Timings for GarageDoor.v

  1. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.OLD/ocaml-OLD/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v.timing
  2. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/gGKko-aj/0/coq/coq/_bench/opam.NEW/ocaml-NEW/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock.dev/./src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v.timing
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
Require Import compiler.Pipeline.
Require Import compiler.Symbols.
Require Import compiler.MMIO.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Bitwidth32.
Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Interface.Compilation2.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Synthesis.New.UnsaturatedSolinas.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.AdditionChains.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.LadderStep.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.CSwap.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.Field25519.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.MontgomeryLadder.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.LAN9250.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.lightbulb.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.memequal.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.memswap.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.memconst.
Require Import Rupicola.Examples.Net.IPChecksum.IPChecksum.
Require Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.ChaCha20.
(* Require bedrock2.BasicC32Semantics. Goal bedrock2.BasicC32Semantics.ext_spec = bedrock2.FE310CSemantics.ext_spec. reflexivity. cbn. Require bedrock2.FE310CSemantics*) (******)
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Import Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry.
Import ListNotations.
Import Coq.Init.Byte.
Definition garageowner : list byte := [x7b; x06; x18; x0c; x54; x0c; xca; x9f; xa3; x16; x0b; x2f; x2b; x69; x89; x63; x77; x4c; xc1; xef; xdc; x04; x91; x46; x76; x8b; xb2; xbf; x43; x0e; x34; x34].
Local Notation ST := 0x80000000.
Local Notation PK := 0x80000040.
Local Notation BUF:= 0x80000060.
Definition initfn := func! { memconst_pk($PK); output! MMIOWRITE($0x10012038, $(Z.lor (Z.shiftl (0xf) 2) (Z.shiftl 1 9))); output! MMIOWRITE($0x10012008, $(Z.lor (Z.shiftl 1 11) (Z.shiftl 1 12))); output! MMIOWRITE($0x10024010, $2); unpack! err = lan9250_init() }.
Definition loopfn := func! { st=$ST; pk=$PK; buf=$BUF; unpack! pktlen, err = recvEthernet(buf); require !err; require ($63 < pktlen); ethertype = load1(buf + $12) << $8 | load1(buf + $13); require ($1535 < ethertype); protocol = load1(buf+$23); require (protocol == $0x11); if $(14+20+8 +2+32 +4) == pktlen { (* getpk *) memswap(buf, buf+$6, $6); (* ethernet address *) memswap(buf+$(14+12), buf+$(14+16), $4); (* IP address *) memswap(buf+$(14+20+0), buf+$(14+20+2), $2); (* UDP port *) store1(buf+$(14+2), $0); (* ip length *) store1(buf+$(14+3), $(20+ 8+ 32+2)); (* ip length *) store1(buf+$(14+10), $0); (* preliminary ip checksum *) store1(buf+$(14+11), $0); (* preliminary ip checksum *) unpack! chk = ip_checksum(buf+$14, $20); store1(buf+$(14+11), chk>>$8); store1(buf+$(14+10), chk); store1(buf+$(14+20+4), $0); (* udp length *) store1(buf+$(14+20+5), $(8+ 32+2)); (* udp length *) store1(buf+$(14+20+6), $0); (* udp checksum *) store1(buf+$(14+20+7), $0); (* udp checksum *) x25519_base(buf+$(14+20+8 +2), st+$32); unpack! err = lan9250_tx(buf, $(14+20+8 +2+32)) } else if $(14+20+8 +2+16 +4) == pktlen { (* operate *) stackalloc 32 as tmp; x25519(tmp, st+$32, pk); unpack! set0 = memequal(tmp, buf+$(14+20+8 +2), $16); unpack! set1 = memequal(tmp+$16, buf+$(14+20+8 +2), $16); io! mmio_val = MMIOREAD($0x1001200c); mmio_val = mmio_val & coq:(Z.clearbit (Z.clearbit (2^32-1) 11) 12); output! MMIOWRITE($0x1001200c, mmio_val | (set1<<$1 | set0) << $11); if (set0|set1) { (* rekey *) chacha20_block(st, st, (*nonce*)pk) (* NOTE: another impl? *) } } }.
Import TracePredicate TracePredicateNotations SPI lightbulb_spec.
Notation OP := (lightbulb_spec.OP _).
Definition iocfg : list OP -> Prop := one ("st", word.of_Z (0x10012038), word.of_Z (Z.lor (Z.shiftl (0xf) 2) (Z.shiftl 1 9))) +++ one ("st", word.of_Z (0x10012008), word.of_Z (Z.lor (Z.shiftl 1 11) (Z.shiftl 1 12))) +++ one ("st", word.of_Z (0x10024010), word.of_Z 2).
Definition BootSeq : list OP -> Prop := iocfg +++ (lan9250_init_trace _ ||| lan9250_boot_timeout _ ||| (any+++spi_timeout _)).
Import WeakestPrecondition ProgramLogic SeparationLogic.
Local Notation "m =* P" := ((P%sep) m) (at level 70, only parsing) (* experiment*).
Local Notation "xs $@ a" := (Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a xs) (at level 10, format "xs $@ a").
Global Instance spec_of_initfn : spec_of "initfn" := fnspec! "initfn" / bs R, { requires t m := m =* bs $@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\ length bs = 32%nat; ensures t' m' := m' =* garageowner$@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\ exists iol, t' = iol ++ t /\ exists ioh, mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh iol /\ BootSeq ioh }.
Ltac fwd := repeat match goal with | |- _ /\ _ => split | |- exists _, _ => eexists | _ => straightline end; trivial.
Ltac slv := try solve [ trivial | ecancel_assumption | SepAutoArray.listZnWords | intuition idtac | reflexivity | eassumption].
Local Instance spec_of_memconst_pk : spec_of "memconst_pk" := spec_of_memconst "memconst_pk" garageowner.
Local Instance WHY_spec_of_lan9250_init : spec_of "lan9250_init" := spec_of_lan9250_init.
Lemma initfn_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! initfn.
repeat straightline.
rewrite H2.
all : vm_compute; trivial.
repeat straightline.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
intuition congruence.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
intuition congruence.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
intuition congruence.
straightline_call; repeat straightline; fwd.
repeat (eapply align_trace_cons || exact (eq_sym (List.app_nil_l _)) || eapply align_trace_app).
repeat (eapply List.Forall2_cons || eapply List.Forall2_refl || eapply List.Forall2_app; eauto).
all: cbv[mmio_event_abstraction_relation]; eauto.
cbv [BootSeq ].
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app.
2: solve[cbv [choice]; intuition eauto].
cbv [iocfg].
eapply (TracePredicate.concat_app _ _ [_;_] [_]); [|cbv [one]; trivial].
eapply (TracePredicate.concat_app _ _ [_] [_]); cbv [one]; trivial.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Require Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.Spec.
Import Tuple LittleEndianList.
Local Definition be2 z := rev (le_split 2 z).
Local Coercion to_list : tuple >-> list.
Local Coercion Z.b2z : bool >-> Z.
Definition state : Type := list byte * list byte.
(* seed, xs25519 secret key *)
Definition garagedoor_iteration : state -> list (lightbulb_spec.OP _) -> state -> Prop := fun '(seed, sk) ioh '(SEED, SK) => (lightbulb_spec.lan9250_recv_no_packet _ ioh \/ lightbulb_spec.lan9250_recv_packet_too_long _ ioh \/ TracePredicate.concat TracePredicate.any (lightbulb_spec.spi_timeout _) ioh) /\ SEED=seed /\ SK=sk \/ (exists incoming, lightbulb_spec.lan9250_recv _ incoming ioh /\ let ethertype := le_combine (rev (firstn 2 (skipn 12 incoming))) in ethertype < 1536 \/ let ipproto := nth 23 incoming x00 in (ipproto <> x11 \/ length incoming <> 14+20+8 +2+16 +4 /\ length incoming <> 14+20+8 +2+32 +4)%nat) /\ SEED=seed /\ SK=sk \/ exists (mac_local mac_remote : tuple byte 6), exists (ethertype : Z) (ih_const : tuple byte 2) (ip_length : Z) (ip_idff : tuple byte 5), exists (ipproto := x11) (ip_checksum : Z) (ip_local ip_remote : tuple byte 4), exists (udp_local udp_remote : tuple byte 2) (udp_length : Z) (udp_checksum : Z), exists (garagedoor_header : tuple byte 2) (garagedoor_payload : list byte), let incoming : list byte := (mac_local ++ mac_remote ++ be2 ethertype ++ ih_const ++ be2 ip_length ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto] ++ le_split 2 ip_checksum ++ ip_remote ++ ip_local ++ udp_remote ++ udp_local ++ be2 udp_length ++ be2 udp_checksum ++ garagedoor_header ++ garagedoor_payload) in (exists doorstate action : Naive.word32, TracePredicate.concat (lightbulb_spec.lan9250_recv _ incoming) (TracePredicate.concat (TracePredicate.one ("ld", lightbulb_spec.GPIO_DATA_ADDR _, doorstate)) (TracePredicate.one ("st", lightbulb_spec.GPIO_DATA_ADDR _, action))) ioh /\ ( let m := firstn 16 garagedoor_payload in let v := le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (Field.feval_bytes(FieldRepresentation:=frep25519) garageowner))) in exists set0 set1 : Naive.word32, (word.unsigned set0 = 1 <-> firstn 16 v = m) /\ (word.unsigned set1 = 1 <-> skipn 16 v = m) /\ action = word.or (word.and doorstate (word.of_Z (Z.clearbit (Z.clearbit (2^32-1) 11) 12))) (word.slu (word.or (word.slu set1 (word.of_Z 1)) set0) (word.of_Z 11)) /\ (word.unsigned (word.or set0 set1) = 0 -> SEED=seed /\ SK=sk) /\ (word.unsigned (word.or set0 set1) <> 0 -> SEED++SK = RupicolaCrypto.Spec.chacha20_block seed (ChaCha20.le_split 4 (word.of_Z 0) ++ firstn 12 garageowner)) )) \/ TracePredicate.concat (lightbulb_spec.lan9250_recv _ incoming) (lightbulb_spec.lan9250_send _ (let ip_length := 62 in let udp_length := 42 in mac_remote ++ mac_local ++ be2 ethertype ++ let ih C := ih_const ++ be2 ip_length ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto] ++ le_split 2 C ++ ip_local ++ ip_remote in ih (Spec.ip_checksum (ih 0)) ++ udp_local ++ udp_remote ++ be2 udp_length ++ be2 0 ++ garagedoor_header ++ le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z Field.M_pos 9))))) ioh /\ SEED=seed /\ SK=sk.
Local Instance spec_of_recvEthernet : spec_of "recvEthernet" := spec_of_recvEthernet.
Local Instance spec_of_lan9250_tx : spec_of "lan9250_tx" := spec_of_lan9250_tx.
Local Instance spec_of_memswap : spec_of "memswap" := spec_of_memswap.
Local Instance spec_of_memequal : spec_of "memequal" := spec_of_memequal.
Definition memrep bs R : state -> map.rep(map:=SortedListWord.map _ _) -> Prop := fun '(seed, sk) m => m =* seed$@(word.of_Z ST) * sk$@(word.add (word.of_Z ST) (word.of_Z 32)) * garageowner$@(word.of_Z PK) * bs $@(word.of_Z BUF) * R /\ length seed = 32%nat /\ length sk = 32%nat /\ length bs = 1520%nat.
Global Instance spec_of_loopfn : spec_of "loopfn" := fnspec! "loopfn" / seed sk bs R, { requires t m := memrep bs R (seed, sk) m; ensures T M := exists SEED SK BS, memrep BS R (SEED, SK) M /\ exists iol, T = iol ++ t /\ exists ioh, SPI.mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh iol /\ garagedoor_iteration (seed, sk) ioh (SEED, SK) }.
Import ZnWords.
Import coqutil.Tactics.autoforward.
Import Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
Local Existing Instance ChaCha20.spec_of_chacha20.
Lemma loopfn_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! loopfn.
cbv [memrep garagedoor_iteration] in *.
repeat straightline.
rename H11 into Lseed.
rename H12 into Lsk.
rename H13 into H11.
straightline_call; try ecancel_assumption; trivial; repeat straightline.
intuition idtac; repeat straightline; eexists; split; repeat straightline; split; intros; try contradiction; [|]; repeat straightline.
2: fwd; slv.
pose proof H12 as Hbuf.
seprewrite_in @bytearray_index_merge Hbuf.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_ltu, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords; destr Z.ltb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E.
2: {
fwd; slv.
fwd; slv; intuition try ZnWords.
repeat straightline.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.dexpr_expr.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
case (SepAutoArray.list_expose_nth x3 12 ltac:(ZnWords)) as (Hpp&Lpp).
forget (List.firstn 12 x3) as mac.
forget (nth 12 x3 Inhabited.default) as ethertype_hi.
forget (List.skipn 13 x3) as pp.
subst x3.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H12; cbn [Array.array] in H12.
rewrite ?app_length in *; cbn [length] in *; rewrite ?Lpp in *.
change (Z.of_nat 12) with 12 in *.
repeat straightline.
destruct pp as [|ethertype_lo pp]; cbn [length app Array.array] in *.
exfalso; ZnWords.
Import SetEvars coqutil.Tactics.eplace Word.Naive LittleEndianList.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H12 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
let v := match goal with l := map.put _ "ethertype" ?v |- _ => v end in remember v as ethertype in *; assert (word.unsigned ethertype = le_combine [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]); [ rewrite Heqethertype | ]; clear Heqethertype.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range ethertype_hi.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range ethertype_lo.
cbn [le_combine].
rewrite ?Z.shiftl_0_l, ?Z.lor_0_r.
rewrite_strat (bottomup (terms word.unsigned_or_nowrap word.unsigned_and_nowrap word.unsigned_of_Z word.unsigned_slu)).
2: ZnWords.
cbv [word.wrap]; (rewrite_strat (bottomup (terms (Zmod_small)))); try ZnWords.ZnWords.
rewrite Z.lor_comm; reflexivity.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_ltu, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords; destr Z.ltb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E0.
2: {
fwd; slv; [].
ssplit; trivial; [].
eexists; split; try eassumption; trivial.
rewrite skipn_app, skipn_all2, ?Lpp, ?app_nil_l by ZnWords.
cbn [List.skipn minus firstn List.firstn List.app rev].
case (SepAutoArray.list_expose_nth pp 9 ltac:(ZnWords)) as (Hppp&Lppp).
forget (List.firstn 9 pp) as ih_l.
forget (nth 9 pp Inhabited.default) as ipproto.
forget (List.skipn 10 pp) as ppp.
subst pp.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H12; cbn [Array.array] in H12.
rewrite ?app_length in *; cbn [length] in *; rewrite ?Lppp in *.
change (Z.of_nat 9) with 9 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 1) with 1 in *.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H12 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
subst protocol.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range ipproto.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_and_nowrap, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
destr Z.eqb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E1.
2: {
fwd; slv; [].
ssplit; trivial; [].
ssplit; try eassumption.
rewrite app_nth2 by ZnWords.
rewrite app_comm_cons.
rewrite app_nth2 by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite app_nth2 by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite app_nth1 by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
match goal with |- context[nth ?x] => replace x with O by SepAutoArray.listZnWords end.
apply E1.
repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
destr Z.eqb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E2.
2: {
repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
destr Z.eqb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E3.
2: {
fwd; slv.
ssplit; trivial; [].
ssplit; try eassumption.
repeat straightline.
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try trivial; try ZnWords.
inversion 1.
rename Lppp into Lihl; assert (List.length ppp = 40)%nat as Lppp by ZnWords.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn (14+20+8 +2 - 12-2-9-1) ppp) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ ppp (14+20+8 +2 - 12-2-9-1) ltac:(ZnWords)).
pose proof skipn_length (14+20+8 +2 - 12-2-9-1) ppp; rewrite Lppp in *.
forget (List.firstn (14+20+8 +2 - 12-2-9-1) ppp) as pPP.
forget (List.skipn (14+20+8 +2 - 12-2-9-1) ppp) as pPPP.
simpl minus in H31, H32.
subst ppp.
repeat rewrite ?(app_assoc _ _ pPPP), ?app_comm_cons in H33.
do 3 (seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H33; cbn [Array.array] in H33).
change (unsigned x) with (@word.unsigned _ word32 x) in H32.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 16 pPPP) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ pPPP 16 ltac:(ZnWords)).
pose proof skipn_length 16 pPPP.
rewrite H32 in *.
forget (List.firstn 16 pPPP) as cmp1.
forget (List.skipn 16 pPPP) as trailer.
subst pPPP.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append cmp1) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
remember (le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (Field.feval_bytes _)))) as vv.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 16 vv) as Hvv.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ vv 16 ltac:(subst vv; rewrite ?length_le_split; ZnWords)).
pose proof skipn_length 16 vv.
forget (List.firstn 16 vv) as vv0.
forget (List.skipn 16 vv) as vv1.
subst vv.
rewrite <-Hvv in H33.
rewrite length_le_split in *.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append vv0) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
repeat straightline.
straightline_call; ssplit.
cancel_seps_at_indices 2%nat 0%nat.
repeat straightline.
repeat straightline.
straightline_call; ssplit.
cancel_seps_at_indices 1%nat 0%nat.
cancel_seps_at_indices 2%nat 0%nat.
repeat straightline.
repeat straightline.
eexists _, _; split; [eapply map.split_empty_r; reflexivity|].
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
intuition congruence.
repeat straightline.
repeat straightline.
eexists _, _; split; [eapply map.split_empty_r; reflexivity|].
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
intuition congruence.
repeat straightline.
eapply map.split_empty_r in H38; destruct H38.
eapply map.split_empty_r in H39; destruct H39.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
assert (length (vv0 ++ vv1) = 32%nat) by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
change (word.of_Z 134217728) with st in H33.
repeat straightline.
eexists; ssplit; repeat straightline.
(* chacha20 *) (* NOTE: viewing the same memory in two different ways, ++ combined and split *)
straightline_call; ssplit.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-(List.firstn_skipn 12 garageowner) in H33.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append (List.firstn 12 garageowner)) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
repeat straightline.
rewrite <-(List.firstn_skipn 32 x6) in H46.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append (List.firstn 32 x6)) H46 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
replace (word.of_Z (BinInt.Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (List.firstn 32 x6)))) with (word.of_Z 32 : word32) in * by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
eexists; ssplit.
subst a0 a.
change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t).
rewrite app_assoc.
eexists; ssplit.
eapply Forall2_app; try eassumption.
eapply Forall2_cons.
2:eapply Forall2_cons.
3:eapply Forall2_nil.
all:[>left|right]; eexists _, _; ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
left; ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _.
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app.
1: match goal with |- _ ?x _ => eplace x with _ end; [|eassumption].
(* NOTE: systematic list cancellation *)
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 6 mac) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
change ([?x]++?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
progress change 2%nat with (List.length [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]).
setoid_rewrite split_le_combine; trivial.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 ih_l) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 3; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app).
eapply byte.unsigned_inj.
rewrite E1.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 pPP) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
eplace 2%nat with _ at 2; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine; trivial.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 4 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 4 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 7; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 8; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial.
change [?x;?y] with ([x]++[y]).
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app; cbv [TracePredicate.one]; f_equal.
rewrite <-Hvv.
rewrite !ListUtil.firstn_app_sharp by ZnWords.
rewrite !ListUtil.skipn_app_sharp by ZnWords.
eexists _, _; ssplit; try eassumption; subst mmio_val; eauto.
all : rewrite ?firstn_skipn; intuition auto.
(* end chacha20*)
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
eexists; ssplit.
subst a.
change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t).
rewrite app_assoc.
eexists; ssplit.
eapply Forall2_app; try eassumption.
eapply Forall2_cons.
2:eapply Forall2_cons.
3:eapply Forall2_nil.
all:[>left|right]; eexists _, _; ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
left; ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _.
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app.
1: match goal with |- _ ?x _ => eplace x with _ end; [|eassumption].
(* NOTE: systematic list cancellation *)
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 6 mac) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
change ([?x]++?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
progress change 2%nat with (List.length [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]).
setoid_rewrite split_le_combine; trivial.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 ih_l) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 3; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app).
eapply byte.unsigned_inj.
rewrite E1.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 pPP) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
eplace 2%nat with _ at 2; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine; trivial.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 4 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 4 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 7; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 (List.skipn _ _)) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?List.skipn_skipn.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
cbv [be2].
eplace 2%nat with _ at 8; cycle 1.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial.
change [?x;?y] with ([x]++[y]).
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app; cbv [TracePredicate.one]; f_equal.
rewrite <-Hvv.
rewrite !ListUtil.firstn_app_sharp by ZnWords.
rewrite !ListUtil.skipn_app_sharp by ZnWords.
eexists _, _; ssplit; try eassumption; subst mmio_val; eauto; congruence.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 6 mac) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ mac 6 ltac:(ZnWords)).
pose proof skipn_length 6 mac; rewrite ?Lpp in *.
forget (List.firstn 6 mac) as mac_local.
forget (List.skipn 6 mac) as mac_remote.
subst mac.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H12; cbn [Array.array] in H12.
rewrite H26 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 6) with 6 in *.
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try ZnWords.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 2 ppp) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ ppp 2 ltac:(ZnWords)).
pose proof skipn_length 2 ppp as Lip_checksum.
forget (List.firstn 2 ppp) as ip_checksum.
forget (List.skipn 2 ppp) as pppp.
subst ppp; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H29; cbn [Array.array] in H29.
rewrite ?H28 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 24) with 24 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 2) with 2 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H29 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 4 pppp) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ pppp 4 ltac:(ZnWords)).
forget (List.firstn 4 pppp) as ip_remote.
forget (List.skipn 4 pppp) as ppppp.
subst pppp; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H29; cbn [Array.array] in H29.
rewrite ?H30 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 28) with 28 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 4) with 4 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H29 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 4 ppppp) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ ppppp 4 ltac:(ZnWords)).
forget (List.firstn 4 ppppp) as ip_local.
forget(List.skipn 4 ppppp) as pppppp.
subst ppppp; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H29; cbn [Array.array] in H29.
rewrite ?H31 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 30) with 30 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 4) with 4 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H29 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try ZnWords.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 2 pppppp) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ pppppp 2 ltac:(ZnWords)).
forget (List.firstn 2 pppppp) as udp_remote.
forget(List.skipn 2 pppppp) as pP.
subst pppppp; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H33; cbn [Array.array] in H33.
rewrite ?H32 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 34) with 34 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 4) with 4 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H33 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 2 pP) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ pP 2 ltac:(ZnWords)).
forget (List.firstn 2 pP) as udp_local.
forget(List.skipn 2 pP) as pPP.
subst pP; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H33; cbn [Array.array] in H33.
rewrite ?H34 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 36) with 36 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 4) with 4 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H33 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try ZnWords.
repeat straightline.
case (SepAutoArray.list_expose_nth ih_l 2 ltac:(ZnWords)) as (HH&LL).
forget (List.firstn 2 ih_l) as ih_const.
forget (nth 2 ih_l Inhabited.default) as ip_length_hi.
forget (List.skipn 3 ih_l) as ip_length_lo.
subst ih_l.
repeat seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H36; cbn [Array.array] in H36.
rewrite ?app_length in *; cbn [length] in *; rewrite ?LL in *.
change (Z.of_nat 1) with 1 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 2) with 2 in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H36 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H36 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
destruct ip_length_lo as [|ip_length_lo ip_idff ].
cbn [length] in *.
exfalso; Lia.lia.
cbn [Array.array] in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H35 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
destruct ip_checksum as [|ip_checksum_0 [|ip_checksum_1 [|] ] ]; try (cbn [length] in *; discriminate); cbn [Array.array] in *.
eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H37 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
assert (ptsto_to_array : forall {width : Z} {word : Interface.word width}, word.ok word -> forall mem : map.map (word.rep(word:=word)) Byte.byte, map.ok mem -> forall a b, Lift1Prop.iff1 (ptsto a b) (Array.array(mem:=mem) ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a [b])).
cbn [Array.array].
assert (bytearray_address_merge : forall {width : Z} {word : Interface.word width}, word.ok word -> forall mem : map.map (word.rep(word:=word)) Byte.byte, map.ok mem -> forall (xs ys : list byte) (start b : word.rep), word.unsigned (word.sub b start) = Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length xs) -> Lift1Prop.iff1 (xs$@start ⋆ ys$@b) ((xs ++ ys)$@start : mem -> Prop)).
replace b with (word.add start (word.sub b start)).
eapply Array.bytearray_index_merge; trivial.
eapply word.unsigned_inj.
rewrite ?word.unsigned_add, ?word.unsigned_sub.
cbv [word.wrap].
rewrite Zplus_mod_idemp_r.
transitivity (word.unsigned b mod 2^width).
rewrite Z.mod_small; trivial; eapply word.unsigned_range.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
repeat seprewrite_in @ptsto_to_array H39.
rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H39 by ZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ ih_const) H39 ZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-app_assoc in H39.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-!app_assoc in H39.
cbn [length] in *.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-!app_assoc in H39.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-!app_assoc in H39.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-!app_assoc in H39.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-!app_assoc in H39.
seprewrite_in_by (fun x=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ (ih_const++x)%list) H39 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
straightline_call; [(ssplit; cycle -1)|]; cbv [Arrays.listarray_value Arrays.ai_repr Arrays._access_info Arrays.ai_width Arrays.ai_size Arrays.ai_type Memory.bytes_per] in *; change (Z.of_nat 1) with 1%Z in *; try ecancel_assumption; try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
repeat straightline.
repeat match goal with x := word.of_Z 0 |- _ => subst x end.
repeat match goal with x := word.of_Z 62 |- _ => subst x end.
rewrite !word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H43 by Lia.lia.
progress replace ((ih_const ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 62] ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ ip_local) ++ ip_remote)%list with ((ih_const ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 62] ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto]) ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ ip_local ++ ip_remote)%list in * by (rewrite ?app_assoc; trivial).
seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H43.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H43.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H43.
rewrite ?app_length in H43; cbn [length] in H43; rewrite ?LL in H43.
replace (Datatypes.length ip_idff) with 5%nat in H43 by ZnWords.
cbn [plus] in H43.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H43 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
Import symmetry.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H43.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H43.
repeat straightline.
match goal with H : ?P ?m |- store _ ?m _ _ _ => revert H end.
repeat match goal with H : sep _ _ _ |- _ => clear H end.
repeat straightline.
do 6 (destruct pPP as [|? pPP]; (cbn [Datatypes.length] in *; try Lia.lia)).
set ((b :: b0 :: b1 :: b2 :: b3 :: b4 :: pPP)$@(word.add buf (word.of_Z 38))) as X in H40.
cbn [Array.array] in X.
subst X.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H40 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 32 pPP) as HH.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ pPP 32 ltac:(ZnWords)).
forget (List.firstn 32 pPP) as _pkpad.
forget(List.skipn 32 pPP) as pPPP.
subst pPP; rewrite ?app_length in *.
repeat seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ _pkpad) H29.
rewrite ?H33 in *.
change (Z.of_nat 32) with 32 in *.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H29 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; trivial.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
repeat straightline.
revert H37.
repeat match goal with H : sep _ _ _ |- _ => clear H end.
repeat seprewrite_in @ptsto_to_array H37.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 ZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
Optimize Proof.
Optimize Heap.
rename x3 into ipchk.
match goal with x := word.sru ipchk _ |- _ => subst x end.
progress rewrite ?word.unsigned_sru_nowrap, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H37 by ZnWords.
straightline_call; [ssplit; cycle -1|]; try ecancel_assumption.
rewrite ?app_length, ?length_le_split.
pose proof length_le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z Field.M_pos 9))) as Hpkl.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
repeat straightline.
destruct H35; repeat straightline; [intuition idtac | ].
eexists; ssplit.
eexists _, _; ssplit; slv.
eexists; ssplit.
subst a4.
subst a.
rewrite app_assoc.
eexists; ssplit.
eapply Forall2_app; eassumption.
intuition eauto using TracePredicate.any_app_more.
ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; slv.
eexists; ssplit.
subst a4.
subst a.
rewrite app_assoc.
eexists; ssplit.
eapply Forall2_app; eassumption.
exists (from_list 6 mac_local ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (from_list 6 mac_remote ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
cbv beta delta [be2].
exists (le_combine [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]); rewrite split_le_combine' by trivial.
exists (from_list 2 ih_const ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (le_combine [ip_length_lo; ip_length_hi]); rewrite split_le_combine' by trivial.
exists (from_list 5 ip_idff ltac:(ZnWords)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (le_combine [ip_checksum_0; ip_checksum_1]); rewrite split_le_combine' by trivial.
exists (from_list 4 ip_local ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (from_list 4 ip_remote ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (from_list 2 udp_local ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (from_list 2 udp_remote ltac:(assumption)); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (le_combine [b0; b]); rewrite split_le_combine' by trivial.
exists (le_combine [b2; b1]); rewrite split_le_combine' by trivial.
exists (from_list 2 [b3;b4] eq_refl); rewrite to_list_from_list.
exists (_pkpad ++ pPPP).
assert (x11 = ipproto) as Hp.
eapply byte.unsigned_inj.
rewrite E1.
destruct Hp.
ssplit; trivial.
eapply TracePredicate.concat_app.
all : match goal with |- _ ?x _ => eplace x with _; try eassumption; [] end.
assert (app_singleton_l : forall {A} (x:A) xs, [x] ++ xs = x :: xs) by (intros; reflexivity).
2 : simpl le_split at 1.
all : cbn [rev].
all : repeat (rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?app_nil_l, ?app_singleton_l, <-?app_comm_cons).
all : trivial; repeat (f_equal; []).
match goal with c := Impl.ip_checksum_impl ?y |- context[Spec.ip_checksum ?x] => progress rewrite <-(Impl.ip_checksum_impl_ok' y : _ = word.unsigned c) in *; progress replace x with y in * end.
2: {
repeat (rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?app_nil_l, ?app_singleton_l, <-?app_comm_cons).
remember (Spec.ip_checksum _) as chk.
unfold le_split at 1.
repeat (rewrite <-?app_assoc, ?app_nil_l, ?app_singleton_l, <-?app_comm_cons).
all : try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.