ |- (tConstruct ind i u) : type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ind, i) u | type_Case (ci : case_info) p c brs indices ps : forall mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl), mdecl.(ind_npars) = ci.(ci_npar) -> wf_nactx p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) -> context_assumptions mdecl.(ind_params) = #|p.(pparams)| -> consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) p.(puinst) -> let predctx := case_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p in ctx_inst typing Σ Γ (p.(pparams) ++ indices) (List.rev (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[p.(puinst)]) -> Σ ;;; Γ ,,, predctx |- p.(preturn) : tSort ps -> is_allowed_elimination Σ idecl.(ind_kelim) ps -> Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) ++ indices) -> isCoFinite mdecl.(ind_finite) = false -> let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in All2i (fun i cdecl br => let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl p ptm i cdecl br in (wf_nactx br.(bcontext) (cstr_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl cdecl)) * (Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 |- br.(bbody) : brctxty.2) * (Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 |- brctxty.2 : tSort ps)) 0 idecl.(ind_ctors) brs -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs : mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]) | type_Proj p c u : forall mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl (isdecl : declared_projection Σ.1 p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl) args, Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd p.(proj_ind) u) args -> #|args| = ind_npars mdecl -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tProj p c : subst0 (c :: List.rev args) (subst_instance u pdecl.(proj_type)) | type_Fix mfix n decl : fix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> nth_error mfix n = Some decl -> wf_local Σ Γ -> All (fun d => {s & Σ ;;; Γ |- d.(dtype) : tSort s}) mfix -> All (fun d => (Σ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- d.(dbody) : lift0 #|fix_context mfix| d.(dtype))) mfix -> wf_fixpoint Σ mfix -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tFix mfix n : decl.(dtype) | type_CoFix mfix n decl : cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> nth_error mfix n = Some decl -> wf_local Σ Γ -> All (fun d => {s & Σ ;;; Γ |- d.(dtype) : tSort s}) mfix -> All (fun d => Σ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- d.(dbody) : lift0 #|fix_context mfix| d.(dtype)) mfix -> wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tCoFix mfix n : decl.(dtype) | type_Int p prim_ty cdecl : wf_local Σ Γ -> primitive_constant Σ primInt = Some prim_ty -> declared_constant Σ prim_ty cdecl -> primitive_invariants cdecl -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tInt p : tConst prim_ty [] | type_Float p prim_ty cdecl : wf_local Σ Γ -> primitive_constant Σ primFloat = Some prim_ty -> declared_constant Σ prim_ty cdecl -> primitive_invariants cdecl -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tFloat p : tConst prim_ty [] | type_Conv t A B s : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A -> Σ ;;; Γ |- B : tSort s -> Σ ;;; Γ |- A <= B -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t : B where " Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T " := (typing Σ Γ t T) : type_scope and "'wf_local' Σ Γ " := (All_local_env (lift_typing typing Σ) Γ) : type_scope (* Typing of "spines", currently just the arguments of applications *) with typing_spine `{checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) : term -> list term -> term -> Type := | type_spine_nil ty : typing_spine Σ Γ ty [] ty | type_spine_cons hd tl na A B s T B' : Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd na A B : tSort s -> Σ ;;; Γ |- T <= tProd na A B -> Σ ;;; Γ |- hd : A -> typing_spine Σ Γ (subst10 hd B) tl B' -> typing_spine Σ Γ T (cons hd tl) B'.
Derive Signature for typing typing_spine.
(** ** Typechecking of global environments *)
Definition has_nparams npars ty := decompose_prod_n_assum [] npars ty <> None.
Definition unlift_opt_pred (P : global_env_ext -> context -> option term -> term -> Type) : (global_env_ext -> context -> term -> term -> Type) := fun Σ Γ t T => P Σ Γ (Some t) T.
Definition infer_sorting {cf: checker_flags} Σ Γ T := { s : Universe.t & typing Σ Γ T (tSort s) }.
Module TemplateTyping <: Typing TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils TemplateEnvTyping TemplateConversion TemplateConversionPar.
Definition typing := @typing.
Definition infer_sorting := @infer_sorting.
End TemplateTyping.
Module TemplateDeclarationTyping := DeclarationTyping TemplateTerm Env TemplateTermUtils TemplateEnvTyping TemplateConversion TemplateConversionPar TemplateTyping TemplateLookup TemplateGlobalMaps.
Include TemplateDeclarationTyping.
Section Typing_Spine_size.
Context `{checker_flags}.
Context (fn : forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) (t T : term), typing Σ Γ t T -> size).
Context (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context).
Fixpoint typing_spine_size t T U (s : typing_spine Σ Γ t T U) : size := match s with | type_spine_nil _ => 0 | type_spine_cons hd tl na A B s T B' typrod cumul ty s' => (fn _ _ _ _ ty + fn _ _ _ _ typrod + typing_spine_size _ _ _ s')%nat end.
End Typing_Spine_size.
Section CtxInstSize.
Context (typing : global_env_ext -> context -> term -> term -> Type) (typing_size : forall {Σ Γ t T}, typing Σ Γ t T -> size).
Fixpoint ctx_inst_size {Σ Γ args Δ} (c : ctx_inst typing Σ Γ args Δ) : size := match c with | ctx_inst_nil => 0 | ctx_inst_ass na t i inst Δ ty ctxi => ((typing_size _ _ _ _ ty) + (ctx_inst_size ctxi))%nat | ctx_inst_def na b t inst Δ ctxi => S (ctx_inst_size ctxi) end.
End CtxInstSize.
Definition typing_size `{checker_flags} {Σ Γ t T} (d : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T) : size.
revert Σ Γ t T d.
fix typing_size 5.
destruct 1 ; repeat match goal with | H : typing _ _ _ _ |- _ => apply typing_size in H end; match goal with | H : All2 _ _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : All2i _ _ _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : All_local_env _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : All _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : Alli _ _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : typing_spine _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => idtac | H : _ + _ |- _ => idtac | H1 : size, H2 : size, H3 : size |- _ => exact (S (Nat.max H1 (Nat.max H2 H3))) | H1 : size, H2 : size |- _ => exact (S (Nat.max H1 H2)) | H1 : size |- _ => exact (S H1) | _ => exact 1 end.
exact (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a)).
exact (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a)).
exact (S (Nat.max d (typing_spine_size typing_size _ _ _ _ _ t0))).
exact (S (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a))).
exact (S (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a))).
exact (S (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a))).
exact (S (Nat.max d1 (Nat.max d2 (Nat.max (ctx_inst_size _ typing_size c1) (all2i_size _ (fun _ x y p => Nat.max (typing_size _ _ _ _ p.1.2) (typing_size _ _ _ _ p.2)) a0))))).
exact (S (Nat.max (Nat.max (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a) (all_size _ (fun x p => infer_sort_size (typing_sort_size typing_size) Σ _ _ p) a0)) (all_size _ (fun x p => typing_size Σ _ _ _ p) a1))).
exact (S (Nat.max (Nat.max (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a) (all_size _ (fun x p => infer_sort_size (typing_sort_size typing_size) Σ _ _ p) a0)) (all_size _ (fun x p => typing_size Σ _ _ _ p) a1))).
exact (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a)).
exact (S (All_local_env_size typing_size _ _ a)).
Lemma typing_size_pos `{checker_flags} {Σ Γ t T} (d : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T) : typing_size d > 0.
induction d; simpl; try lia.
Fixpoint globdecls_size (Σ : global_declarations) : size := match Σ with | [] => 1 | d :: Σ => S (globdecls_size Σ) end.
Definition globenv_size (Σ : global_env) : size := globdecls_size Σ.(declarations).
(** To get a good induction principle for typing derivations, we need: - size of the global_env_ext, including size of the global declarations in it - size of the derivation. *)
Arguments lexprod [A B].
Definition wf `{checker_flags} Σ := on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing typing) Σ.
Definition wf_ext `{checker_flags} := on_global_env_ext cumul_gen (lift_typing typing).
Lemma typing_wf_local `{checker_flags} {Σ} {Γ t T} : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T -> wf_local Σ Γ.
induction 1; eauto.
#[global] Hint Resolve typing_wf_local : wf.
Lemma type_Prop `{checker_flags} Σ : Σ ;;; [] |- tSort Universe.lProp : tSort Universe.type1.
change ( Σ ;;; [] |- tSort (Universe.lProp) : tSort Universe.type1); constructor;auto.
Lemma type_Prop_wf `{checker_flags} Σ Γ : wf_local Σ Γ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- tSort Universe.lProp : tSort Universe.type1.
Definition env_prop `{checker_flags} (P : forall Σ Γ t T, Type) (PΓ : forall Σ Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ), Type):= forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (wfΣ : wf Σ) Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) t T (ty : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ * (PΓ Σ Γ (typing_wf_local ty) * P Σ Γ t T).
Lemma env_prop_typing `{checker_flags} {P PΓ} : env_prop P PΓ -> forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (t T : term), Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T -> P Σ Γ t T.
now apply X.
Lemma env_prop_wf_local `{checker_flags} {P PΓ} : env_prop P PΓ -> forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ), PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ.
red in X.
now apply (X _ wfΣ _ wfΓ _ _ (type_Prop_wf Σ Γ wfΓ)).
Lemma env_prop_sigma `{checker_flags} {P PΓ} : env_prop P PΓ -> forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.
eapply (X (empty_ext Σ)).
apply wfΣ.
apply type_Prop.
Lemma wf_local_app_l `{checker_flags} Σ (Γ Γ' : context) : wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') -> wf_local Σ Γ.
induction Γ'.
intros H'; inv H'; eauto.
#[global] Hint Immediate wf_local_app_l : wf.
Lemma typing_wf_local_size `{checker_flags} {Σ} {Γ t T} (d :Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T) : All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ (typing_wf_local d) < typing_size d.
induction d; simpl; change (fun (x : global_env_ext) (x0 : context) (x1 x2 : term) (x3 : x;;; x0 |- x1 : x2) => typing_size x3) with (@typing_size H); try lia.
Lemma wf_local_inv `{checker_flags} {Σ Γ'} (w : wf_local Σ Γ') : forall d Γ, Γ' = d :: Γ -> ∑ w' : wf_local Σ Γ, match d.(decl_body) with | Some b => ∑ u (ty : Σ ;;; Γ |- b : d.(decl_type)), { ty' : Σ ;;; Γ |- d.(decl_type) : tSort u | All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) Σ _ w' < All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ w /\ typing_size ty <= All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ w /\ typing_size ty' <= All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ w } | None => ∑ u, { ty : Σ ;;; Γ |- d.(decl_type) : tSort u | All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) Σ _ w' < All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ w /\ typing_size ty <= All_local_env_size (@typing_size _) _ _ w } end.
intros d Γ.
destruct w.
intros [=].
subst d Γ0.
exists w.
destruct l.
exists x.
exists t0.
pose (typing_size_pos t0).
auto with arith.
intros [=].
subst d Γ0.
exists w.
simpl in l.
destruct l as [u h].
simpl in l0.
exists u, l0, h.
pose (typing_size_pos h).
pose (typing_size_pos l0).
intuition eauto.
all: try lia.
(** *** An induction principle ensuring the Σ declarations enjoy the same properties. Also theads the well-formedness of the local context and the induction principle for it, and gives the right induction hypothesis on typing judgments in application spines, fix and cofix blocks. *)
Inductive Forall_typing_spine `{checker_flags} Σ Γ (P : term -> term -> Type) : forall (T : term) (t : list term) (U : term), typing_spine Σ Γ T t U -> Type := | Forall_type_spine_nil T : Forall_typing_spine Σ Γ P T [] T (type_spine_nil Σ Γ T) | Forall_type_spine_cons hd tl na A B s T B' tls (typrod : Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd na A B : tSort s) (cumul : Σ ;;; Γ |- T <= tProd na A B) (ty : Σ ;;; Γ |- hd : A) : P (tProd na A B) (tSort s) -> P hd A -> Forall_typing_spine Σ Γ P (B {0 := hd}) tl B' tls -> Forall_typing_spine Σ Γ P T (hd :: tl) B' (type_spine_cons Σ Γ hd tl na A B s T B' typrod cumul ty tls).
Implicit Types (Σ : global_env_ext).
Lemma typing_ind_env `{cf : checker_flags} : forall (P : global_env_ext -> context -> term -> term -> Type) (Pdecl := fun Σ Γ wfΓ t T tyT => P Σ Γ t T) (PΓ : forall Σ Γ, wf_local Σ Γ -> Type), (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ), All_local_env_over typing Pdecl Σ Γ wfΓ -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (n : nat) decl, nth_error Γ n = Some decl -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> P Σ Γ (tRel n) (lift0 (S n) decl.(decl_type))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (u : Universe.t), PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> wf_universe Σ u -> P Σ Γ (tSort u) (tSort (Universe.super u))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (c : term) (k : cast_kind) (t : term) (s : Universe.t), Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s -> P Σ Γ t (tSort s) -> Σ ;;; Γ |- c : t -> P Σ Γ c t -> P Σ Γ (tCast c k t) t) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (n : aname) (t b : term) (s1 s2 : Universe.t), PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s1 -> P Σ Γ t (tSort s1) -> Σ ;;; Γ,, vass n t |- b : tSort s2 -> P Σ (Γ,, vass n t) b (tSort s2) -> P Σ Γ (tProd n t b) (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (n : aname) (t b : term) (s1 : Universe.t) (bty : term), PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort s1 -> P Σ Γ t (tSort s1) -> Σ ;;; Γ,, vass n t |- b : bty -> P Σ (Γ,, vass n t) b bty -> P Σ Γ (tLambda n t b) (tProd n t bty)) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (n : aname) (b b_ty b' : term) (s1 : Universe.t) (b'_ty : term), PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- b_ty : tSort s1 -> P Σ Γ b_ty (tSort s1) -> Σ ;;; Γ |- b : b_ty -> P Σ Γ b b_ty -> Σ ;;; Γ,, vdef n b b_ty |- b' : b'_ty -> P Σ (Γ,, vdef n b b_ty) b' b'_ty -> P Σ Γ (tLetIn n b b_ty b') (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty)) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (t : term) (l : list term) (t_ty t' : term), Σ ;;; Γ |- t : t_ty -> P Σ Γ t t_ty -> isApp t = false -> l <> [] -> forall (s : typing_spine Σ Γ t_ty l t'), Forall_typing_spine Σ Γ (fun t T => P Σ Γ t T) t_ty l t' s -> P Σ Γ (tApp t l) t') -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) cst u (decl : constant_body), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> declared_constant Σ.1 cst decl -> consistent_instance_ext Σ decl.(cst_universes) u -> P Σ Γ (tConst cst u) (subst_instance u (cst_type decl))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (ind : inductive) u mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> consistent_instance_ext Σ mdecl.(ind_universes) u -> P Σ Γ (tInd ind u) (subst_instance u (ind_type idecl))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (ind : inductive) (i : nat) u mdecl idecl cdecl (isdecl : declared_constructor Σ.1 (ind, i) mdecl idecl cdecl), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> consistent_instance_ext Σ mdecl.(ind_universes) u -> P Σ Γ (tConstruct ind i u) (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ind, i) u)) -> (forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ), forall (ci : case_info) p c brs indices ps mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl), on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> mdecl.(ind_npars) = ci.(ci_npar) -> wf_nactx p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl) -> context_assumptions mdecl.(ind_params) = #|p.(pparams)| -> consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) p.(puinst) -> let predctx := case_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p in ctx_inst (Prop_conj typing P) Σ Γ (p.(pparams) ++ indices) (List.rev (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[p.(puinst)]) -> forall pret : Σ ;;; Γ ,,, predctx |- p.(preturn) : tSort ps, P Σ (Γ ,,, predctx) p.(preturn) (tSort ps) -> PΓ Σ (Γ ,,, predctx) (typing_wf_local pret) -> is_allowed_elimination Σ idecl.(ind_kelim) ps -> Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) ++ indices) -> P Σ Γ c (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) ++ indices)) -> isCoFinite mdecl.(ind_finite) = false -> let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in All2i (fun i cdecl br => let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl p ptm i cdecl br in wf_nactx br.(bcontext) (cstr_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl cdecl) * Prop_conj typing P Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) br.(bbody) brctxty.2 * Prop_conj typing P Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) brctxty.2 (tSort ps)) 0 idecl.(ind_ctors) brs -> P Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (p : projection) (c : term) u mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl (isdecl : declared_projection Σ.1 p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl) args, on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd p.(proj_ind) u) args -> P Σ Γ c (mkApps (tInd p.(proj_ind) u) args) -> #|args| = ind_npars mdecl -> P Σ Γ (tProj p c) (subst0 (c :: List.rev args) (subst_instance u pdecl.(proj_type)))) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (mfix : list (def term)) (n : nat) decl, let types := fix_context mfix in fix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> nth_error mfix n = Some decl -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> All (on_def_type (lift_typing2 typing P Σ) Γ) mfix -> All (on_def_body (lift_typing2 typing P Σ) types Γ) mfix -> wf_fixpoint Σ.1 mfix -> P Σ Γ (tFix mfix n) decl.(dtype)) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (mfix : list (def term)) (n : nat) decl, let types := fix_context mfix in cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix -> nth_error mfix n = Some decl -> PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> All (on_def_type (lift_typing2 typing P Σ) Γ) mfix -> All (on_def_body (lift_typing2 typing P Σ) types Γ) mfix -> wf_cofixpoint Σ.1 mfix -> P Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix n) decl.(dtype)) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) p prim_ty cdecl, PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> primitive_constant Σ primInt = Some prim_ty -> declared_constant Σ prim_ty cdecl -> primitive_invariants cdecl -> P Σ Γ (tInt p) (tConst prim_ty [])) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) p prim_ty cdecl, PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> primitive_constant Σ primFloat = Some prim_ty -> declared_constant Σ prim_ty cdecl -> primitive_invariants cdecl -> P Σ Γ (tFloat p) (tConst prim_ty [])) -> (forall Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) (Γ : context) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) (t A B : term) s, PΓ Σ Γ wfΓ -> Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A -> P Σ Γ t A -> Σ ;;; Γ |- B : tSort s -> P Σ Γ B (tSort s) -> Σ ;;; Γ |- A <= B -> P Σ Γ t B) -> env_prop P PΓ.
intros P Pdecl PΓ; unfold env_prop.
intros XΓ.
intros X X0 Xcast X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 Xint Xfloat X12 Σ wfΣ Γ wfΓ t T H.
(* NOTE (Danil): while porting to 8.9, I had to split original "pose" into 2 pieces, otherwise it takes forever to execure the "pose", for some reason *)
pose (@Fix_F ({ Σ : global_env_ext & { wfΣ : wf Σ & { Γ & { t & { T & Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T }}}}})) as p0.
specialize (p0 (lexprod (precompose lt (fun Σ => globenv_size (fst Σ))) (fun Σ => precompose lt (fun x => typing_size x.π2.π2.π2.π2)))) as p.
set (foo := (Σ; wfΣ; Γ; t; _; H) : { Σ : global_env_ext & { wfΣ : wf Σ & { Γ & { t & { T & Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T }}}}}).
change Σ with foo.π1.
change Γ with foo.π2.π2.π1.
change t with foo.π2.π2.π2.π1.
change T with foo.π2.π2.π2.π2.π1.
change H with foo.π2.π2.π2.π2.π2.
revert foo.
match goal with |- let foo := _ in @?P foo => specialize (p (fun x => P x)) end.
forward p; [ | apply p; apply wf_lexprod; intros; apply wf_precompose; apply lt_wf].
clear p.
clear Σ wfΣ Γ wfΓ t T H.
intros (Σ & wfΣ & Γ & t & t0 & H).
intros IH.
simpl in IH.
destruct Σ as [Σ φ].
do 2 red in wfΣ.
cbn in wfΣ.
destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn in *.
set (Σg:= {| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}) in *.
destruct wfΣ; split => //.
rename o into ongu.
rename o0 into o.
destruct o.
rename o0 into Xg.
set (wfΣ := (ongu, o) : on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing typing) {| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}).
set (Σ':= {| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}) in *.
destruct Xg.
rename udecl0 into udecl.
rename on_global_decl_d0 into Xg.
constructor; auto; try constructor; auto.
unshelve eset (IH' := IH ((Σ', udecl); wfΣ; []; tSort Universe.lProp; _; _)).
apply type_Prop.
forward IH'.
constructor 1; cbn.
apply IH'; auto.
simpl in *.
destruct d.
destruct c; simpl in *.
destruct cst_body0; apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := Xg); intros ? Hs.
all: specialize (IH ((Σ', udecl); wfΣ; _; _; _; Hs)).
all: forward IH; [constructor 1; simpl; subst Σ' Σg; cbn; lia|].
all: apply IH.
red in Xg.
destruct Xg as [onI onP onnp]; constructor; eauto.
unshelve eset (IH' := fun p => IH ((Σ', udecl); wfΣ; p) _).
cbn; subst Σ' Σg; lia.
clearbody IH'.
cbn in IH'.
clear IH; rename IH' into IH.
eapply Alli_impl; eauto.
cbn in IH.
clear onI onP onnp.
intros n x Xg.
refine {| ind_arity_eq := Xg.(ind_arity_eq); ind_cunivs := Xg.(ind_cunivs) |}.
apply onArity in Xg.
apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := Xg); intros ? Hs.
apply (IH (_; _; _; Hs)).
pose proof Xg.(onConstructors) as Xg'.
eapply All2_impl; eauto.
destruct X13 as [cass tyeq onctyp oncargs oncind].
unshelve econstructor; eauto.
apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := onctyp); intros ? Hs.
apply (IH (_; _; _; Hs)).
apply sorts_local_ctx_impl with (1 := oncargs); intros Γ' t' T' HT'.
apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := HT'); intros ? Hs.
apply (IH (_; _; _; Hs)).
clear -IH oncind.
revert oncind.
generalize (List.rev (lift_context #|cstr_args x0| 0 (ind_indices x))).
generalize (cstr_indices x0).
induction 1; constructor; auto.
do 2 red in t0 |- *.
apply (IH (_; (_; (_; t0)))).
pose proof (onProjections Xg); auto.
destruct Xg.
unfold check_ind_sorts in *.
destruct Universe.is_prop; auto.
destruct Universe.is_sprop; auto.
apply ind_sorts0.
destruct indices_matter; auto.
eapply type_local_ctx_impl.
eapply ind_sorts0.
intros ??? HT.
apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := HT); intros ? Hs.
apply (IH (_; _; _; Hs)).
apply (onIndices Xg).
red in onP |- *.
apply All_local_env_impl with (1 := onP); intros ??? HT.
apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := HT); intros ? Hs.
apply (IH ((Σ', udecl); (wfΣ; _; _; _; Hs))).
constructor 1.
subst Σ' Σg; cbn; lia.
assert (forall Γ t T (Hty : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T), typing_size Hty < typing_size H -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ t T).
specialize (IH (Σ; wfΣ; _; _; _; Hty)).
simpl in IH.
forward IH.
constructor 2.
apply H0.
rename X13 into X14.
assert (forall Γ' t T (Hty : Σ ;;; Γ' |- t : T), typing_size Hty <= typing_size H -> PΓ Σ Γ' (typing_wf_local Hty)).
apply XΓ; auto.
clear -Pdecl wfΣ X14 H0.
pose proof (typing_wf_local_size Hty).
set (foo := typing_wf_local Hty) in *.
clearbody foo.
assert (All_local_env_size (@typing_size cf) Σ Γ' foo < typing_size H) by lia.
clear H1 H0 Hty.
revert foo H2.
induction foo; simpl in *; try destruct t3 as [u Hu]; cbn in *; constructor.
simpl in *.
apply IHfoo.
apply (X14 _ _ _ Hu).
simpl in *.
apply IHfoo.
apply (X14 _ _ _ t4).
apply (X14 _ _ _ Hu).
clear IH.
assert (pΓ : PΓ Σ Γ (typing_wf_local H)).
apply (X13 _ _ _ H).
split; auto.
set (wfΓ := typing_wf_local H); clearbody wfΓ.
destruct H; simpl in pΓ; try solve [ match reverse goal with H : _ |- _ => eapply H end; eauto; unshelve eapply X14; simpl; auto with arith].
match reverse goal with H : _ |- _ => eapply H end; eauto; unshelve eapply X14; simpl; eauto with arith wf.
clear X X0 Xcast X1 X2 X3 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13.
eapply X4 with t_ty t0; eauto.
clear X4.
unshelve eapply X14; simpl; auto with arith.
simpl in X14.
assert(X: forall Γ0 : context, wf_local Σ Γ0 -> forall (t1 T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ0 |- t1 : T), typing_size Hty < S ((typing_spine_size (@typing_size cf) Σ Γ t_ty l t' t0)) -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ0 t1 T).
unshelve eapply X14; eauto.
change (fun x x0 x1 x2 x3 => typing_size x3) with (@typing_size cf).
(* Needed with old versions of "simpl" in "simpl in X14" *)
clear X14.
simpl in pΓ.
clear n e H pΓ.
induction t0; constructor.
unshelve eapply X; clear X; simpl; auto with arith.
unshelve eapply X; clear X; simpl; auto with arith.
eapply IHt0; eauto.
eapply (X _ X0 _ _ Hty) ; eauto.
eapply X5; eauto.
specialize (X14 [] _ _ (type_Prop _)).
simpl in X14.
forward X14; auto.
unfold All_local_env_size at 1, All_local_env_size_gen.
apply X14.
eapply X6; eauto.
specialize (X14 [] _ _ (type_Prop _)).
simpl in X14.
forward X14; auto.
unfold All_local_env_size at 1, All_local_env_size_gen.
apply X14.
eapply X7; eauto.
specialize (X14 [] _ _ (type_Prop _)).
simpl in X14.
forward X14; auto.
unfold All_local_env_size at 1, All_local_env_size_gen.
apply X14.
simpl in pΓ.
eapply (X8 Σ wfΣ Γ (typing_wf_local H0) ci); eauto.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ H0); eauto.
simpl; auto with arith.
clear -c1 X14.
assert (forall (Γ' : context) (t T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ' |- t : T), typing_size Hty <= ctx_inst_size _ (@typing_size _) c1 -> P Σ Γ' t T).
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty).
change (fun (x : global_env_ext) (x0 : context) (x1 x2 : term) (x3 : x;;; x0 |- x1 : x2) => typing_size x3) with (@typing_size cf).
clear -X c1.
revert c1 X.
generalize (List.rev (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl))).
generalize (pparams p ++ indices).
intros l c ctxi IH; induction ctxi; constructor; eauto.
split; tas.
eapply (IH _ _ _ t0); simpl; auto.
eapply IHctxi.
eapply (IH _ _ _ Hty).
eapply IHctxi.
eapply (IH _ _ _ Hty).
simpl in X13.
simpl in pΓ.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ H); eauto.
simpl; auto with arith.
simpl in *.
eapply (X13 _ _ _ H); eauto.
subst predctx.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ H0); simpl.
clear X13.
revert a X14.
subst ptm predctx.
Opaque case_branch_type.
simpl in X14.
Transparent case_branch_type.
induction a0; simpl in *.
destruct r0 as [[? ?] ?].
intuition eauto.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ t); eauto.
clear -X14.
simpl; auto with arith.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ t0); eauto.
simpl; auto with arith.
apply IHa0.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty).
eapply X9; eauto.
specialize (X14 [] _ _ (type_Prop _)).
simpl in X14.
forward X14; auto.
pose (typing_size_pos H).
unfold All_local_env_size at 1, All_local_env_size_gen.
apply X14.
unshelve eapply X14; eauto.
clear X X0 Xcast X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X11 X12.
eapply X10; eauto; clear X10.
simpl in *.
assert(forall (t T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ |- t : T), typing_size Hty < S (all_size (fun x : def term => ∑ s : Universe.t, Σ;;; Γ |- dtype x : tSort s) (fun (x : def term) '(existT s d) => typing_size d) a0) -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ t T).
intros; eauto.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty); eauto.
unfold infer_sort.
clear X13 X14 a pΓ.
clear -a0 X.
induction a0; constructor.
destruct p as [s Hs].
exists s; split; auto.
apply (X (dtype x) (tSort s) Hs).
apply IHa0.
eapply (X _ _ Hty); eauto.
simpl in X14.
assert(forall Γ0 : context, wf_local Σ Γ0 -> forall (t T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ0 |- t : T), typing_size Hty < S (all_size (fun x : def term => (Σ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- dbody x : lift0 #|fix_context mfix| (dtype x))%type )%type (fun (x : def term) p => typing_size p) a1) -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ0 t T).
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty); eauto.
clear X14 X13.
clear e decl i a0 i0 pΓ.
remember (fix_context mfix) as mfixcontext.
clear Heqmfixcontext.
induction a1; econstructor; eauto.
split; auto.
eapply (X _ (typing_wf_local p) _ _ p).
eapply IHa1.
eapply (X _ X0 _ _ Hty).
simpl; lia.
clear X X0 Xcast X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X12.
eapply X11; eauto; clear X11.
simpl in *.
assert(forall (t T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ |- t : T), typing_size Hty < S (all_size (fun x : def term => ∑ s : Universe.t, Σ;;; Γ |- dtype x : tSort s) (fun (x : def term) '(existT s d) => typing_size d) a0) -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ t T).
intros; eauto.
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty); eauto.
unfold infer_sort.
clear X13 X14 a pΓ.
clear -a0 X.
induction a0; constructor.
destruct p as [s Hs].
exists s; split; auto.
apply (X (dtype x) (tSort s) Hs).
apply IHa0.
eapply (X _ _ Hty); eauto.
simpl in X14.
assert(forall Γ0 : context, wf_local Σ Γ0 -> forall (t T : term) (Hty : Σ;;; Γ0 |- t : T), typing_size Hty < S (all_size (fun x : def term => (Σ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- dbody x : lift0 #|fix_context mfix| (dtype x))%type) (fun (x : def term) p => typing_size p) a1) -> on_global_env cumul_gen (lift_typing P) Σ.1 * P Σ Γ0 t T).
eapply (X14 _ _ _ Hty); eauto.
clear X14 X13.
clear e decl a0 i i0 pΓ.
remember (fix_context mfix) as mfixcontext.
clear Heqmfixcontext.
induction a1; econstructor; eauto.
split; auto.
eapply (X _ (typing_wf_local p) _ _ p).
eapply IHa1.
eapply (X _ X0 _ _ Hty).
simpl; lia.
(** * Lemmas about All_local_env *)
Lemma nth_error_All_local_env {P Γ n} (isdecl : n < #|Γ|) : All_local_env P Γ -> on_some (on_local_decl P (skipn (S n) Γ)) (nth_error Γ n).
induction 1 in n, isdecl |- *.
red; simpl.
destruct n; simpl; inv isdecl.
destruct n.
red; simpl.
apply t0.
apply IHX.
simpl in isdecl.
destruct n.
apply IHX.
simpl in *.
Arguments on_global_env {cf} Pcmp P !g.
Lemma lookup_on_global_env `{checker_flags} {Pcmp P} {Σ : global_env} {c decl} : on_global_env Pcmp P Σ -> lookup_env Σ c = Some decl -> { Σ' : global_env_ext & on_global_env Pcmp P Σ' × strictly_extends_decls Σ' Σ × on_global_decl Pcmp P Σ' c decl }.
unfold on_global_env.
destruct Σ as [univs Σ retro]; cbn.
intros [cu ond].
induction ond; cbn in * => //.
destruct o.
rename udecl0 into udecl.
case: eqb_specT => [-> [= <-]| ne].
exists ({| universes := univs; declarations := Σ; retroknowledge := retro |}, udecl).
split; try constructor; tas.
split => //=.
now exists [(kn, d)].
intros hl.
destruct (IHond hl) as [[Σ' udecl'] [ong [[equ ext extretro] ond']]].
exists (Σ', udecl').
cbn in equ |- *.
subst univs.
split; cbn; auto; try apply ong.
split; cbn; auto.
split; cbn; auto.
cbn in ext.
destruct ext as [Σ'' ->].
cbn in *.
now exists ((kn, d) :: Σ'').
Lemma All_local_env_app_inv (P : context -> term -> typ_or_sort -> Type) l l' : All_local_env P (l ,,, l') -> All_local_env P l * All_local_env (fun Γ t T => P (l ,,, Γ) t T) l'.
induction l'; simpl; split; auto.
unfold app_context in X.
inv X.
intuition auto.
apply IHl'.
inv X.
eapply localenv_cons_abs.
apply IHl'.
apply X0.
apply X1.
eapply localenv_cons_def.
apply IHl'.
apply X0.
apply X1.
eapply X2.
Lemma All_local_env_lookup {P Γ n} {decl} : All_local_env P Γ -> nth_error Γ n = Some decl -> on_local_decl P (skipn (S n) Γ) decl.
induction 1 in n, decl |- *.
destruct n; simpl; congruence.
destruct n.
intro HH; apply some_inj in HH; rewrite <- HH; tas.
apply IHX.
destruct n.
intro HH; apply some_inj in HH; rewrite <- HH; tas.
apply IHX.
Lemma All_local_env_app `{checker_flags} (P : context -> term -> typ_or_sort -> Type) l l' : All_local_env P l * All_local_env (fun Γ t T => P (l ,,, Γ) t T) l' -> All_local_env P (l ,,, l').
induction l'; simpl; auto.
destruct a.
destruct decl_body.
inv b.
econstructor; eauto.
inv b; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma All_local_env_map `{checker_flags} (P : context -> term -> typ_or_sort -> Type) f l : (forall u, f (tSort u) = tSort u) -> All_local_env (fun Γ t T => P (map (map_decl f) Γ) (f t) (typ_or_sort_map f T)) l -> All_local_env P (map (map_decl f) l).
intros Hf.
induction 1; econstructor; eauto.
Definition property `{checker_flags} := forall (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context), wf_local Σ Γ -> forall t T : term, typing Σ Γ t T -> Type.
Definition lookup_wf_local {Γ P} (wfΓ : All_local_env P Γ) (n : nat) (isdecl : n < #|Γ|) : All_local_env P (skipn (S n) Γ).
induction wfΓ in n, isdecl |- *; simpl.
cbn -[skipn] in *.
destruct n.
exact wfΓ.
apply IHwfΓ.
auto with arith.
destruct n.
exact wfΓ.
apply IHwfΓ.
auto with arith.
Definition lookup_wf_local_decl {Γ P} (wfΓ : All_local_env P Γ) (n : nat) {decl} (eq : nth_error Γ n = Some decl) : ∑ Pskip : All_local_env P (skipn (S n) Γ), on_local_decl P (skipn (S n) Γ) decl.
induction wfΓ in n, decl, eq |- *; simpl.
destruct n; inversion eq.
destruct n.
exists wfΓ.
injection eq; intros <-.
apply t0.
apply IHwfΓ.
auto with arith.
destruct n.
exists wfΓ.
injection eq; intros <-.
apply t1.
apply IHwfΓ.
apply eq.
Definition on_wf_local_decl `{checker_flags} {Σ Γ} (P : forall Σ Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) t T, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T -> Type) (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) {d} (H : on_local_decl (lift_typing typing Σ) Γ d) := match d as d' return (on_local_decl (lift_typing typing Σ) Γ d') -> Type with | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := ty |} => fun H => P Σ Γ wfΓ b ty H | {| decl_name := na; decl_body := None; decl_type := ty |} => fun H => P Σ Γ wfΓ _ _ (projT2 H) end H.
Lemma nth_error_All_local_env_over `{checker_flags} {P Σ Γ n decl} (eq : nth_error Γ n = Some decl) {wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ} : All_local_env_over typing P Σ Γ wfΓ -> let Γ' := skipn (S n) Γ in let p := lookup_wf_local_decl wfΓ n eq in (All_local_env_over typing P Σ Γ' (projT1 p) * on_wf_local_decl P (projT1 p) (projT2 p))%type.
induction 1 in n, decl, eq |- *.
destruct n; simpl; exfalso; discriminate eq.
destruct n; simpl.
cbn [skipn].
simpl in *.
split; tas.
destruct (f_equal (fun e => match e with | Some c => c | None => {| decl_name := na; decl_body := None; decl_type := t |} end) eq).
apply IHX.
destruct n.
cbn [skipn].
simpl in *.
split; tas.
destruct (f_equal (fun e => match e with | Some c => c | None => {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := t |} end) eq).
apply IHX.
Definition wf_ext_wf `{checker_flags} Σ : wf_ext Σ -> wf Σ := fst.
#[global] Hint Immediate wf_ext_wf : core.