Timings for DecodeByExtension.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./rupicola/bedrock2/deps/riscv-coq/src/riscv/Proofs/DecodeByExtension.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/v6HyzL39/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./rupicola/bedrock2/deps/riscv-coq/src/riscv/Proofs/DecodeByExtension.v.timing
Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.Tactics.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.rdelta.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.destr.
Require Export riscv.Spec.Decode.
Require Export riscv.Utility.Utility.
Ltac pose_lets_of_term t := lazymatch t with | let x := ?a in @?b x => pose (x := a); let b' := eval cbv beta in (b x) in pose_lets_of_term b' | _ => idtac end.
Ltac return_last_let t := lazymatch t with | let _ := _ in let _ := _ in _ => lazymatch t with | let x := ?a in @?b x => constr:( let x := a in ltac:( let b' := eval cbv beta in (b x) in let r := return_last_let b' in exact r)) end | let x := ?a in ?notALetIn => constr:(a) end.
Ltac extract_let t funForNameAndType := lazymatch funForNameAndType with | fun name: ?T => name => let s := constr:(ltac:( econstructor; pose_lets_of_term t; clear -name; match goal with | |- ?G => repeat match goal with | y := _ |- _ => revert y end; pattern G end; match goal with | |- (fun x => @?b x) (let _ := ?e in True) => let r := eval cbv beta in (b True) in let t := return_last_let r in unify e t end; exact I ): { res: T | let _ := res in True }) in lazymatch s with | exist _ ?res _ => exact res end end.
Tactic Notation "extract_let_of_decode" ident(x) := match goal with | bw: Z, inst: Z |- ?T => let t := match eval cbv beta delta [decode] in (decode RV64IMAF inst) with | context C[bitwidth RV64IMAF] => let r := context C[bw] in r end in extract_let t (fun x: T => x) end.
Definition decodeI(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionI.
extract_let_of_decode decodeI.
Definition decodeM(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionM.
extract_let_of_decode decodeM.
Definition decodeA(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionA.
extract_let_of_decode decodeA.
Definition decodeF(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionF.
extract_let_of_decode decodeF.
Definition decodeI64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionI64.
extract_let_of_decode decodeI64.
Definition decodeM64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionM64.
extract_let_of_decode decodeM64.
Definition decodeA64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionA64.
extract_let_of_decode decodeA64.
Definition decodeF64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionF64.
extract_let_of_decode decodeF64.
Definition decodeCSR(bw: Z)(inst: Z): InstructionCSR.
extract_let_of_decode decodeCSR.
Definition decode_resultI(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeI bw inst in if isValidI r then [IInstruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultM(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeM bw inst in if isValidM r then [MInstruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultA(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeA bw inst in if isValidA r then [AInstruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultF(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeF bw inst in if isValidF r then [FInstruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultI64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeI64 bw inst in if isValidI64 r then [I64Instruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultM64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeM64 bw inst in if isValidM64 r then [M64Instruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultA64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeA64 bw inst in if isValidA64 r then [A64Instruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultF64(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeF64 bw inst in if isValidF64 r then [F64Instruction r] else [].
Definition decode_resultCSR(bw: Z)(inst: Z): list Instruction := let r := decodeCSR bw inst in if isValidCSR r then [CSRInstruction r] else [].
Definition decode_results(iset: InstructionSet)(inst: Z): list Instruction := (decode_resultI (bitwidth iset) inst) ++ (if supportsM iset then (decode_resultM (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if supportsA iset then (decode_resultA (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if supportsF iset then (decode_resultF (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if Z.eqb (bitwidth iset) 64 then (decode_resultI64 (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if andb (Z.eqb (bitwidth iset) 64) (supportsM iset) then (decode_resultM64 (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if andb (Z.eqb (bitwidth iset) 64) (supportsA iset) then (decode_resultA64 (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (if andb (Z.eqb (bitwidth iset) 64) (supportsF iset) then (decode_resultF64 (bitwidth iset) inst) else []) ++ (decode_resultCSR (bitwidth iset) inst).
Definition convertible_decode(iset: InstructionSet)(inst: Z): Instruction := let results := decode_results iset inst in if Z.gtb (Z.of_nat (length results)) 1 then InvalidInstruction inst else nth 0 results (InvalidInstruction inst).
Lemma convertible_decode_correct: forall iset inst, convertible_decode iset inst = decode iset inst.
Definition decode_alt(iset: InstructionSet)(inst: Z): Instruction := nth 0 (decode_results iset inst) (InvalidInstruction inst).
Lemma push_fun_into_if_branches{A B: Type}(f: A -> B)(a1 a2: A)(c: bool): f (if c then a1 else a2) = if c then (f a1) else (f a2).
destruct c; reflexivity.
Lemma push_fun_into_if_branches_step{A B: Type}(f: A -> B)(a1 a2: A)(c: bool)(r: B): f a2 = r -> f (if c then a1 else a2) = (if c then f a1 else r).
destruct c; congruence.
Ltac head t := lazymatch t with | ?f _ => head f | _ => t end.
Inductive indent := | INil | ICons(tail: indent).
Notation "" := INil (only printing).
Notation ">> x" := (ICons x) (at level 0, right associativity, format ">> x", only printing).
Ltac isnatcst_addition t := lazymatch isnatcst t with | true => idtac | false => lazymatch t with | Nat.add ?a ?b => isnatcst_addition a; isnatcst_addition b | _ => fail "Term" t "is not a nat const addition" end end.
Ltac loop ind := try match goal with | |- _ => progress cbn [andb orb] in *; loop ind | |- context[Z.eqb ?l ?r] => let r' := rdelta r in lazymatch isZcst r' with | true => idtac end; (*idtac ind l r;*) let E := fresh "E" in destruct (Decidable.Z.eqb_spec l r) as [E | E]; [ repeat match goal with | |- context[Z.eqb l ?r'] => replace (Z.eqb l r') with false in * by (rewrite E; reflexivity) end | ]; loop (ICons ind) end.
Lemma extensions_disjoint': forall iset inst, (if isValidI (decodeI (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidM (decodeM (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidA (decodeA (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidF (decodeF (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidI64 (decodeI64 (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidM64 (decodeM64 (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidA64 (decodeA64 (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidF64 (decodeF64 (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) + (if isValidCSR (decodeCSR (bitwidth iset) inst) then 1 else 0) <= 1.
cbv beta zeta delta [decodeI decodeM decodeA decodeF decodeI64 decodeM64 decodeA64 decodeF64 decodeCSR isValidI isValidM isValidA isValidF isValidI64 isValidM64 isValidA64 isValidF64 isValidCSR].
loop INil.
all: match goal with | |- ?lhs <= 1 => isnatcst_addition lhs; (apply Nat.le_refl || apply Nat.le_0_1) end.
Time Qed.
(* 367.474 secs (laptop) *)
Lemma extensions_disjoint: forall iset inst, length (decode_results iset inst) <= 1.
cbv beta delta [decode_results].
rewrite ?List.app_length.
rewrite ?(push_fun_into_if_branches (@length Instruction)).
change (length nil) with O.
rewrite ?Nat.add_assoc.
repeat match goal with | |- ?LHS <= 1 => match LHS with | context C[if ?c then ?a else 0] => let r := context C[a] in transitivity r; [ destruct c; Lia.lia |] end end.
cbv beta delta [decode_resultI decode_resultM decode_resultA decode_resultF decode_resultI64 decode_resultM64 decode_resultA64 decode_resultF64 decode_resultCSR].
cbv zeta.
rewrite ?(push_fun_into_if_branches (@length Instruction)).
change (length nil) with O.
change (length [_]) with 1.
eapply extensions_disjoint'.
Lemma decode_alt_correct: forall iset inst, decode_alt iset inst = decode iset inst.
rewrite <- convertible_decode_correct.
unfold decode_alt, convertible_decode.
destr (Z.gtb (Z.of_nat (length (decode_results iset inst))) 1).
2: reflexivity.
pose proof (extensions_disjoint iset inst).
Local Open Scope bool_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Definition decode_seq(iset: InstructionSet)(inst: Z): Instruction := let bw := bitwidth iset in if isValidI (decodeI bw inst) then IInstruction (decodeI bw inst) else if supportsM iset && isValidM (decodeM bw inst) then MInstruction (decodeM bw inst) else if supportsA iset && isValidA (decodeA bw inst) then AInstruction (decodeA bw inst) else if supportsF iset && isValidF (decodeF bw inst) then FInstruction (decodeF bw inst) else if (bw =? 64) && isValidI64 (decodeI64 bw inst) then I64Instruction (decodeI64 bw inst) else if (bw =? 64) && supportsM iset && isValidM64 (decodeM64 bw inst) then M64Instruction (decodeM64 bw inst) else if (bw =? 64) && supportsA iset && isValidA64 (decodeA64 bw inst) then A64Instruction (decodeA64 bw inst) else if (bw =? 64) && supportsF iset && isValidF64 (decodeF64 bw inst) then F64Instruction (decodeF64 bw inst) else if isValidCSR (decodeCSR bw inst) then CSRInstruction (decodeCSR bw inst) else InvalidInstruction inst.
Lemma double_if_to_andb{T: Type}: forall (c1 c2: bool) (a b: T), (if c1 then (if c2 then a else b) else b) = (if andb c1 c2 then a else b).
destruct c1, c2; reflexivity.
Lemma decode_seq_correct: forall iset inst, decode_seq iset inst = decode iset inst.
rewrite <- decode_alt_correct.
unfold decode_alt, decode_seq, decode_results.
cbv beta zeta delta [decode_resultI decode_resultM decode_resultA decode_resultF decode_resultI64 decode_resultM64 decode_resultA64 decode_resultF64 decode_resultCSR].
rewrite ?double_if_to_andb.
repeat (destruct_one_match; cbn [List.app]; [reflexivity|]).